Episode 23

1722 Words

Ava's pov " Cyrus please , you can't do this " I was saying , whispering and mumbling. I feel like going crazy with what keeps happening around me. I frown deeply when Cyrus left me standing and headed towards his white office. I followed him immediately and we both entered the building. " Cyrus listen to me, this is a bad idea. You can't go on a ... " " And why can't I go on a duel? " He suddenly asked, turning to me all of a sudden. I quickly screech to a stop , facing me blankly in fear. Peering closely into his blue Mariner eyes, I saw he wasn't angry. No! We couldn't call the expression he has " angry ". The look on his face reminds me of the day he caught me on bed with Raphl. Wait a second, was Cyrus jealous? " Cyrus I think we both should calm down and talk things out. You are

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