Episode 8

1887 Words
The sun shone brightly through the slit of the window curtains and I sighed softly. It is another day, a Sunday actually and i have the hunch that today will be so long but first I need to see father off. I turn to stare at the beautiful woman in chestnut hair in my arms. Freya. She nuzzled closer to me and I gathered her into my arms the more. Her breathing against my chest was even but slow indicating she is awake. I allowed her to stay in my arms for a longer while before, finally I ease her away and get up from the bed. I was only in my briefs due to another round of love I made to her the previous night when I returned to my room. I have met her awaiting my return with nothing on her body. I'd say she was only like a tool for distraction to me. I walk straight to take a brief hot shower and then return a moment later to see Freya standing over the window with a cup of coffee in her hand. " Good morning " She greeted with a smile and I nodded in response. I turn towards my dressing room where I get dressed in some formal clothes for I will be stepping out of my pack today. I styled my hair differently, making my appearance to be formidable. " You have a schedule? " She asked when I appeared behind her. She had finished her cup of coffee. " Yes, I got some things to do " I replied with a shrug of my shoulder. Slowly she walk towards me. " Would you be arriving late? " " I'm not sure. Either way do not wait for my return. You can leave whenever you can " I turn immediately towards the exit, not interested in her response. I walk out of my room, down to the hallway, and straight to my office where Liam was waiting for me already at the entrance. I took in his appearance from afar and I had to admit, he is a one fine man but surely not enough to surpassed my beauty. " Good morning Alpha Cyrus " He greeted and I nodded once as I walk into the office slowly. " What are my schedules for today? " " Uh... Not much. You only got to escort Alpha Aries and then your trip to shallow pack " I nodded slowly before gritting my teeth. " Yes , shallow pack " I turn to Liam and sighed " Any distress call? " " No , not at all " " Well then, it's morning already. I would check on father to see if he is ready to depart " I was still in the middle of my speech when I heard some audible voices outside. I took a long stride towards the window and peer out, just in time to see Ava and her father already by the car. They seem to be waiting for my presence. " Our presence is needed out there Liam " I announced to my beta who followed me immediately as I walk out of the office, down the hall and finally outside. I sighed softly when I saw Ava in a short and a tank top. She seem so relaxed as though at home. Well as far as my real father is concerned sky pack will always be Ava's home Because she is my mate. I dragged my gaze away from the woman who was supposed to be my Luna and towards her father. Aries was smiling brightly at me as he stood besides his car, ready to depart. " I'm sorry for keeping you waiting father " I apologized as I get to him. That wasn't in my new behavior. I never apologize for anything and to anyone but Aries wasn't like anyone, he is a father figure so I tend to be respectful. " Have you even taken breakfast? " " Nevermind son, the maids here are so accommodating. Thanks a lot " I smile softly at him and he pull me closer for a tight hug " please keep my daughter safe " He whispers into my ears and finally pulled back. I turn to Liam. " Where are the men I have told you to organize so they could guard father home? " " There " He replied pointing towards three able men who was already making their way to where we stood. " They will keep you safe father , I will try to keep in touch " I said to Aries after turning back to him. He offers Liam and i a little smile and then to his daughter, Ava he nodded. I guess they have said all they needed to before I arrived. The three able men arrived. They greeted us and then escorted Aries into the car. Finally All we could see from where we stood was the car zooming off. I overheard my massive gate of Sky pack open and closes. Now that father is gone I wiped off the smile away from my face totally and replaced it with a frown. I turn to Liam and signals him to bring forward a car for our journey to shallow pack at once. Liam left to do my bidding, leaving only Ava and I. I knew she feels awkward just by staying alone with me. She continues to gaze at the direction her father's car has took longingly. I turn slightly to steal a glance at her and I found her wrist bruised. I frown in confusion as the memory hit me. I had pushed her roughly to the floor when I found her at the edge of the terrace. " Tell one of your waiting lady to clean up that bruise for you " I said rather harshly " You shouldn't be walking around with a bruise wrist when you smells of meat" yes! funny but truth. Anyone from Quilt pack has this unique smell of meat. I saw her eyes flicker in fear when she heard my words but I didn't wait for her response Because that Time Liam appear with my car. I walk into the car and lowered myself besides the driver's seat. " Alpha Cyrus? " Liam called as he speed away leaving alone Ava still standing. I was watching her in the rear mirror and I wonder how possibly she might be feeling. Sad and downcast to be sure. " Do you think Alpha Devan will grant us audience? " " Why not? " I replied gritting my teeth angrily. The gate was open and Liam Cruised out. The journey to shallow pack was a very long tiring one but finally we arrived on the massive gate. On setting eyes on me, the man by the gate let us in immediately. I could see the anxious expression on his face and the way everyone around the vicinity cringed in fear upon seeing me. Liam stopped the car in the guests garage and we alighted gingerly. My eyes varies around the beautiful environment and I caught sight of a man walking towards us. I nodded slowly at him from afar as I saw him smiling. " You are here Alpha Cyrus " He greeted when he Drew nearer to us and I c****d up an eyebrow as though to ask him who he is. " Oh , I'm beta Laureen " " I'm here to see your Alpha " I replied coldly without acknowledging him. Why would I act friendly When the leader of this pack has locked away two of my own werewolves. " Follow me please " Laureen says and we obey stiffly. He entered a fine neat building and into an office where a man stood behind a desk. He was sitting down gingerly while fiddling a pen in his finger. " Here he is " I turn to take in alpha Devan's presence. A handsome solid man with a golden short hair. Okay, so he wasn't bad looking and his face seem friendly. We could have been good colleagues but he just poke on my sore spot. His expression told me he knew the real reason why I have appeared. He stood up from where he sat and walk Slowly towards the window. " I have only hear the rumors about how you care so much about your pack and nothing more, the words of your elegancy and beauty, the words of how brave and terrifying you are. Setting eyes on you today I am bold to say for once the rumours are true. I know you have come to free your two ladies which by all means I shall release to your custody but ... " He turned to me with a clenched jaw and I saw his eyes flashed in determination. Okay, I take back the fact that he looks friendly, actually he doesn't. I didn't speak or say anything for i have the feelings he still got some words to spree out of that plumped lips of his. " I wouldn't give up on Ava Aries even if she now lives in your pack. She is mine by all means and I won't stop coming for her. I would make her my s*x slave, her body would be laying in my bed... " I have heard enough, swiftly I darted towards him and gripped his neck tightly. At the corner of my eyes I saw Liam gripped Laureen too. " Oh , guess you still love this woman in question " Devan taunted me and I tightened my hold on his neck the more. " Alright alright " He wheeze. He put up his hands as though to surrender and I left him roughly. " Where are my girls? " I asked acidly. The door open and the two ladies appear in the doorway shivering in fear. I turn to them with a clenched jaw. The words of Devan about ava has made me so furious. I realized she still have some effects on me. " Are you hurt? " " No, not at all " The ladies replied in unison. I gritted my teeth angrily before turning back to Devan whom I offered a death look. " I will be waiting for you to carry out your threats " I whispers in the coldest voice I could muster. I turn and walk out of the office and towards my car at once. I waited beside the car, waiting for the ladies to get in first but I realized they were reluctant. " Alpha Cyrus " The one who had said something about falling in love began " The man I came here for was ... " " Enough! " I yelled out to her and I saw her cringed in great fear. " Get in the car this minute " Quickly they both dashed into the backseat in order to avoid my wrath. I walk around to lower myself besides the driver's seat while Liam took the wheel and he speed out. As we journey back to my pack my thoughts was clouded. There and then I realized this man called Devan wasn't bluffing. He meant business.
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