Finally Found You

264 Words
Gaize It’s been three days since the screaming stopped. “They must have killed the b***h,” I had said to Nathaniel and Desmond. They merely shrugged. It was almost too quiet now, though there were murmurs around the prison about what may have happened. She wasn’t thrown into any of the compounds I’ve been near. But I don’t care for the rumors. It was none of my business. Late that third night I saw my sister and her mate looking about the second story balcony. The only times they showed out here together was when they needed something. With a sigh I dropped myself down from the third floor. They must have already seen me, as they were making their way over. Dina’s face was twisted in what I only assume was worry. “Gaize. . .” I put up a hand to stop her. “Let me guess, you need something from me.” She gave me her famous deer-in-the-headlights look. Michael just looked agitated as usual. “What do you need?” I sighed. “Something to kill an infection,” she said. I waited, but it was clear she was done talking. “For?” She looked thoughtfully at Michael. “Oh, right. We don’t even know what she is.” “What? Who?” Michael gave me a smirk. “Kitty f*****g Haize, man.” I couldn’t hide my surprise. “Really? I guess the rumors were true then. Where is she?” I looked past him into the hall to our compound. He held up a hand. “You’re not going anywhere near her until we get a salve or something. We have no idea what she is, but she’s going to die if this infection doesn’t clear up.” “Fine,” I growled. “I’ll bring you what I can get.” Satisfied with my answer they turned and left. My irritation came to a head. I wanted to see this woman for myself, but I want her to be alive when I claim her. I jumped down to the cafeteria on the ground floor. The witches kept small gardens out in the courtyard. It was nothing that could hard the infantry, so the warden didn’t care. Three were hunched over, tending to some saplings. They eyed me hungrily as I walked over. Their short, red-headed leader licked her lips seductively, batting her eyes at me. She leaned over, giving me a clear view down her shirt of her bare breasts. “Oh if it isn’t the lovely Gaize,” she cooed. “What brings you here?” I suppressed an eyeroll. “Herbs. Something universal to kill an infection.” She smacked her lips and crawled her way over. “And what do I get in return?” She eyed my crotch. “I might let you suck me off.” She licked her lips again and reached out for my pants. I bat her hands away and stepped back. “But not now.” The irritation shown in her amber eyes as they narrowed to small thin line. She backed away obediently. They looked over the garden thoughtfully, whispering to each other and giggling. Finally they handed over a few small white barks and light green leaves. “Juniper and wyrm tail. Mashed together in a salve will work.” “Thanks.” She licked her lips again. I could feel their eyes on me as I left, shuddering at the thought of those weasels anywhere near my d**k. There was a smell wafting down the hall to the compartment. Blood, and a lot of it; it almost smelled bitter, yet so desirable at the same time. There was something else though. Lavender. With a hint of. . . vanilla? A weird combination, and not one I’ve ever smelled here before. It got stronger the closer I came to the doors. Marcy took the herbs from me gratefully. As she mashed them together I noticed the woman everyone was hunched over in my bunk. There was a small pain in my chest that only fueled my confusion. “That her?” Mason looked up at me from his spot on the floor. Aside from him and June everyone moved aside. There was a strange tug in my chest as I stepped closer. The sweet smell was coming from her, and I could feel the fever from where I stood. I needed to touch her.  Hesitantly I reached out, gently brushing her hair out of her eyes. Suddenly my body was engulfed in a warmth I didn’t think a vampire could ever feel. My fingertips were tingling from the contact, chest constricting before a wave of pain slammed into me, nearly knocking me off my feet. Images of men in lab coats and riot gear flooded my head. They were brandishing tools and weapons that were covered in blood. I could hear the screams, feel the fear as they stepped closer. Memories. I just caught a glimpse of her memories. Of what they did to her. Realization struck and I stepped back in a panic. Mate. She’s my mate. “Ha. . . N-No. . .” I had to get out of here. I had to get away from her. I stepped backwards and ran for the door. “Quick, someone grab him!” Mason The moment his eyes widened, I knew. This was his mate. The mate he’s been yearning for for years. Dying before his very eyes. “Quick, someone grab him!” I bolted to my feet. Joshua got to him first, grabbing him and dragging him back into the compartment. “Let me go! I-I need to get out of here!” Gaize stuttered out. His eyes were wide in fear, panic etched across his face. He was struggling hard to get out of Joshua’s hold. I shot June a look. She saw it too. “What’s gotten into you man?” Jonas asked. Gaize let his eyes fall to the floor. He stopped struggling, and once Joshua let go, he slumped against the wall, hanging his head. I crouched down before him. The sorrowful look on his face was enough to break my own heart. He brought his knees to his chest, laying his head on his knees, hugging his legs. I sighed. “Looks like we just found Gaize’s mate.” A slight shudder rippled through his body. An uncomfortable silence followed as I wiped the blood from my hands. Looks were passed between the two, sympathy in everyone’s eyes. A small groan came from the bed. Kitty started coughing, blood spluttering out of her mouth. June jumped up to turn the girl’s head too late. She heaved herself up to cough up mouthfuls of blood onto the floor. Spasms racked her body as the coughing wouldn’t stop, shaky arms struggling to hold herself up. I sat down next to her, pulling her onto my lap. She coughed again, and something hit the floor. June rooted through the small puddle and held up large shards of glass. Kitty spit out more small pieces, her body shaking violently in my arms as I felt her gag on something. I reached up to feel her throat. She flinched under the touch, but something was lodged in there. “June, there’s something in her throat.” She looked up, eyes wide. “Hold her still, I’ll try to get it out.” I held Kitty’s head back. Her eyes were open now, wide in panic and tears streaming down her face. She started struggling as June’s hand came near her face. “N-No! Leave me alone!” She rasped, blood flying from her lips. I tightened my grip on her. “Relax, Kitty. We’re only trying to help.” Her heartbeat was erratic, chest heaving as June peered down into her mouth. She gagged as June reached down her throat, slowly pulling out her fingers. “Mason,” June whispered. She held up a double-sided razor blade and sunk back down to her knees. Kitty convulsed again, a few more small coughs before she relaxed into my chest. “Katherine,” she rasped quietly. June looked up from the floor. “What?” “M-My name is Katherine,” she coughed out. I pulled her closer to me. After all that and she still found the energy to talk. June held up a shaky hand. A bunch of earrings, and even more shards of glass. She stood, fists clenched, and went to rinse her hands. Beside her, Joshua sat down next to Gaize. “You should really be over there with her,” I heard him say. Gaize lifted his head slightly. “You want me to watch her die?” “She’s alone and terrified,” Joshua continued. “Even if she does pass, I’m sure your touch will bring her some comfort.” Gaize didn’t answer. He stared at the floor as June came back and sat beside me. “Katherine, sweetheart, how old are you?” “What’s the date?” Katherine asked hoarsely. I looked up at the calendar on the wall. “February second.” I felt a small sigh. “I’ll be sixteen. . . on the fourteenth.” “Sixteen?” June mouthed to me. “She’s. . . just a baby!” Anna exclaimed. I asked for a wet rag to clean her up. As I took it from Marcy I noticed the shock on Gaize’s face. I saw the conflicting emotions cross his eyes, but after a moment he got up and came over. “Let me take her,” he said. “Please.” I motioned for him to sit back on the bed before carefully passing her over. She hissed in pain from the sudden shift before relaxing in Gaize’s arms, a small sigh escaping her lips.
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