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“I don’t understand” eji replied I NEED TO STORE MANA, FOR TEMPORARY CONTRACT I WILL BE BACK, I HAVE OPEN THE DOOR FOR YOUR FRIENDS The duo reach the school entrance, shiro and freeman already ran half way to meet with them, kaneki catch up with them standing in a distance in the school hallway. Alright, I will deal with this, shiro walks in with is eyes glowing bright blue light, walking and looking down at Kaneki as if he was a small insect standing before him. NUISANCE, YOU ARE IN MY WAY, kaneki stretch his hands and a dozen chairs, school locker and some desk came flying with intense speed toward shiro, he rolls his pen around his finger tips Come out come out death the reaper, shiros pen suddenly transform to a scythe long pole with a curved edged blade by the end of the pole, he swings it ,a bright mana light s***h the into pieces the locker and the desk, and chairs. “Freeman scratch his neck and then. Come out, freeman shouted, his wrist watch transform into a bow, he pull the strings from the bow, pure white mana transformed into a spiral white arrow, he shoots it, spiral wind surround about the arrow as it flew into midair towards kaneki who use a locker to shield himself and divert the arrow which flew through the locker to the window totally destroying the locker. Kaneki drew down the damage locker why glaring at them, smiles mischievously OH I DIDNT MENTIONED, I FORGET TO TELL YOU, I AM NOT ALONE Behind Kaneki while smiling mischievously, the urban ghost appears who howled at them. She vanished and then appeared gripping Freeman's neck pushing back midair until he hits the wall, a firm grip at freeman who struggle for air. The mark of death appears in her neck. “s**t”, shiro tried to help but more lockers and desk tossed at him keeping shiro busy, Freeman trying to grasps for air, he reach to his pants pocket and brings out a cross. The urban ghost sees the cross, she drags freeman head while holding his neck against the wall, like a ball thrown by a baseball player, the urban ghost swings freeman into the air, the sheer force of wind followed by her swing was so much that the glass windows shatters as freeman got flew like a diving jet, he hits the ground with a Big Bang bouncing into the air, flew again and bang to the ground continuously until he came to a stop crashing his back to the walls at the end of the hall. Blood comes out of Freeman's mouth, with blood from his body, freeman went out of commission. Freeeeeeeemaaaaan!!! Shiro shouted losing his cool, slashing everything thrown at him, turns to run to towards freeman when “BANG! Force of Heavy wind blows towards his face, a Black hand appears and grip neck pushing him into a nearby class room. The urban ghost had a firm grip on his neck Shiro's eye glow, he reached for his cross in his pant pocket, knowing what he intended to do the urban ghost, melted the window aluminum steels into an iron rope ,it begins to circulate around his hands ,feet, necks, and body. Shiro smiles mischievously, and whisper to the ghost, You and I, we die here wella today, either you die or I die, or we both die, or I know is there is a die The urban ghost glared her red bloodshot Eye's into shiro' showing a sign of intelligence, then suddenly shiro’s spoke out THE GOOD NEWS IS, AM ALREADY DEAD, IT’S JUST LEFT FOR YOU TO JOIN ME. Shiro known as the crazy rebel S.P.P.D detective smiles mischievously and a bright blue light mixed with white mana glows from his death scythe Come out, GRIMP reaper, a ghost in dark clog appears Eji and Christabel dumped founded to the happenings around then when Kaneki spoke. NOW WE ARE LEFT ALONE, CHRISTABEL I HAVE COME FOR YOU, YOU HAVE TO DIE, AND YOUR DEATH WILL BEGINS A PLAGUE. “With tolls of death happening, I will say the death plague has already begun, you moron, Eji replied as he holds Christabel's hand, he runs upthe school staircase, kaneki chase after them, while running up the 2nd floor with hot pursuit, Christabel ankle sprang up, she felt pain as her ankle hasn't completely healed, without a second thought, Eji carry's Christabel on his arms while he run through the 2nd floor hallway reaching for the third floor stair case, as he runs carrying Christy in his arms, Kaneki constantly sends chairs ,table, and anything movable at eji shattering glasses, a sharp cut from a shard pierce is arm, he climbs the third stair case. “Vivian”, where are you, a little help from your baseball bat will be very nice right now”. JUST A LITTLE MORE, ALMOST THERE VIVIAN CRIED OUT. Vivian trying to unlocked his spirit mana, an essence that brings magic to life, when she notice it has two magic core locked in him she opens the first one as she continues to unlock the second spirit mana. Finally he runs at the third floor of the four story building of king crest high school hoping to buy some time, school windows continue to violently shatter into tiny pieces into his face, eji quickly close his eyes as he runs carrying Christabel, from the classroom, a desk came flying with intense speed and hits is head so hard that he fells bouncing on the ground, When he who opens his eyes, his eyes widened in shock as he see kaneki holding Christabel's neck outside the school window, Christabel's heart thuds out in fear as she observed the height distance from the 3rs floor to the ground, HAHAHAHA" KANEKI LAUGHS, FINALLY, I CAN RESTART THE DEATH PLAGUE, he squeezed Christabel's neck tight as Christabel struggle for her life, “No!”Eji tried to get up but kaneki used the nearby locker and desk to pin down eji against the walls, eji scream his heart out “Please No”, he watched Chrisy struggle for air, Christabel looks at eji eyes and she spoke with hot tears from her eyes, kurosaki ejiro, live on I love you HOW TOUCHING kaneki removes his hand for her neck as she falls from the third fall. “NOOOOOOOO! A loud scream from his mouth, hot tears from his eyes flows from his cheek mixing with the blood injuries from his face. SAY MY NAME, Vivian's voice echo, a whisper to his ear VIviaaaan!, He shouted and suddenly, bright pure light know as mana erupted like a volcano from Ejiro as the entire surrounding was blow away with strong wind, mana surrounds Ejiro body, kaneki eyes wide open when he saw Eji full body glowing as the sun, Eji turns standing a distance opposite kaneki with his eye closed, he squeeze open his eyes as his pupils turn white with black dot lighting glitch from the black dot in his eyes, and some part of his body HAHAHAHAHA, KANEKI began to laugh hard as he glared at eji who was standing bright as the sun opposite him, Kaneki stretch out his hands, the school windows began shattering into tiny shards floating like million straight knife's with other chairs and tables floating in midair surrounding him MY SISTER WHO BETRAYED MUMMY AND NOW SHE SERIOUS. Kaneki sends his million tiny glass shard accompanied by tables, chair, and all other things in the room. Towards eji. Vivian in eji body lifts her two hands into the air, as in indivisible sword form with mana, Vivian and eji spoke at the same time. FORM ONE, ASCENSION STAND, SWORD OF HEAVEN, the invisible sword turns into a golden flame was a long golden sword. Its mana burst through the roof like one giant sword HEEEEAVENS JUUUUDGEMENT. They both swing the golden sword form of endless mana energy about them down at Kaneki he looks in shock as the golden sword mana flow from the sky destroying the school roof through the fourth floor descending down at him, with bright flame wiping him out destroying the floor to the last floors. From a birds views, reveals the school building in half with destruction about it. The mana energy in eji s body vanish from him, he became normal as he falls to groundweak. eji back to normal his eyes wide open as he see the building divided into two. Did I do that, he ask. YES, Vivian's voice replied in a low tone appearing weak. Am not going to pay for that am I, pointing the building. Suddenly recollection of Christabel, right he jumps up from the damages floors and building to go check on christabel when he heard a rumbling sound. Cough cough, a glared from Kaneki red eye as he stood up to his feet staggering.
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