Willow's Garden

308 Words
Willow plants flowers year round. She is compelled to. She doesn't know why. It's one of the things she remembers most. Some how it's stuck in her memory bank, as a memory of her and her mom. She doesn't have a whole lot of them. It seems like the one's that she does have makes her have to continue the flower garden. She doesn't know it yet but each of the flower buds represent a soul and the plant itself represents the body of all the souls it produces. All the flowers she creates glow and sparkle. Everyone who has ever seen the garden asks her how she keeps it so beautiful? There's only one one thing that comes to her heart when they ask her. "LOVE" she answers with "I suppose" it's all the love I put into each and every bud on it's stem. She often wanders why she feels this way and others feel like it's a hobby. She hasn't spent a lot of time thinking about it. She knows that there is someone else out there that feels the same way. She just hasn't met them yet. She has visited a lot of gardens but none of them have what hers does. PERFECTION. When a flower falls off and dies it represents a person's soul that has just left our world. When it is just a soul that is sick. She can usually give it enough love and understanding of what it's going through to replenish and ward off the it's sickness long enough for it to heal. She doesn't know how or why it's a lot like magic, but she is able to do it. That is why she loves it so much that hers is the prettiest in town. She grows it year round. This place has the perfect climate for it.
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