Chapter 85: Prize money

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Nyx then told Nerd to contact old man Theodor if Bliss wanted to contact him but before he got to leave Bliss was insisting that she should go together with Nyx as a body guard but Nyx didn't want to but Bliss was like a child and hard headed and found an excuse. "But sir Nyx I think old man Theodor need my escort since you have come so far since your from Grannar village... wait your from Grannar village??! I heard earlier that since two days has passed the village has been deserted by the people... there is no one there anymore since the demons attacked that village... did-did you not know that..?" Bliss looked sad foe a moment looking at Nyx. They all stopped in the hallway going to the second floor and Theodor looked at Nyx with a sad expression while Rondel was in awkard situation. "What are you talking about..? The village was relocated my master made a new village and wven recruited elves, dark elves and beast man tribes... the villagers are doing well except for the food that will run out in about a week... so now I have to go back and find a new solution to this problem, Isabella will take care of the rice problem for me" Nyx said to Bliss. "Wha..?! What rice? Village? Elves??" Bliss was stunned speechless. 'So that's why... he has a master that's stronger than him for him to call him his master and they even have eleves... urgh and I think I need to go their I heard he got Isabella to do a mission for him and asked him to be her master, I'm sure she used her slutty tricks on sir Nyx!' *Stare~* Bliss kept her gaze to Nyx at all times as they leave the auction house and every movement but she noticed that Nyx wasn't really a talkative person. 'Why does it seem so quite all of a sudden... this how boys do when there are only boys in the group? I remember back then boy are noisy dirty and smells bad that's the first times I beat up a boy in an adventurers party back then... thingking back then I have come a long way' *Giggle* Bliss giggled and Nyx noticed it and thought it was creepy but it wasn't just Nyx Theodor who know Bliss as the Orc slayer saw it as a laugh that harbors evil while Rondel didn't even think about it, the guard earlier was killed by Bliss with one hit and even broke the sturdy wall. "Huh... Now that I think about it... how much money did I got from the auction..?" I was curious and wanted to ask my riches. "Hmmm... about two billion plus gold coins" Bliss casually told Nyx like it was nothing, but for Nyx who was a poor hermit in his past life had never had a stable money but in this world a normal high grade origin crystal can be sold from one hundred million gold coins to five hundred million gold coins. "Wahh... I'm so rich..! Then can I go buy a carriage? My feet hurts running thousands of kilometers everytime I come here and go back to the Grannar village..." Nyx said and Rondel was finally happy that Nyx had though this he was about to give up as Nyx was a monster he never rest and ran the whole day just to reach the blck market torturing him. "Oh..? Haha, then I have just the place for you sir... but I have one condition... bring me with you... please..?" Bliss begged Nyx for the last time. "Right right... just make sure the carriage is big enough for us all... and the mount I want it to be very good at running for a whole day!" Nyx said to Bliss. "Mnmm..! I will make sure of that sir Nyx!!" "And stop calling me sir, drop that just call me Nyx... and make sure to buy the expensive one's to flex my wealth to those pebians" Nyx went left but was suddenly stop by Bliss. "A-ahem... sir Nyx i-it's this way..." Bliss felt embarrassed stopping Nyx at this moment. "Ah..! Ahem ahem... HAHAHA..!" At this point I just laughed it off. Rondel and Theodor looked at Nyx with dumb faces. Meanwhile on the other hand Isabella was in a hurry and set off for the nearest city, the city if Sloth. "Hey coach man, can't you hurry up? Didn't you said this was the fastest steel wing bird in the black market..?" Isabella asked with annoyance. "L-lady Isabella... my steel wing bird has a higher breed of wyvern bloodline even those in the black market can't be compared of it's speed and we are already flying at a speed where real wyverns fly..!" The coach man said as he grabbed the saddle tightly. 'This woman is crazy..! She gave me a thousand gold coins just to get her to Sloth city but said she would use her mana to strengthen and speed up my steel wing... but at this rate I'm afraid my prescious steel wing will die..! It is very hard to tame one and train even if I can buy two steel wings with this amount of money!' *Zoom!* *Fwoosh* A dragon like bird flew up in the skies tearing up the clouds in half and has an azure color on it this was called steel wing a bird which is a lower bloodlone of the wyvern family but due to it's lower bloodline if it is tamed and trained it is possible to make it a mount unlike wyverns where it would rather be killed than let someone ride him After a few momentsthe steel wing bird descended in a nearby city and the city guards quickly reacted and tried to shoot it. "Quickly..! Someone dare to trespass inside the city of Sloth!" The guards used mana enforcement magic to their bows and cross bows but that's when Isabella released her mana and the guards immediately knew her level. "A-a grandmaster..." "Hurry put down your weapon..!" In this world human Grandmasters can be counted and most humans know which one it is just by releasing their mana as grandmasters each has distinct characteristics to their mana. The steel wing bird then stopped in a tall building of at least three to four stories and had a sign saying "Mercenary Guild" and had a sword and an axe drawn together. "You punk..! What did you just said..?!" "It's true! David died in the black market auction house I have a brother working there and sent me a message through telepathy magic through the mages outside the city..." A skinny looking man said quarrel with each other. "He's right, David just died inside the auction house by the hands of my master!" Isabella said proudly. 'Hehe, I received a report from Theodor through telepathy magic that David suddenly got angry because master bought the dragon heart I mean it is the dragon heart after all but master is reallt strong destroying my relic sword that was forged by ancient people and even killing David in one hit that even healing magic won't work on his wounds because of the sword intent as Theodor said, even I would not be able to defeat David in one hit nor can I defeat him in a real one on one battle that guy is an old monster!' "Who the faq just said that again??! My idol David wouldn't die just from one single hit! If you dare show yourself and fight me like a man..!" A muscle head with a pirate eye patch on his left eyes shouted holding a giant long sword. "Oh..?" Isabella walked forward. "I-it's grandmaster Isabella..! From house Luke..!" *murmur* "Oh my..! Get away and mke a path for Grandmaster Isabella!" The mercenaries immediately made way for Isabella and bowed their head down, the coachman with Isabella also instinctively bowed down to her. "I-Isabella..?!" The eye patch guy suddenly got weak legs and he dropped his long sword to the wooden floor. The eye patch guy tried to look at Isabella but he felt as if she was gonna kill him at any second so he bowed down to her. "I-I'm sorry... sorry... Grandmaster Isabella..." The eye patch guy said. "Haha no worries, in fact I'm very happy today and have a good news for everybody..." Isabella walked forward to the bar in front of them and sat down in a chair. "Give me the strongest whine you have here mister" Isabella said and the bar personnel hurriedly gave her one and served in a glass made from high grade crystals. "So... *Burp*... so where were we..?" Isabella said as she drunk the whole whine in one gulf and asked for another. "Uh.. the good news" "Oh right... my master Nyx killed him in one hit, a weakass old man like him should have just died a long time ago..! Hahaha" Isabella laughed happily. "Wh-what..?" The room went quite with this news and murmured they couldn't believed it, who was Isabella's master, Nyx they have never heard of him before. "And I have another good news... because I was tasked by my master with a mission here... another one please!" Isabella drank another glass of whine. "What more good news it..?" Everyone asked Isabella. "I want to use your man power and want to post, "Take every rice stalks or even grains and I will buy them each at one bronze" Hahaha isn't that so good for everyone? And how about this I would probably go bankrupt if I did that I'll just say I'll buy one sack for ten gold coins?" Isabella said while gulping another glass of whine. "Post that up manager..!" Isabella hurriedly left the mercenary guild. "T-ten gold coins for rice stalks..? That's crazy..!" "Can't we just plunder village's that have them..?" "You dimwit..! Only nobles and villages under a certain noble have rice fields because the land of the east is so far and smuggling rice is as hard as smuggling elves in east to the western lands..!" "But... if we buy rice with stalks wouldn't they be priced at how much they sell at market?" "Then do you know how much is one sack of rice?" "Ahem, one sack of rice is only priced at ine silver coins" The bartender said. "Ohhh... then aren't we rich then..?!!"
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