Don't move! I have a door and I'm not afraid to use it!

1005 Words

Spring comes in two phases. The wait, symbolized by the spinning of the spear. And the welcome, which the downward s***h represented. Earlier, when I fought with the knight, I felt that there was something more to the cards than I previously thought. The time I used Two Blades Like Wave differently gave me enlightenment. The card had two extremes. Take for instance the Two Blades Like Wave, it could be used defensively like a ripple that absorbs damage. Or, it could use aggressively like a storm surge. Finding the two faces of the elements where much easier than finding the two faces of the season. If you were to search for it on the web, you'd expect to find artistic pieces. Too bad though, I don't have a blade to practice Five Blades Seeking Stars. Unless I buy one, but I'd rather n

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