
264 Words
Zeke My sister has been missing for a few weeks now. Her disappearance hit us all pretty badly. Our Alpha is gone. But I wasn’t going to rest until she was found. Her tour had been put on hold indefinitely. Her bandmates were devasted, no more than us. Especially after seeing her room. It was completely destroyed. Broken windows, smashed and overturned furniture. Blood splattered everywhere. Katherine put up one hell of a fight, but it wasn’t enough. Whoever took her had to have known she couldn’t shift, and wasn’t sober enough to fight back. We scoured the streets of Barcelona for days. After a week of no luck, I enlisted more help from our uncle, and a few other ally packs. Two of them were on tours of their own, but after hearing of Katherine’s disappearance dropped everything and flew out to us immediately. I had Ben and Keith take their packs and retrace our footsteps. Brandon and his pack continued through Barcelona and the surrounding cites. On the second week, Uncle Ivan made some connections and calls to a TV station to get air time. He didn’t beg. He didn’t plead. He stared straight into the camera, eyes darkening as his wolf took over. “Whoever you are, why you did this doesn’t matter to me. I will find Kitty, and when I do there will be no mercy. Kitty, wherever you are, I will find you. This I swear, you will come home alive and in one piece. Don’t you worry baby girl, Big Brother Ivan is coming for you.” And then the riots started. People flocked to the streets in droves, angry and demanding Kitty’s return. They didn’t care for her safety; all they wanted was the concerts they were promised. They wanted their money’s worth of shows. The ones that did care stayed back. Even they knew violence was not the answer here. Instead they prayed. They sang Kitty’s songs from that music show she premiered on. They had candlelit vigils, and even started a donation fund in the bands name to help provide for the families of the bandmates, and to help in the search for my sister. We scoured the streets in shifts to make the best use of our manpower, to always have eyes in the streets and to avoid the throngs of people parading around. Ivan’s broadcast angered people all over the world. The social media pages for both Kitty and her band blew up with posts of support and well wishes for her return. It was touching, but along with the supporting posts came all the bad ones. There have been rumors of my sister being supernatural. While it may be true, right now she’s nothing more than human, and she had neither confirmed nor denied the allegations. Thus bringing on all the hate. Death to the inhuman and all that jazz. I couldn’t stand reading anymore. I could barely stand seeing a picture of my sister’s face without breaking down. There was no keeping up with a strong, happy façade. Everyone saw right through it anyway. With my sister gone, I’m broken. She always said “What good is an Alpha that can’t shift?” Well, what good am I without her? A Beta without his Alpha? If it wasn’t for Ivan’s support, I don’t know what I would have done.
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