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This was a side of him she’d never seen before, and she wasn’t sure how to handle this guy. The cocky jerk? Yeah, she understood him. But she’d never imagined there was a heart under all of Shade Silverton’s pomp and pageantry. Well, that wasn’t exactly true. She had seen his heart. He wore it like a huge target on his chest when he was with his little girl. But could he care for a woman with the level of devotion he showed Julie? “Because why?” she pressed. “Because I wouldn’t want to hurt a woman I like. Not the way I hurt Tina. And I would. I’d tear her heart apart. I can’t help it. I’m an asshole that way.” She chuckled and relaxed against him. “What if I promised that you wouldn’t hurt me, Jacob? Because even though I like you too, I would never in a million years think a serious relationship would work out with you. I just want to hang around with you. Have fun with you.” “Have s*x with me?” “Yeah, there’s that.” “You’re sure?” “Why wouldn’t I be? It’s just s*x. It doesn’t have to mean anything.” His tense body relaxed. “Just-sex.” “Yeah, nothing more.” “All right, we’re on exactly the same page then.” “You’d better stop acting all caring and sensitive. You wouldn’t want me to fall in love with you, would you?” “No,” he said quickly, “that would be a bad idea.” “Agreed.” “Are you sure just-s*x won’t hurt your feelings?” “I’m sure.” “All right then.” He sat up and pulled his shirt off over his head. “Then these clothes need to go.” Oh God, the man was a genius. Not to mention gorgeous. He shucked his pants next and then settled back on the sofa with her tucked along his side. He slipped her borrowed shirt from her shoulder. “You won’t need this for the rest of the night.” “What if I get cold?” she said with a smirk. “Not an option.” She removed the rest of her clothes and snuggled up against him with his arm around her. With his free hand, he reached for the bowl of fruit, set it on his sculpted stomach and began to feed her bites. She allowed her hand to wander his body, wondering if she was dreaming, or if she really was naked in Jacob Silverton’s arms, supposedly watching a movie, and doing her damnedest to make that magnificent c**k of his rise again. When she got brave enough to run one fingertip down the length of his limp c**k, he said, “Trying to watch a movie here.” She smiled when she received the appropriate response out of his fifth appendage and it began to harden and thicken. “Oh, I’m sorry,” she said, “am I bothering you?” “You are being a little distracting, Miss Lange.” “Only a little?” She wrapped her hand around his thickening length. “It looks rather big from my perspective.” He chuckled, smoothed her hair and kissed the top of her head. “We have all night for that. I mean, if you want to stay.” Fuck yeah, she wanted to stay. “Are you inviting me?” “We’ve already established that you can’t take a hint.” She tore her gaze from the beauty that was his now fully erect c**k and angled her head to look into his eyes. “Well?” “Will you stay the night with me, Amanda?” “That depends,” she said. He scowled. “On what?” She grinned at him. “How many erections you can get in one night.” He grinned back. “One won’t be enough?” It would take him years to satisfy every fantasy she’d ever had about him. “Not for what I have in mind.” “And I assume I’m supposed to figure out what you have in mind by trial and error?” And she was sure he was going to treat her to fantasies she’d never dreamed of. “Normally I don’t like people to put ideas in my head, but that sounds like a plan.” “Three.” She supposed she could live with that. “I guess I’ll stay.” He kissed her forehead tenderly. “Then you can relax. No need to rush.” She supposed that was true, but she’d wanted him for so many years, now that he was literally at her fingertips, she didn’t want to waste any time. Maybe if she thought they’d have anything beyond one night together, she wouldn’t feel so desperate to spend the entire time with him between her thighs. Jacob munched fruit and watched the continuing adventures of a psychotic serial killer while Amanda gently massaged the length of his c**k. She was surprised when he continued to thicken beneath her persistent touch. She’d incorrectly assumed that he was as hard as he could get. His skin was so smooth. Veins strained in tortuous paths just beneath the surface. She would have believed he was mostly unaffected by her touch if not for the little hitches in his breathing each time she discovered new ways of touching him. When she enclosed the head of his c**k in a loose fist and stroked him rapidly, his belly tightened and breath caught in his throat. She glanced up at his face and found his eyes closed, lips parted, expression tense. Dear lord, she’d never seen a sexier man in her life. Amanda’s p***y swelled and moistened instantly and began to throb in protest of its neglect. He took a sudden deep breath and forced his eyes open. The predatory look in those eyes made her belly quiver. He set the bowl of fruit on the floor and then in one swift movement flipped her onto her back and covered her body with his. “All right, Amanda. I get it. Unlike you, I can take a hint.” She smiled up at him. “Oh? What was I hinting at?” “You want to be f****d senseless.” “Maybe,” she said. “Or maybe I just like the feel of your c**k in my hand.” He lowered himself onto her. Belly to belly, chest to chest. His hard body made her feel soft, feminine. The coarse hairs on his legs made hers feel smooth, sensual. His skin felt cool everywhere they touched. Most likely because she was on fire.  “I think you’d prefer the feel of my c**k buried deep inside you,” he whispered in her ear. He nibbled her earlobe and then dropped soft, sucking kisses along the side of her neck. She moaned and wrapped her arms around his body, splaying her hands over his lower back. His hands rested on either side of her ribcage, each thumb stroking the outer curves of a breast. Blood raced through her body as her heart beat faster and faster. Her flesh heated. She wanted every inch of her body to know every inch of his. His mouth shifted to the other side of her neck, drawing a groan of torment from the back of her throat. Just that amount of contact had her n*****s hard against his muscular chest and her core achy and as hot as molten lava. She spread her legs, opening herself to him, wanting just what he’d said she was after—the feel of his c**k buried deep inside her. “Jacob,” she whispered. “I’m ready for you.” “That’s nice,” he murmured, sliding downward. He dragged his mouth over every inch of her shoulders, her collarbones and the depression between them where her pulse was racing out of control. Beneath his kisses, her flesh came alive, every nerve-ending in tune with pleasure and need. The thumbs still stroking the sides of her breasts were starting to drive her crazy. She needed those rhythmic caresses against her throbbing n*****s, not the less sensitive sides of her breasts. Jacob moved down to rub his sensual sucking lips against the tops of her breasts. His thumbs shifted closer to her n*****s, still stroking back and forth, still making her acutely aware of how hard her n*****s were. She could probably cut diamonds with those things. “Jacob, please.” “Please, what?” he said against her breastbone. “My nipples.” “Are beautiful,” he said. His hands shifted beneath her breasts, lifting them, pressing them closer together. His thumbs stroked the inner, under-curves of the over-sensitized mounds of flesh, and his tongue darted in and out between them. Impossibly, her n*****s hardened even further. Her womb clenched. Oh God, if he’d just brush one peak at this point, she’d explode. Still holding her breasts together, now massaging just beneath her straining n*****s with both thumbs, Jacob moved his mouth to her belly. She moaned in protest. “Please, Jacob.” “Please, what?” “My n*****s are driving me insane.” “That’s nice.” He rubbed his lips over every inch of her stomach between her ribs and her navel. When he started nibbling just beneath her belly button, she moaned. Her fingers dug into his scalp, and she pushed down. Go down, Jacob. Down. His thumbs brushed over the peaks of both breasts, and her back arched. She tried to tug his head up. Come up, Jacob. Up. Up or down, she didn’t care, as long as he stopped making her crazy with need and gave her aching, throbbing parts some relief.
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