Chapter 3

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|Aila| The heavy rain is visible from my window. It’s Sunday so I don’t have work and I don’t think I can concentrate after what happened last night in the hotel near Black Hole where Sandro brought me.    Ynna sent me home after I told her I’m not feeling well. I didn’t tell her what happened between me and Sandro because I was in my weakest point. At that moment, I just want to feel the comfort of my bed. I just let our family driver get my car in the bar this morning.    I’m wearing a beige cardigan paired with an inner spaghetti-strapped top and still in my pajamas while leaning on the window inside my room. I also have a cup of coffee made by Alma, one of our helpers.   Some people love the rainy season, especially when they’re just inside their room, chilling and realizing things. This season becomes a time for the sound of raindrops to comfort them. But for me, this is the season where I just want to lie on my bed and sleep until it stops.    One thing I hate about it is that it reminds me of the worst day of my life. It reminds me of how immature and weak I am as a person. It reminds me of my past that keeps on haunting me for years.   It started that day. That very certain day, the end of my 18th summer.   We just got home from Hong Kong for a two weeks’ vacation. The trip was also a gift for me and my eldest brother, Ivan who graduated as Summa c*m Laude on the course he took which is Civil Engineering.   Tomorrow will be the opening of classes and my first day as a Senior High School student. I am fixing things inside my bag for tomorrow. A bit excited to meet new friends and engage in a new environment but a little nervous because I am really used to meeting the same people for a reason that I attended the same school since kindergarten. Ynna told me that her parents also enrolled her in the same school as mine, Westwood Academy. I wish we will still be classmates so it would not be too awkward for me to meet new friends.   I put all the new notebooks inside my black Calvin Klein bag that my mom and I bought while on vacation in Hong Kong. I also put my laptop in it even though I’m not sure if we really need it on the first day. But just in case I’ll get bored, I have something to use and watch movies on it.    I was busy arranging my things when my phone rang. Ynna’s name flashed on the screen. This girl is really excited because, since last week, she’s always mentioning the name of the school. She really can’t wait for tomorrow, huh?   “Inn, what is it again?” I chuckled and continued arranging my bag while talking to her.   “I can’t wait for tomorrow, Aila!” she said excitedly.   “It’s not obvious though.”   “I really can’t imagine that we are already in Senior High School! New friends and… new boys!”   I’m shocked by what she said. Memories of my mom reminding me not to enter any romantic relationship while studying flashed in my mind. Well, I’m not thinking about it, and my priorities are my studies. That’s all. Love can wait, right?   “Really? Boys, again? You know what, focus on your studies first, boys will flock in front of you if you will be successful someday. Mark my words, Ynna. I swear!” I said.   “How will you know that what you said was true? You didn’t even experience the so-called love! Aila, wake up! Puppy love is the best love you could ever experience. Mark my words! Loving while studying doesn’t mean you’re not serious about your goals, you just need a little bit of love to spice up your school life.”   I just stayed silent so that Ynna and I won’t argue about love anymore. She kept on talking about her expectations about our new school that we ended until 8 o’clock in the evening. We’ve slept early for us to be ready on the next day, our first day of class, and my most awaited day.   It’s just 5 in the morning, but I’m already up. My first class will be at 8, maybe I’m just too excited to go to school.   I took a shower and now I am here inside my walk-in closet, deciding what to wear on the first day of school.   I grabbed the taupe halter top and then paired it with my high-waisted mom jeans.   “I think this is too revealing, Aila” I whispered to myself when I saw my reflection in the mirror.   I changed my bottom to skinny jeans and snatched the Chanel black and white tweed jacket that was hanged inside my cabinet to cover some skin while on a halter top.   I hurriedly grabbed my bag above the vanity table and before going out of my room, I wore my favorite nude wedge sandals.   My mom got shocked seeing me going downstairs early this morning all dressed up and almost ready to go.   “Wow, excited? You are so early; Mino will drive you first before he will go to his school.” My mom said while preparing our breakfast on the table.   She put down a bowl of freshly sliced mangoes for our fruit. There are bacon, egg, and ham on the table. And of course, rice.   I was already sitting and ready to eat when my two brothers, Ivan and Mino arrived in the dining area. Both of them grinned strangely because this was the only time that I was the first one to take breakfast. Usually, they’re always annoyed at me for taking so much time preparing for school.   “Mom, who will pick me up later after school?” I just ignored my two brothers and talked to my mom. If I’ll give them my attention, probably they will just irritate me until I’ll reach my limits.   Nah! I don’t want to destroy my first day at school so not talking with them is best to avoid that.   “Maybe your Dad will just pick you up later. He will have a meeting with the senators this morning, but if he can’t make it with you, I’ll just call you again and let Mino pick you up.”  She looked at my brother who’s busy eating his bacon.   “I hope you’ll be like this until the end of the school year, Aila,” Mino said mockingly.   “Duh. I always woke up early in the morning.” I reasoned out and continued eating the mangoes left on my plate.   “Yep, you’re always early in waking up but late in getting up,” Ivan added while using his cellphone.   “Ivan, please put your phone down, we are eating. Manners, please.” I can hear authority from my dad's voice in correcting Ivan.   “So what if I get up late? I’m always on time in arriving in school” I said proudly because the school I last attended was just a few meters away from our house. I hope I won't be late on the following days because Westwood Academy is almost 30 minutes away from here.   “That was before, Aila! Geez! If I’ll be late because of your tardiness, I will really leave you here and let someone bring you to school.” Mino added.   “So? There’s still Ivan who’s willing to send me to school. Right, bro?” using my eyes, I showed Ivan my cutest stare to get his yes.   “What are you? Lucky one?” he said, and they both laughed because they’re playing with me again.   After breakfast, we went to school. Thank God, Mino didn’t bother to talk to me the whole duration of the drive. He dropped me in front of the gate, and after that, he left already.   “Administration Building” The name of the building just after you enter the gate. I saw a group of students looking at the bulletin board. I guess the list of students and sections are posted there.   I walked to where the students are flocking and looked for my name.   ‘LIST OF STUDENTS IN SECTION 1-A’ I read   Diego, Dantes…. Espada, Espejo…. Regalado, Restio, Ragos… Rivas!   I saw my surname and Ynna’s, Thank God we’re classmates.   Our classroom will be at building 4A so I hurriedly look for it.   The campus is so big that I can’t find the building where my classroom is located. I have wandered the same locations for how many times but I just got disappointed not to find the room so I called Macy. Maybe she’s already here because she’s really excited about the first day.   “Ynna, are you in school already?” I asked her while watching some students passing by in front of me.   “Wait, I just have arrived. You are so early, huh.  I thought I was just the only one who’s excited.” I can hear her breathing heavily, maybe she’s running from the gate to the Admin Building.   “Just got up early. I’m here in front of the cafeteria. I’ll just wait for you here, and oh!, I already saw your name on the list and we’re classmates!” I happily informed her.   “Oh, thank, God! Okay, I’m already going there, and I think I’m near.”   I ended the call and wait for her.   After a few minutes, I saw Ynna chasing her breath.   “This school is freakin’ big! I have roamed a thousand times already just to know that this cafeteria is just here!” I can’t control myself from laughing at her. Her glass skin was covered with sweat, so I handed her a tissue that I brought.   “No, Thanks. I have my wipes with me.”   I just returned the tissue in my bag and lead the way.   “I can’t find our room. Have you seen the building 4A a while ago? Maybe it’s in another branch or Westwood Academy?”   It surprised me when Ynna suddenly burst into laughter. “Are you joking? Do you know some branch of Westwood Academy? You know what? You are really something!” she said while holding her stomach.   “I wasn’t joking! I was just stating some possibilities, you know?” I explained.   “I don’t know. You are the one who’s smart among the two of us, so I didn’t get it. Hahaha. Let’s go, Ail, I don’t want you to lecture me about that early this morning.”   She said and pulled me towards the building beside the cafeteria. We used the elevator to go to the 2nd floor. We looked again for the room, but to our dismay, we can’t really find it.   “You know what? We are stupid, why not ask someone if they have the idea where it is? Wait here, maybe he’s a senior. Let’s ask him.” She saw someone in front of us.   With no hesitation, Macy come closer to the boy and patted him. Ynna was stunned for a moment, and no words have come out of her mouth. It dazed this scamp that I need to pinch her for her to come back in reality! This b***h!   “H-hi!” and this girl really stuttered! “Hello?” I became deaf from the noise at the back and the only sound that I can hear was his voice. He’s the perfect example of a person having a ‘husky voice’. My goodness!   “A-ahm, we just want to ask a question. Are you familiar with the building 4A?” she used her smoothest voice. Ynna, using that tone won’t make you angelic! The nerve!    “I'm also looking for building 4A.” he answered with no emotion.   So if we are looking for the same building, does it mean we are classmates?   “W-what? You’re also a freshie?”  Ynna asked excitedly. This girl is really obvious, is she really this happy when meeting new boys?   I just shake my head and focused on the boy in front of us.   “Yes, 1A.” he answered.   “Omg! Same with us! Hi! My name is Ynna, Ynna Diego while this girl here is Aila Feliz Rivas. You? What’s your name?” no one can really stop the mouth of this girl. As if this guy wants to know our name.   “Sandro Hugo Espada”   “Do you know ‘Espada’ in Filipino means ‘Sword’? Filipino blooded here.” She proudly said. “Swords are long, like your…. Name! Your name is too long.” She has a hidden smile on her lips while looking at his crotch area. This girl is really weird! Can I have a stopper for her mouth?   Sandro or Hugo or whatever he wanted to call him just stayed silent and expressionless.   The three of us decided to find the building 4A. This boy here doesn’t seem so friendly.   I don’t know what magic this Sandro has but after a few turns; we reached the exact room we are looking for.   He took the seat just in front of the teacher, and of course, Ynna followed her. Before this school year starts, I have already decided that I must sit in front every semester so I can listen intently to the teacher, good thing there are just a few students here.   “So, where you from?” Ynna continued asking him. Her hands on her chin and she’s leaning on Marcus’ armchair.   “La Cuesta” Sandro answered directly.   “Ohh. Aila is just from del Fuego, and also me. Actually, our house is just a few meters away from each other.” She’s really fond of exposing her story to this guy.   “Do you have a girlfriend?” she asked curiously.   If I just have an extra handkerchief, I would love to gag her with it.   “No. I prioritize my studies.” Wow, straight to the point!   “Aila doesn’t also have a boyfriend!” I glared at her. Why am I included in her conversation?!   “Are you still a virgin?” she whispered on the guy, but I can still hear her. Wtf is wrong with this girl? This is too much!   “Yes, why so curious?”  he answered again seriously.   “Gee! Aila too!” I got pissed that I slapped her arm.   “Wtf, Ynna!”   “What? I’m just helping you.”   What?!!!   I looked at Sandro, and to my shock, he’s staring intently at me. I couldn't stand it I diverted my eyes in the other direction.   “Hello everyone, I am Miss Hilary Maiko and I will be your adviser and Science teacher for this school year. I’ve been teaching in this institution for almost 10 years now.” She continued telling her story while something still occupied my mind, or I must say someone.   “I know everyone of you are so excited to start the year right so let’s start by knowing each other.  So I have already told you my name and story, so now it’s your turn. Name, school that you last attended, age and the last one is your goal this school year.”   I listened to my classmates, some of them came from the other city, and others were just here in La Fuego. Now it’s Ynna’s turn. “Ynna Diego, graduated from St. John’s School, I am 17 years old. My goal this school year is to know everyone of you, especially you, Mr. Ambrosio” she smiled sweetly as she faced the Mr. Ambrosio she was talking about. The guy feels a little bit embarrassed but still laughed together with our classmates. Ynna made the room’s aura light because a while ago it was so serious and awkward.   “Just joking. Truth is, I still want to be on the top 10, that is one of my goal this school year.” She curtsied that made our classmates laugh again. She’s really jolly and fun. It’s now my time so I stand straight and faced my classmates. “Hi everyone, my name is Aila Feliz Rivas, Ynna and I graduated at the same school, St. John. I am now 17 years old and my only goal is to be a consistent top student. Thank you.” I have nothing more to say so I sat down and wait for the next student to say. “My name is Sandro Hugo Espada, I am from South Secondary School and I am now 17 years old” The room went silent and as I looked at them, their attention was fully on Sandro. Yes, he’s handsome, but I didn’t think this would be his effect on some girls! “And my only goal this school year..” his eyes glazed at me. My heart went wild that breathing became hard for me. “…is to beat Miss Rivas. I also want to be on top” He sat down and my classmates roared because it’s just the first day and it seems like some silent war will happen between us!   W-what? What is it again?   I saw him smirk. What is the meaning of this? Does he really want to get in my way? You wish, Sandro! “Wow, both of you want it on top, huh! Well, if you’ll ask me, I’ll say the same. It’s more satisfying to be on top.” Ynna said with other meanings and let her eyes wandered to the both of us. “Shut up, Ynna!”
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