Chapter 80: Bandits

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"Well I have tons of money... can I use it ro enter?" Nyx said. "Money..?" The guards look at them and saw black clothings and poor faces and Rondel even had a scar meaning he is not a nobles at all. "Hahaha..! hear that dave..? Hahaha he said they had money while looking like that..!" "Hahaha-??!" *Clink* *Clang* Nyx then summoned bags of gold that had hundred each and his space ring hadn't stopped spewing bags of golds till the guards were buried with them That was till a staff in the auction house got out and hear them quarrel. "Dear customer our auction house will accept customers as long as you have enough money even if you don't have an invitation letter, you only need fifty thousand gold to register as an exclusive member of our auction house and hundred and fifty thousand gold coins for a vip card... dear customer choose one of the other in order to enter-" "Meh, just get us two of those vip cards... now can we enter..?" The nobles looked at Nyx and Rondel and the merchant's was also surprised they were only invited due to them having some reputation and didn't dare to flaunt money like Nyx had. "Uh... well, let's enter and talk dear customers... hey you two! take our vip customer's bag's and escort them to the third floor!" "The third floor??!" "But sir... do you really think this two have that much money..?" The guard said to the auction staff. "stop talking, let's go follow me dear guest" The two guards started to gather the gold bags but Nyx sucked the gold bags to his soace ring and the two was very confused as how this happened, how he was able to bring out bags of gold and then take them back again. 'Hmm... I was right... this two customers has an ancient relic that can store things such a rare find... if I can convince them to give away their relics away I sure my superiors will give me a raise and have a better position than being the head staff on ordinry workers... hehehe' After a while of walking Nyx and Rondel saw the enterior was designed with such luxurious things such as paintings containing magic itself and are moving on their own like the person slaying a water dragon that Nyx was very curious about and the hallway was covered by a red carpet and every floor had many private room but on the third floor there were onlt about ten rooms this was the VIP rooms that only the most prestigious nobles can receive. The head staff that had a dignified look and a proper clothes and with a distinct face that looked like nobita for some reason, he let Nyx and Rondel in and let the the other guard guard Nyx and Rondel's VIP room and let the other one to continue and take the invitation letters outside. "Dear guest, in order to proceed I need to confirm the gold coins in order for the VIP cards to be released to you-" The nobita like head staff was speechless he was once again suprised at how Nyx was able to take out hundreds of gold coins bags in an instant in the VIP room. Nyx and Rondel together with the head staff was sitting in a very well designed room, with both sofa and a marble table nobita contacted his superior but it wasn't just any superior it was the owner the notorious owner that was known to have deal many deals that includes human trafficking and other races such as elves in this auction house and that he also had a grand master level attainment in the sword. Earlier in the day in the luxury clothing store: The shop keeper hurriedly ran back to the store and run inside a secret door as he used mgic to unravel a secret door in the shop and in the secret room was a crystal ball that contains magic and was kept in a very safe place The shopkeeper then poured his mana and soon an image appeared in the crystal ball and saw of what seems to be a nobles house and soon a butler came and took it to a courtyard where a person was practicing there swordsmanship. *Fwwiiisshh...!* "Lady Isabella I have some clue..." "What clue? Is that important of my training...!?" "I saw a customer earlier... but drove them out, but when lady Margaret of the house Claude was suddenly attack by a strange sword energy and I feel the sword energy was a little bit strange... and ut was stronger than even... even stronger than your own sword energy lady Isabella." The shopkeeper whimper as he said those words to his lady. "Heh! Interesting... so your saying that one of those two are stronger than me?" "Well... I'm not belittling your majesty's power... but even the new generation of young Knight of the Pendragon family had to use their transformation magic just to counter the strange sword energy your majesty... and you know that the qualifications of a Pendragon is just as good as yours your majesty..." The shopkeeper took a bucket of saliva and forcefully gulp it down as he shake in fear thinking what might happen next. "..." The shopkeeper looked at the crystal ball slowly and saw the expressionless Isabella that looked like curious. "Hmm... a Pendragon was even forces to use their special magic... now who was this Knight is it Harold that useless brat or was it Matheo the Pendragon's rising star..?" Isabella asked with a serious and curious look on her face as she asked the shopkeeper through the crystal ball. "It-it was Matheo... his sword was Leivith... the sword of the first dragon slayer it can change it's appearance but it's aura that can let it's user lend it's fiery power it was definitely it a sword that was forge using the tail of the beast that killed the first Pendragon ancestor but Leivith was the queen of the fire dragons and give Bertram Pendragon a wandering warrior that managed to receive the blessing of the human god our ancestor... even then Matheo struggled at fending of the strange sword energy lady Isabella and only managed to counter it after he destroyed the whole door which the strange sword energy was coming from" The shopkeeper said while sweating so much. "Hmm... wait for mw I'll come, and prepare a proper gift for those two as a sorry and gather information to where they just went and what reason" Isabella said coldly. "About that, our information network already spotted them a while ago lady Isabella and sent me the message through telepathy... it seems they are at the auction house of "Bliss"..." The shop keeper said nervously. "What?! Of all the places they would go... they would rather go to that s**t's place! wait for me and find them first form a squad for that and make sure to let them stay guard for Bliss you won't know what might happen then-" The transmission through the crustal ball ended and the shopkeeper called his most trusted people and gathered them to go to the auction house, and there was only one auction house in the entire Royal district of the black market.
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