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cHAptEr 09: A fAmiLiAr [i'm sO dEsErving Of this nicknAmE]    OKAY. HE was now officially sure; the old fart intentionally set him up! It is one thing — him being caught right before he was about to enter a hibernation and was at his weakest; it could be said that W.E.R.P. probably had someone blessed with luck in whatever they do and managed to get him back then. No, Mikhael wasn't joking — his own luck was so great that he was never caught no matter what he did. So now that he did get caught can only mean that someone with even greater luck appeared. Although he does suffer a lot after helping other people, but that's only limited to being cursed and chased around. In truth, although a Half-blood could never die even if their psychical bodies got destroyed, Mikhael's only ever been in that state two or so times. Which is absurdly little considering how often he provokes death! But... Sending ten black talismans to Mikhael who got caught so soon was fishy. Even if it's Hunters HQ, they shouldn't be able to easily investigate Mikhael's whereabouts in this place and prepare 10 black cards in just one night. And Amelia came with his gun the next day as if she knew that he'll definitely be here! Again, one night is a bit too short for her to snatch his weapon and get it to him. So, she should've known it for a while. It's not easy being a Hunter — when going on a really important mission, they'd use curse to keep their lips sealed. Mikhael only saw such cases four times in his life and they were indeed so big that they influenced the entire world. They were also known as S-class targets. That Amelia was avoiding speaking about it and instead used Hunters as medium to contact him must be because he was listed as another S-class. It is also weak that the barrier got weakened and behold — Mikhael just coincidentally happened to pass by and get caught. Amelia isn't a rash person. She helped Mikhael hide his identity for centuries and knew how much he avoided being in spotlight. There were other ways to ask of the Pureblood to protect Mikhael — and many other ways to influence Mikhael to help out. But no! This kind of plan not only put Mikhael in the spotlight, it also made Ethan suspect him and W.E.R.P. doubt Hunters HQ.    "She's doing something stupid." Her act was flawless for others, but Mikhael saw through those tricky words of hers. She was sabotaging the plan, from the moment she made Mikhael aware of the trap — it was no longer under Hunters' control. But if they found out about it, Amelia won't be able to lead a peaceful life. Betraying Hunters HQ, it's probably only Mikhael who'd do something like that without worrying about the consequences. And now Amelia as well, who is his disciple. Sure enough, he didn't pick a wrong person to teach back then. Which brings him to the real question: What kind of connection between Mikhael and the "mysterious spell-caster" are they trying to pull in to light?    "What did I do to irk them?" He didn't know. They already discarded Mikhael twenty years ago. And a mysterious spell-caster only Mikhael knew should be the fake one that forged his special guns.    'Though, it was me all along...' He really couldn't understand. But then a certain Pureblood vampire happened to be attacked with Mikhael in his vicinity  — and who was coincidentally the only one with power big enough to protect, all in a same day!!! This attack also seemed to be because information about Hunter's arrival got leaked. But Hunters aren't that careless, so like... Did they do it intentionally? He also saw the bullet that harmed Ethan — it's not something casually created that can be taken out to attack am Pureblood whenever they feel like it! This plan was certainly something that was planned for a long time. But...    'It's still too weird. Am I just a bait to lure out that spell-caster? Or was I sent here for another purpose?' Did they plan to snatch the Pureblood and force Mikhael into a corner? With the only person capable of protecting him, he'll have no other choice but to help with the barrier and call that spell-caster?    "..." Fuck! It really seemed possible! BUT. HE. ISN'T. EVEN. f*****g. GETTING. PAID. FOR. IT!!! While Amelia got 15 billion! And to make the matters worse... Now that he drained Ethan of all blood, he he had to f*****g protect that useless Pureblood and even fix the barrier because as lazy as he is — Mikhael always repaid gratitude with gratitude! A scam! The entire thing was scammed thoroughly!   "You bunch of assholes!" he suddenly shouted to those vampires, "Couldn't you have found some other Pureblood to attack? Or couldn't you have attacked a day earlier or something? Why the f**k did you have to go along with your plans?!" He kept cursing them, yet they only looked at him like he was some kind of a madman because honestly, no one knew what the hell was he talking about.    "If you only made a move yesterday, I wouldn't be in this mess right now! I might not have even gotten caught in the first place!!"    "..." The worst — or so to say the "best" — coincidence is that Ethan just so happens to be the only Pureblood without a Half-blood partner while Mikhael actually happened to be a certain Half-blood running around without restraints! If Ethan ever found out about it, Mikhael would never be free again!    "Why the f**k does everyone in this world play according to that person's will? Just what does he have that I don't? Why the f**k does he have so many stupid people to do his work!? Why!? Just why??" He suddenly glared at the black coffin.    "And this..."    'The real reason why I'm is so f*****g angry...' In his own black coffin he's been preparing for hibernation in the last five years is now occupied by another! By a Pureblood! By Ethan!! Certainly, now that he had drained him of all blood, he can't go around swinging his corpse-like body, can he!? Eh, on that note, the body of Purebloods should be sturdy and powerful enough for Mikhael to swing it around like a metal bat. Mikhael's certain that he could kill an elephant if he did so...    'I did try to give this Pureblood some blood in that narrow place earlier, but the motherfucker clenched his teeth so hard I simply couldn't pry them open!' Yeah, their bodies were that strong. Even with his super strength, Mikhael couldn't force Ethan's lips to open. Pouring blood on Ethan's wounds didn't work either because of that weird bullet. So Mikhael had no choice but to put him somewhere safe and this coffin was the only thing he had inside his void. What if someone snatched Ethan's body and cut it up later? Won't Mikhael get blamed in the end?    "Listen, you punks!" he turned to the crowd again again, "My prey isn't something that the likes of you are qualified to hunt down!" So, using his void where stored random stuff within, he took out the coffin he had prepared for himself and threw — literally — Ethan inside, which explains his current appearance. The coffin was imbued with countless defensive talismans, so even if Mikhael did nothing to protect him, not even ten nuclear bombs would be enough to put a scratch on it. Yes, Mikhael went that far to have a peaceful hibernation. Not even a Pureblood would be able to open it after he has finished with preparations. He got some deep traumas since he did get nuked during his last Deep Slumber.    "So you are the vampire who hunts his own kin, aren't you?" The guy from APO composed himself and asked, marking Mikhael sigh.    'See, they know about me. This is all a f*****g scam!' To be honest, Hunters HQ always wanted to kill a Pureblood. In the Great War twenty years ago, they had a large influence on the attack that resulted in their loss on Crimean Peninsula. It wouldn't be strange for them to join hands with APO.    "So what if I am?"    'Since you fuckers seem to work for that guy, I won't join you!'    "We do not wish to make enemy out of you, we actually searched for you for a while now," His words surprised everyone present and even made Mikhael's eye twitch in irritation.    "..."    'What's with all those curses earlier then?'    "We have the same goal as you do," he explained, "The extermination of all vampires and the Purebloods."    "..."    'Since when was that my goal? How come I don't know about it?'    "Why do you think so? Who told you I'm going to help you?"    'Also, isn't it a bit too much to openly state your intentions in front of some crazed vampires who earlier wanted to torture me for eternity because of just killing what? Twenty to fifty of them? You think they'll just swallow their anger and accept me now?!'    "Naturally, it's that person. Didn't you Hunters join hands with us so that you can deal a heavy blow to that Pureblood?"    "..."    'Holly s**t, I was right! They also got scammed, though!'    "Thanks, but no thanks. I work solo," Since he confirmed his doubts, then Mikhael refused to cooperate with that person. If it's really this scenario, it would make sense that he discarded Mikhael to lower Ethan's defense, but...    'I can't accept this.'    "Please don't be in such a haste to reject us—"   "No, no, I only ever get piggish teammates and I'm honestly fed up with them. Not to mention that it means I'll have more hostages to be used against me," he bluntly explained his dislike.    "But we have great opportunities and—"    "I can make those myself if needed. Also, it's not in my policy to leave my prey for others to handle." The guy frowned. It won't be easy to snatch the Pureblood from this guy. To be honest, they also got instructions to finish off this blonde vampire in one go or make him his ally if they fail the former. Then, once everything is over, they're to shift all the blame on this guy. But Mikhael seemed like a tougher nut to crack than he originally thought... What were those bastards from Hunters HQ thinking?    "We... We can even give you the Pureblood's blood—" Others said nothing as their heads turned from Mikhael to the guy desperately trying to pull him to his side.    "I can get it myself. Actually, I drink it every day. Look, this guy gave it to me even today." He pointed to his shirt stained with Ethan's blood. Actually, Mikhael thought about changing his clothes since the smell of Ethan's blood all over him was too strong that it'll certainly attract more vampires. "..."    "Wh-what?!"    "What what? I drink it for breakfast, for lunch and for dinner. Oh, I also get some for midnight snack. The Sixth Pureblood is gentle and caring elder vampire after all, he treats us baby vampires with special care!" Kiss in the night, choke in the morning, feed with blood during the day... What else can Mikhael say about Ethan. The motherfucker is completely schizophrenic!!    "Y-y-y-y-you!" Only this Noble himself could understand his own rage. They were plotting for so long just to get a single drop of Ethan's blood, yet this guy who only just came to Eden treated it like some kind of a midnight snack?! They didn't doubt his words since Mikhael really looked cheerful and they got information that this little vampire was sighted while kissing with the Pureblood last night! Why else would they be so careful around him? According to their guess, this guy was a spy Hunters send to seduce the Pureblood and now that he obtained his trust, they decided to act. As for how Mikhael managed to do it in one day... Well, looking at Mikhael's pretty face, the guy from APO could really understand it.    "..." For some reason, Mikhael felt chills run through his back. He was certain that someone was cursing him!    "Presumptuous!" The Noble that wanted to attack the most accusingly pointed his finger at Mikhael.    "What? Just because your ass isn't tight enough to get you some high quality blood like mine, doesn't mean that you should just blame it on me too! Go work-out if you want to get in shape!" One had to say that Mikhael seriously had a talent for pissing others off.    "..." The guy from APO felt like his theory was right. He really didn't know how to feel about Mikhael anymore. To seduce a Pureblood in one night, it was really too amazing for a mere mortal like him to comprehend.    "..." Mikhael felt another wave of shivers assault him.    "I'll kill you!" The Noble roared as he cut his wrist. The blood that flowed out from his wound immediately turned into a spear made of ice before he pointed it to Mikhael. While Mikhael, who's been waiting for the moment this guy snapped did the one thing to completely piss him off: He plucked his nose.    "..." As expected, the bunch of Nobles became even more ferocious as irritation invaded their minds. They all used their blood to create weapons and charged at Mikhael, except from the guy from APO who only tightened the grip on his weapon.    'Something is wrong.' This guy came out from the rubble and saw himself getting surrounded by a bunch of powerful Nobles and humans armed with armaments but didn't even flinch.    "This is bad," so while the bunch charged at Mikhael, he alone ran away.    "Die, you little piece of s**t!" As the Noble guy got close to Mikhael, the later didn't even bulge an inch as he continued to pluck his nose, but raised an eyebrow as he saw the guy running away.    "..."    'As expected of someone with guts to try and win me over. He has some skill, after all.' The Noble smirked as he imagined Mikhael getting impaled by his spear, but the smirk on his face got instantly wiped off in the next second. His whole body and spear froze just as the blade was three inches away from Mikhael's throat.    "This is a bit uncomfortable for me because it's been long time since I last used this," the guy couldn't concentrate on Mikhael's words as he began to gasp for air. What was this pressure? It was no less terrifying than a Pureblood! His entire body, no — his blood — didn't listen to him at all. The only time this happened was when he stood in front of a Pureblood and was given power to become a Noble.    "W-Why do y-you... Blo- ood suppression? H-How?"    'What is this guy? How can his presence make me completely helpless?' Mikhael sighed as he removed his finger from his nose and carelessly flicked that spear. The seemingly careless flicker of his completely crushed the spear until only dust remained and sent the guy flying into a nearby building.    "Well, it seems like it's working properly,"  and for some reason, Mikhael was left standing there while holding a bloody heart in his hand. Bloodline suppression. The reason why it's hard for vampires to deal with Purebloods on their own. They can kill you with just a thought. The Vampire King and Purebloods hold the absolute rule over blood of all vampires, but perhaps because they were half humans, it doesn't work on Half-bloods. Still, Half-bloods have the same ability as Purebloods instead and their blood could heavily influence vampires — be it giving them power or killing them. And vampires blessed with a Half-blood's blood could up to some point resist the that suppression from another higher ranking vampire. It's why their blood was so special. Though, it's useless if the Half-blood himself refused to cooperate. And Half-bloods were under a heavy protection from Purebloods, so it's hard to get their blood.    "Well, although is like to act all high and mighty, it might turn to bite me later," Mikhael sighed as he crushed that heart. It immediately turned to dust, but the blood that stained his hand remained. He only shook it off with a simple swing of his arm. He was full to the brim from Ethan's blood, he didn't need more blood.    "If I take too long, I might attract more unwanted attention from the certain person." Mikhael's instincts were honed from eight centuries of bloodshed, so he naturally managed to notice the dangerous person watching him from shadows. He was also faintly aware that he might not be able to deal with that person in his current state. Just because he fed on Ethan's blood doesn't necessarily mean that he can face another Pureblood. Yes, he could feel that his enemy was another Pureblood.   'How troublesome. Did I get thrown in between two fires once again?' The other person definitely wasn't someone friendly, since he didn't help Ethan earlier. But... Why wasn't he acting yet?    "..." Mikhael really can't understand those people plotting so much. If you want to do something, then just do it! As for consequences or whatnot, Mikhael always dealt with them as they came. He has been starving himself purposely for twenty years, so mere few mouthfuls of Ethan's blood can't possibly be enough to fix his body completely. Especially if he had to fight a Pureblood or something — who stands at the very top of their race. He would need to feed on it over and over again before depleting his own bloodstream of it's power until his body finally got used to the feeling of using that power to its fullest.    'But how complicated. How is there even another Pureblood involved in this? I did hear that they try to kill each other from time to time, but I never really thought I'll see it for myself... especially not with Hunters involved.'    "Oh, wow! Blood of a Pureblood is really, really convenient! I feel so powerful — how did I do this?" He had to act for that guy in the shadows, so he began to sprout nonsense.    "..."    "Wow, I feel like I can do something really amazing right now. Is this the legendary power of servants I heard of?"    "..." The people present looked at him like he was crazy, while the guy that ran away earlier suddenly had another bad feeling.    'Blitzkrieg, is it?'    "I hear some really weird words in my head that I simply can't resist saying them out loud," he mumbled before biting a tip of his fingers. The vampires around him have already realized the danger of those words, so they slowly began to back away once they regained control of their own bodies — since Mikhael withdrew his aura from before. Alas, it was already too late. Although he was unable to deal with the Pureblood, Mikhael was more than capable of getting rid of those small fries. The drop of blood slowly flowed from his finger and he slowly turned it around as if to let the drop fall on the ground. The moment it touched the ground, a ripple-like green light spread in all directions for half a mile with Mikhael in the center of it.    "I calleth thy nameth again in the shadeth of second night. Mine own bethought  shalt becometh thy bethought. Mine own corse thy vessel. Mine own soul thy lamp. Mine own blood thy en'rgy." His whole demeanor changed and his hair began to glow with red light — but the color of strands began to turn white as if his vitality got sucked away. His previously pale skin become grayish as a weird tattoo appeared around his hands and chest, glowing in red.    "By the contracteth of our blood, I calleth thy pow'r for me to useth," as he opened his red eyes, it appeared as if a living flame was dancing in his pupils, "Incinerate everything to ashes, Asura Second!" From a distance, a certain Pureblood vampire stood on top of a building, playing around with a coin in his hand. He didn't paying any attention to Mikhael side since he believed that that part was already done — contrary to Mikhael's expectations. The only variable was on the side of those hunters. As he looked at Amelia slay vampires as easily as breathing, he debated between showing his face around. Although it would be troublesome if his identity got revealed, he'll just need to kill everyone around her. Once they completely destroyed the barrier, Ethan won't have time to deal with him anymore. But if Amelia got to Ethan and that blonde brat to help them out, it would become troublesome. So he carefully watched over them instead, ready to interfere if needed once tides turned in Amelia's favor. But those vampires he sent to deal with her really died too fast.    "Useless thrash!" The saying 'if you want something done, do it yourself' never seemed more fitting than the situation right now. He was just about to move when he noticed a sudden change in the air.    "This is..." he turned his head in direction Mikhael was in when he noticed an abnormal surge of heat going his way. In the next moment, the streets around the place where Ethan got shot down were instantly enveloped in the raging flames before an enormous fire pillar shot into the sky. It spanned for half a mile and lasted for an instant before completely fading away. The ground was destroyed to the point where the only thing that remained was a  completely flattened out pitch black land. It was so even that it looked like road made of black marble. But Mikhael together with his enormous black coffin was nowhere to be found. The heat remained in the air as more heads began to turn in that direction realizing that something was amiss.    "What the hell was that?" he cursed and was about to head there himself and investigate the crime scene properly when his ears caught the new arrival in the vicinity. Glaring at where Mikhael previously was, he faded away in the shadows knowing well that he had missed his chance.    "f**k, f**k, f**k, f**k!" Mikhael rapidly cursed as he ran far away from the place he has just destroyed. Many passers-by eyed him suspiciously seeing as he was still carrying the pitch black coffin on his shoulder, but they eventually turned their gazes away from him, seeing as this was Eden. Oddly enough, none of them could smell the blood staining Mikhael's shirt. All kind of weirdos come and go here every day. Someone with a coffin isn't much — it would be weirder if he had few of them, instead. Mikhael had — the moment he summoned the power of his familiar and burned up everything around him — begun to run with the fastest speed he could muster. Things weren't supposed to go this way! Sure, he said: "Incinerate everything," and all when he summoned his familiar — but he didn't expect that Asura would take it too literally and actually go along with his crazy idea! He was only supposed to set all of those vampires on fire like he always did in the past — which shouldn't have caused much of a commotion. At the same time, he could say that he managed to summon a familiar thanks to Ethan's blood. It wouldn't really put him in a spotlight, since it would be weirder if he didn't get a power boost after drinking Ethan's blood instead. So, no matter what he does from now on — it will all be blamed on that annoying Pureblood! Yet apparently, Ethan's blood was so f*****g overpowered that it multiplied his powers few times! So Mikhael's plans all went awry, probably alerting everyone! An enormous fire pillar reaching into the sky was something even a blind human would notice, much less an entire city full of vampires.    'I forgot about it for a moment, but I'm technically "helping" this guy right now. It's only natural I got screwed over...'    "Even his blood shares the same opinion like its master!" he cursed. It was like Ethan intentionally wanted to put him in the spotlight! Which is the reason why he ditched that place and ran as far as possible from there the moment he realized his current situation. In any case... There's no one left to prove that he's been in that place the moment commotion happened. His hair has long ago reverted to being pure white — his natural, and he groaned at the thought that he'll have to color it once again. Should he just use a spell instead? It's faster and cheaper than a hair dye, anyway. And it's all because of this stupid Pureblood dragging him in this entire mess! Mikhael glared at the black coffin, wanting to set it on fire and kill Ethan once for all, but then he remembered that he threw bunch of shady protective spells that would easily negate any damage and it made him even angrier. Why does this world prefer helping his enemies over him? He recalled the fire he just used and then the nickname Ethan gave him before clenching his teeth. Was that guy some kind of a seer or what? Did he know that Mikhael's familiar used fire so he nicknamed him 'Flame'? It's so absurd. I makes no sense! How can someone be that perfect?    "s**t, I'm so deserving of this nickname!" he grunted just for thinking about that guy, but he felt the dangerous presence from earlier disappeared — so it was one good thing.    "In the end, my luck was better." Mikhael was the most proud of his crazy luck. He had no idea why that Pureblood didn't chase after him after the mess Mikhael made, but since it all went in his favor — he'll just keep running for now.   "For what's worth it, let's fix the barrier first." This too, will be blamed on Ethan's superior blood. The later did say that he'll back him up no matter what he does. And as long as Mikhael keeps his mouth shut, it doesn't matter even if Ethan tries to find something suspicious.    ON THE other side of the city, Amelia just killed the last vampire as he completely disintegrated into black ash. Sighing, she raised her head towards the source of earlier commotion which happened to be the way where Mikhael ran with Ethan. The fire pillar was not only an eyesore, it was extremely loud as it appeared, so it naturally reached their ears. Well, Mikhael —once he made sure to hide his face properly, really liked to be flashy when dealing with enemies.    "What was that?" Rykee asked as he came next to her.    "I think it might have something to do with our Vampire Hunter." But didn't he say that he wanted to stay low-key this time?    "You want to say that he caused this?" Malèna immediately joined the fun, wanting to face off against Mikhael. She was simply a battle maniac, when she found someone interesting — she really wanted to exchange some moves.    "I have only seen two things on this level ever since I came to Eden," Krull remarked, "If I'm not mistaken, this should be a 'Domain' of a familiar."    "Fa-familiar? Like the monsters vampires summon?" Rykee gulped and Krull nodded. Normal Hunters wouldn't deal with vampire capable of summoning a familiar — and to be honest, there weren't many of them anyway. Hunters are only allowed to deal with something like that after fifty years of training — which isn't much, considering that their lifespan was six to ten times longer than that. Nano-machines were one of the best things in present time. Especially after they got integrated with mana in the air. Thanks to mana, spell-casters of the past could live up to five centuries or even more if they knew what they're doing. So after the mana surge from few decades ago, even ordinary people became affected by it. And those that didn't resorted to nano-machines that improved their bodies and prolonged their lifespan.    "You didn't see it, but..." he removed his glasses and a flicker of green will'o'wisp twirled in his eyes, "There were fluctuations in the ground just a moment before that explosion or whatever appeared. You can't see it, but my eyes are quite sensitive to those things." Amelia's eyes flickered with odd gleam after she heard those words. Just as she was about to say something her body immediately stilled. They have a company. In just few seconds, they found themselves surrounded by mix of white haired vampires wearing luxurious robes and agents in W.E.R.P. uniforms. Realizing that they aren't a threat, Krull sheathed his blade back before indicating for others to do the same. After all, people around them are not like those reckless vampires who tried to take them down. Those were pure vampire Nobles and experienced fighters. Moreover, they weren't an enemy.    "What happened here?" one of the vampires in white stepped out and asked. Long white hair, tied with a black ribbon in the fashion of eighteenth century. He wore a pure white suit without a speck of dust and radiated an aura of nobility. Royalty, even. A Higher Noble. He frowned as he glanced at Amelia. Being a Noble, one of the forty-two stationed in Eden, he naturally knew about everything going around in the city. And everyone. That included Rykee's group, who were hunters. Some business deals were just too nasty and illegal for W.E.R.P. to deal with — so Nobles preferred to form contracts with Hunters instead as they always did from the long time ago. And they always get their job cleanly done. Which was the reason they allowed them to enter Eden — to sort out few rotten apples. Hence he had nothing against Rykee's team, and it was even he himself that approved their arrival here. But this woman... He never heard about her.    "Who are you?" He instantly appeared next to her, and she restrained herself from attacking him. Her instincts were telling her to beat him up to the point where he won't be able to stand up on his legs. Sighing, she moved her hand to her back pouch to pull out something, and he immediately reacted by holding her throat and hissing at her.    "Ah, you Higher Nobles, I forgot you have a kink for strangling people," Amelia mockingly sighed before pulling out a letter. He raised an eyebrow before taking while releasing her neck. From her words just now, not only did she mock him — she even hinted that she was acquainted with few Higher Nobles. Furrowing his eyebrows at the wax seal on the letter indicating that it belonged to the mysterious chef of Hunters HQ, he opened before silently reading it's context. His eyes widened as he continued to read — but, by the end of it, he regained the previous indifferent expression on his face. His gaze as he eyed Amelia, however — became full of intrigue.    "I see, we will cooperate," He spoke, surprising everyone next to him. Just what did he read in that letter?    "There are some matters I cannot speak of, but APO is involved in this and they plan to take down one of the pillars surrounding this city," she began, "I also can't speak about how I know that." "..." She didn't let him interrupt her.    "One of our agent is with your Lord Pureblood, so I ask for your cooperation in protecting him until they reach the safe grounds. Please apprehend anyone suspicious in the meantime, our agent is a blond vampire with a really annoying shirt that can pull aggro on your kind, so he stands out a lot."    "..." Come again?    "Although I don't worry about him, APO should be scattered all around the city trying to stir up some trouble right now and they should have come prepared."    "..." Without a word, he simply waved with his hand, and in the next moment, all vampires from vicinity disappeared. Nodding to Amelia, he also disappeared like the rest of them.    "Finally some peace and silence!" Satisfied, Amelia puffed her chest with pride for having finished her job, thinking how she can go and listen to her K-pop in peace. But little did she know — that little bit of misinformation would end up bringing Mikhael more trouble than help on his way to repay his favor to Ethan...
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