Episode 34

1097 Words

Ava's pov I was stunned totally by what I just heard from my mate Cyrus. With a sunken heart, I watched as he left me standing in the rooftop and then walk away. My knees gave way and in no time I was on a kneeling position with my eyes brimmed heavily with tears. He just left again after learning the Truth. He had claimed he shouldn't be forgiven by me. He had claim I do not deserve him and he had claim I deserve more and more than anything he could offer. How would I make Cyrus understand that he's the only man I would ever love? How would I make him understand I can't change what my heart and who my wolf chooses. Finally I stood up from where I kneeled on and motion into my room blindly. Everyone who saw me mutters a soft words. I realized everyone had known about the Truth because

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