Call Me Alpha

264 Words

Katherine I woke up in my bed in the vampire’s compartment. Everyone was talking quietly amongst themselves. I wasn’t ready to get up, so I just listened quietly. They were talking about the news broadcast I passed out listening to. They had it playing on their tv, the same exact broadcast on repeat. ‘We’re never getting out of here,’ I thought. ‘We’re going to die in here.’ Atlas didn’t answer me, but I could feel her sorrow. I missed my brother. I missed my bandmates, and our tour. I missed being the Alpha. I took it for granted, and I let everyone down. I missed Adam, and the thought of him made my chest constrict. The air in the room was full of tension. The discussion had turned to the races in here, and rumors of a rebellion among the bears. I heard the word ‘werewolf’ pop up, a

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