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He pulled away and captured her face between both hands, tilting her head back so she had no choice but to look into his eyes. “I'm not sure what you're so worried about, but stop it. It’s starting to piss me off.” He didn’t sound the least bit angry. He smiled and kissed the tip of her nose. “I don't want you to worry about anything for the rest of the night, except how you want me to make love to you next.” She forced her concerns to the back of her mind. She knew when they were alone together all the worries that weighed her down wouldn't even be considerations. He had a way of making her forget everything but the moment. Everyone but him. “Maybe the hotel suite has a bathtub made for two,” she whispered. “Baby, as far as we’re concerned, all bathtubs are made for two.” He handed his equipment to an anxious roadie, took Madison’s hand and led her toward the back of the stadium, where the limo was waiting for the band. Owen and Kellen were already inside the car. Owen had discovered Adam’s container of gingersnaps and was scarfing them down one after another. He seemed oblivious to the young woman tugging on his belt. “I want to see it,” his companion said. She had his zipper undone and her hand down his fly before Madison and Adam had even settled in the seat facing them. Adam cleared his throat to gain Owen’s attention and then nodded in Madison’s direction with his eyebrows lifted. Owen caught the lady’s hand and tugged it out of his pants. “Later,” he said. “We have company.” Apparently Kellen didn’t count as company. Madison realized Owen would be having a lot more fun right now if she hadn’t shown up. “Don’t mind me,” Madison said. In actuality, she wanted to see it too—assuming the woman struggling to return her hand to Owen’s crotch was interested in his piercing. “Are those my cookies?” Adam yelled and yanked the container out of Owen’s hands. A single gingersnap rattled around at the bottom of the bowl. Adam stuffed it into his mouth and then threw the container at Owen’s head. “Fucker,” he said through a mouthful of cookie. “They were delicious. Did your girlfriend make them for you?” Owen said in a teasing tone. “Yeah, she made them for me. Not you.” The fact that Adam hadn’t denied she was his girlfriend had Madison struggling to find air. He took her hand and gave it an encouraging squeeze. Did she look that freaked-the-f**k out? She felt like a skittish horse being saddled for the first time. Was this really happening? Was Adam claiming her as his girlfriend? Publicly? What would her life be like if the media discovered they were dating? Would her face be posted all over the Internet and the tabloids? Would jealous fangirls find Madison’s every fault and insist she wasn’t good enough for the perfection that was Adam Taylor? Was she ready for this? There was no question that she was ready to love the man, but she wasn’t so sure about loving the rock star. “Where are Force and Shade?” Adam asked. He craned his neck to look out the window. “Don’t like waiting around for other people?” Owen asked. “Does it piss you off when your bros don’t value your time?” Adam huffed and shook his head. “Don’t you start in on me too.” “What’s he talking about?” Madison asked. “Shade was pissed that I was five minutes late to the show.” Adam rolled his eyes as if Shade was the inconsiderate ass. “Were you late because of me?” Madison asked. “It’s fine,” Adam said. “He’ll get over it.” “Oh wow, I feel it, Tags,” Owen’s female companion said. She had her entire hand down Owen’s pants and was moving it around inside the front of his jeans. “What’s it feel like when you’re hard? Oh! Do you leave it in when you screw?” “That’s the only reason to get one. It feels fantastic.” Madison made a mental note to share that tidbit of information with Kennedy. Her sister would be relieved to know Owen had pierced his fifth appendage for pleasure not pain. The young woman’s free hand moved to Kellen’s crotch. He was sitting next to Owen, shirtless and sweaty, his long dark hair sticking to his bare chest. A heated flush made his strong cheekbones appear even more pronounced. “Do you have one too, Cuff?” she asked, fondling him through his jeans. “Can I feel it?” “Uh, no.” Kellen lifted her hand from his crotch and dropped it on Owen’s thigh. She then turned and reached across the limo toward Adam. Recognizing her intent, Madison slid onto Adam’s lap, blocking Miss Touchy Feely from finding her target. Madison glared at the bold woman, whose gaze lifted from Adam’s suddenly hidden lap to Madison face. “Does Adam have his c**k pierced?” she asked. “None of your business,” Madison said. “I’m sure his fingers move really fast when he strokes you down there, huh? You should ask him to play the solo to “Light Me” on your clit. That should get you off in, like, five seconds.” The fangirl nodded at Madison’s lap, lifted her eyebrows up and down and then laughed until she snorted. When Madison just stared at her as if she’d escaped a loony bin for sluts, Miss Touchy Feely stopped laughing and blew a raspberry. “Old prude.” Madison bristled. “You’re really getting on my nerves,” Owen said, pulling his fondler’s hand out of his pants, rearranging himself as discreetly as possible and securing his fly. “Bye now.”
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