Sweet Holiday Wishes: Chapter Five December 23rd The next morning, Mitch stood on Main Street. His plan to woo Lizzy had brought them closer last night, but he needed to do more today. While Lizzy shopped on her own, he wanted to buy her another Christmas present. The Chocolate Emporium would have the candy she liked, but he wanted a gift that would last and remind her of this trip. He rubbed the back of his neck. An older woman walking a fluffy white dog headed toward him with the purposeful steps of a five-star general. “I’m Lucille Sanderson, and you look lost.” She wore heavy makeup, and her blond hair was up in a bun. “People call me the biggest busybody in town, but they’re just jealous because I’m the most popular. Isn’t that right, Princess?” As if on cue, the little dog bark