1945 Words
Shiro, freeman, christabel and eji sited at the teachers office, a large squared shape room with large window. Students were sent home after the incident and detective queensly and her police homicide team at the crime scene investigating. Ejiro and christabel were told to sit in the teacher’s room until the dust settles. christabel attended to ejiro wounds with tears on her face for her friends who died, out of pain and sadness, shiro and christabel searched the phenomenon club room for what might be a hint  solving the case, her resolve was so much that she didn’t pay attention to the time. it was quarter to 7 when she found what she was looking for. Christabel dropped a very old worn out newspapers and a year book on the table, written in the front page of the newspaper was  “26 student of class 3b of king crest high school and others dies mysteriously.  Shiro flips the newspaper as pictures of dead victims had Black Hand imprint in their necks. “This is interesting shiro spoke looking at the black hands on the neck and he looks at eji's and christabels neck, “The exact same mark on the victim is the same on your necks” shiro spoke up “My deduction from this means that you two have being marked for death.” Shiro looks at the duo. “Eh” eji  shocked, “damn, I knew this was bound to happen”. Please continue, shiro replied Christabel explains, “I was in the swimming club when miyu takamura, my close friend invited me to join phenomenon club, she was lonely apart from senior kaneki who was her childhood friend, I was the only one she had. I melt Yukina mashasashiro, Tracy Davis, and miyu takamura. The four of us in phenomenon club with Tracy as our leader we worked together to solve ghost mysteries, Tracy was intrigued about ghost and supernatural activities, she said she was save by an S.P.P.D officer who used a sword to slain a demon hell dog, she added how cool he was and ever since she had love crush and wanted to meet that guy, she wanted to join the S.P.P.D, so we began investigating supernatural events. One day, Tracy asked if we knew about the urban ghost of king crest, her myth was famous among student and parent who went to king cream in the past, she became an urban legend, folktales stories was created for her but no one knew if it was true or just some myth, out of curiosity, we started investigating about the urban ghost to know if it was a myth tale,  one info lead to another, the more we solve puzzles and mysteries ,the more deep discoveries.  We came across an old newspaper article about 26 students of class 3b and others involved in with the urban case died In mysterious ways, they had hand imprint in their neck, they were students of the old king crest high school 37 years ago, the only way to get info was the school year book, the school authorities refused give out any info instead tried to persuade the club members away from it.  old records of the school was the answer, so we visited the old school not knowing what we have awoken, she explained the event that occur in old cream crest building. She gave the detective the year book, which includes a name Vivian Asemota. shiro began to jolt into his note. “Who is Vivian asemota? “What is her relationship with the school? “Who is was the detective who handle the case 37 year ago” This were the words that was written in shiro dairy, Eji explain that the reason he had enroll into king crest was to search for his brother who went missing in search of his father who also mysteriously disappeared and suddenly , he began to see dreams before the event. After Shiro had jolted things about the appearances of the urban ghost and the sailor ghost, the school had some explanation to do as regards the ghost.  shiro and  freeman went to schedule a meeting for the next day, cause the night was approaching quickly, Christabel had being attending to eji’s wounds , she decided to take a short break out and call her aunty.  Ejiro really tired and stressed out decided to recap all that happen, dreams, Tracey, urban ghost, death etc. he felt dizzy and fell asleep while sitting in a chair in teacher’s office.  The room was a large square room with desks filled with books, pen, monitors and chairs, the room had four big windows. Eji was sited close to one of the big windows. The evening wind blows strongly at the school curtains in the window when suddenly, the room lights turned off with the moon light filtered through the window on eji’s face sitting close to the window.  The night moon had made the room black and white, estimated time past 7.20  A dark silhouette image appears behind the curtain where eji was sited sleeping, the image was holding a baseball bat but appears to be dark and blends with the silhouette image, an image of a young girl, she stretched her hand on Eij’s head and he had a dream. The night full moon shone bright light on trees, modern building, and the moon light made the street in perspective silhouette black and white with technology light off.  Someone from a far distances was running, he was on king crest uniform, the urban ghost was on his tail, when the boy turn his face to look back, it was eji , the ghost stretch her black arm. “kurosaki” “wake up, eji squeezed his eyes open, turns his head ,it was christabel She stares at eji’s face  “Are you alright?  she questioned. Eji stares into her blue eyes as the moon light shone bright in the duos face. “I don’t know what I will do if I lose you, today I almost went mad, I couldn’t bear the thought you were going to leave me so soon”. She draws her face closer to his face, staring boldly to his dark eyes, “well thanks to my shinning knight ,I am here with you. I have something to tell you kurosaki”. “Wait, before I forget, I have something to give you “, Eji remove the cross chain from his neck and place it on her neck. “This cross was the reason why the ghost vanish, she is powerful but I think this her weakness, shiro, freeman and I will go to your house and fortify your home, we drop you and freeman while shiro and I can get more cross .The duo talked a while, the evening wind created a romantic atmosphere between the duo but was soon short leave when the lights turn on and shiro opens the door. “Ahemmm!” am so jealous of you eji. Let’s go “What do you mean? Eji questioned as if nothing had happen. Shiro and freeman drove to the christabel house, as planned. Freeman placed the cross chains and other S.P.P.D talisman in doors, windows, floor etc, while eji and shiro visit the popular S.P.P.D convenient store to buy more cross and fortifications. Eji was standing outside outside waiting for shiro, suddenly then the convenient store lights went off. He had a feeling that the urban ghost was nearby, he turned to run into the store , the front door slammed shut. Confused and already trembling with no protection, his eye moved to and fro standing in a defense pose like someone about to catch a rabbit. Behind him emerge from the convenient store walls, the urban ghost, the night had made her bloodshot eyes bright red looking down behind eji’s head. BEHIND YOU A girl’s voice spoke in his head. He turns his head around, a loud haunting howl screamed at him.  he jumps rolling on the ground and began to run with all his might, he dash through a street and could recognized the street,  he saw it in his dream while running in the street with modern houses, his adrenaline rush made him thinks faster than normal, he calculates that if he must survive, he has to find shiro location, not because shiro could save him, no, because he will get the cross to prevent her from killing him. He was almost at the end of the street when he slide his feet to the ground.  The urban ghost was standing a distance in the middle of the street in front of him. He remember the dream and started running back where he ran from. The urban ghost raised her hand mid-way, the light in the streets and houses began to turn off one by one, eji was still running when he heard a voice in his head. RUN TO STREET, TAKE A RIGHT TURN, HELP IS ON THE WAY TO YOU, CALL MY NAME. “What? “Who are you and why are you in my head? “Damn” another spirit again, I don’t have time for these” eji grimaced Eji still running as the street light shatters violently forcing him to raise his arms to cover his head from the falling shards. The urban ghost dash out with intense speed in hot pursuit after eji. As she move, thick black smoking substance’s moves with her damaging vehicles, violently shattering vehicle windows with street light . The urban ghost stretched her hands  almost reaching eji’s neck with black smoking substances surrounding her arm to her body however eji turns right obeying the voice in his head. He bumps into shiro who had already analyzed the situation from afar and prepared to ambush the ghost. the urban Ghost turns right only to see shiro holding a cross necklaces, she instantly vanished with her smoke. The sight of the ghost startled shiro however he was not afraid duo to his line of work. “Put it on” shiro threw a cross necklaces to the panting eji trying to catch his breath, who just ran a full street. The urban ghost appeared a distance in front to the duo with thick black substances about her. Vehicles parked behind her in horizontal manner down the street left and right. Houses behind the parked vehicles where she was standing. Eji looking at a live horror movie was afraid but not shuddering “So this is the famous urban ghost?, shiro questioned. “She was not having this black substances when she appeared in school, eji explain, her appearance seem to have changed. she was still having her long black hair to her kneel, dark circles for her eye socket which made her bloodshot gleam eyes bright red, her skull face with worms about it, her white gown similar to a wedding dress had change to thick black substances about her. Her hands and feet where still black but with longer claws as finger nail. “Hmmmm”, shiro took a note and wrote down his experiences leaving eji speechless. “Are you not afraid? eji questioned while staring at the ghost who howled at them “No” it’s my line of work” learn this eji ,when you standing in front of assholes like her, rule number one , do not be afraid. Fear makes s her to grow stronger, from my deduction now, it appears she is stronger at night; shiro was still talking when the ghost angrily howled at him. “Oya oyaaa shiro smiles, she seems to be angry that I call her an i***t”.” how rude of me sweetheart.” “Allow me to introduced myself ,I am officer shirogawa kagami  of the S.P.P.D. popularly known as jack the ripper” he roll is pen around his fingertips, blue light envelops the pen transforming it to a long thick pole bringing out a huge curved edged sharp long blade. Shiro stands in a battle stance straight with a death scythe, a humanoid spirit with a white and red color mask, on glowing blue clothes floats behind shiros head as the huge full moon shone behind him.
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