Episode 45

1118 Words

The wind was blowing both Liam's hair and mine backward as we stood before the silent building speaking. The expression on his face tells me he is astonished by my words and I get it. He must have had a very unique relationship with me in this time. Being a best friend means so much than I can ever take away from him at all. " I'm sorry Liam " I apologized as I take in his sober look " I am so sorry about this and I promise to right the wrong, I promise to... " Liam suddenly shut me up by pulling me into his embrace gently. He cupped his palm at the back of my neck and sigh into my hair. " You don't need to apologize " He replied smoothly " I know somewhere in you is the Ava I know. Come here, let's see if you would remember anything around here " Liam didn't wait for me to reply be

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