Episode 51

973 Words

With a swift movement, I dashed away from the window to pin Liam with my White face. " Where did you find her? " " She is the one who's taking care of alpha Waylen. Remember I told you Cyrus's Father is sick " " What? " I asked in horror " That woman down there plays a big part in my sorrow and you know it Liam " " No I don't, I'm not the beta of sky pack... Remember? " He asked with his arms spread. I took a couple of breathe as I realized he's telling the Truth. " You are right but... " I stop to think everything throughly. My thoughts going in circle " Liam we need to save Alpha Waylen " " And how are we going to save her when we ain't a doctor or witch ? " " By outsmarting her " I replied quietly '' I'm familiar with this situation. You have claimed Alpha Waylen has bee

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