8 California Dreamin’ HAYATO The last day of ChristmasIt’s not just good s*x. Not just better s*x than I would have enjoyed with Eloa. It’s the best s*x I’ve ever had. It feels like we’re communing on some deeper level. Having a conversation even better than the one at dinner. Is this what s*x feels like when there’s actually some connection? Or is it her? I don’t know. Can’t parse what any of this means. Only that I can’t get enough of her. First on the couch, then over it with her curvy backside thrust out as I take what I want to the soundtrack of more California 60’s rock and her breathless moans. Eventually, we make it to the bedroom. I take her there, too, with her warm thighs wrapped around my waist. She’s hot. Figuratively and literally. Her body temperature seems to natur