Chapter 1

915 Words
As I run through the woods, wind blowing through my hair, heart pounding against my chest, adrenaline coursing through my veins, I hear their footsteps gaining on me. All I can think about is how much fun this is going to be. “I saw it run this way!” The slight smile resting on my face is growing with every passing tree as I run for my life. “Dominique, hurry up!” I shake my head laughing. “Calm down, they couldn’t even catch us if we were walking.”  “Dom seriously, we are in danger here!” “We will be fine! We just have to make it to the clearing!”  Just as I finished speaking a gun shot rings out silencing the once noise filled forest. “s**t!” “Dom!” I feel a faint sting on my shoulder, of course this isn’t the first time that I have been shot and I sure as hell know it won’t be the last, but f**k it still hurts like a b***h. But that’s what us demons have to put up with. That is until we die, submit or take over. Human’s are ruthless killers who think they are better than every other species.  With humans they want to rule the world they want other species to submit to them so they can use you as a slave, maybe just kill you for the hell of it because they like the rush of it. I mean demons feel the same way when killing but that’s not the point.  “I think I got one!” “Dom are you ok?” “Never better, come on we are almost there!” “Did they use…?” "No Now come on, they are getting closer. I can smell them.” “f**k!” “Lets go!” We pick up our pace and book it to the opening between the trees. If we can make it into the opening they will lose track of us. That opening is a passage into our territory. Only demons can enter since it’s a portal to our realm.  We have a ward set in place that makes it possible for other supes to enter if they have permission from the royal family. Most supes have each other’s backs since it’s a time of crisis but there are certain ones that still wish to pick fights within ourselves.  “I see them, quick there going to get away!” Another gun shot rings out but luckily misses. Just a bit further and we will be safe. “Hurry!”  Shit I can hear them getting closer. I need to distract them!  “Xavier, go through and get back up. I’m going to fight em off!” “They will kill you!” “Xavier do it! We both won’t make it in time they are to close!” “But Dom!" “Don’t question your princess! This is an order!” “God dammit Dom, f*****g hell.. fine!” “I see them!” “Run!” “Shoot dammit, don’t let them get away!” “Come on boys! Bring it!” I scream as I charge towards them giving Xavier enough time to get through the portal. I take a few of them off guard as I run towards the guy closest to me. Demons typically look human but when we go full demon mode we look quite different. Of course there are many different breeds of demons, each with their own signature look. I however am the daughter of the most powerful breed, the deadliest breed. And for that I am thankful.  As I get closer the horns I typically cover with hair start growing, my nails getting sharper almost like claws. My eyes go deep purple almost black as wings sprout from my back ripping holes in my tank top.  “You dare f**k with me and my people!?!” I yell my voice booming with power silencing everything within the surrounding area.  I raise my hand as a blueish purple flame dances in my palm. I watch with excitement as the man in front of me starts to sweat.  “What are you doing John? Don’t just stand there, kill the thing!” The guy in front of me 'John' seems to snap out of it and reach for his pocket. But I’m faster. I throw the fire ball on the ground in front of him, reach through and grab his neck my thumb nail resting on his throat.  “Try it again and I slice your head off.” I say smirking at him.  “Somebody please get this off of me!”  “You know it’s rude to call somebody a thing. I have a name you pricks.” I push my nail harder against his neck and draw a bit of blood.  John starts squirming as he continues to call for help.  “If you keep squirming like that I could kill you accidentally.”  John stills immediately know how true that statement was. “Let him go demon!”  “The names Dominique, human.”  "Like I give a s**t!”  "Keep talking like that and I’ll kill poor little John."
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