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cHAptEr 17: trUtH [digging OnE's Own grAvE] TO SUMMARIZE what followed after Ethan saw the shameful confrontation between the trio, he knocked Mikhael on the head and dragged him with Dominique and Amelia into a nearby hotel. He then proceeded to calmly stare at them until they decided to confess everything. Dominique was Mikhael's friend, but also a person that owed Mikhael far too many favors to count since Mikhael helped him hide from even more people that wanted to beat him in the past. And Mikhael was also the one that borrowed him money all the time — with Dominique's constant brothel visits and brawls, it's probably only Mikhael who could afford to raise this Casanova for all those centuries. But Mikhael never knew that Dominique was a Pureblood and only thought of him as a special Higher Noble — since Purebloods can't be recognized unless they revealed their aura of their own will. As for Amelia... She was Mikhael's disciple that met Dominique scheming against others with Mikhael for a long time. Then the two of them managed to get married ten years ago. Thinking about the last meeting with Dominique from five years ago, Ethan felt like everything finally made sense. 'So that's why he gave her to me...' In the end, Ethan sighed before being the first to speak and explained to Mikhael who seemed like he would stab Dominique any moment now. "He is my royal brother." "..." "So to say, a Pureblood." "..." "What the f**k, you traitor! When did you join the Royals? I thought we were best friends!?" 'f**k! f**k! f**k!!' To think that he was this close to a Pureblood for centuries and almost got found out! Thankfully, Mikhael was suspicious of Higher Nobles the most! Yes, even more so than Purebloods! It's precisely because those guys are so loyal to Purebloods that he fears them more than Purebloods themselves — so Mikhael never showed his real skill to Dominique no matter how close they were. If a Pureblood used blood suppression to ask for answers, from Higher Nobles, then Mikhael won't be able to escape even if he had nine lives. Getting lured in a trap of a Higher Nobles who were under Suggestion of Purebloods also had a high probability of happening! "What the hell, I was a Pureblood long before I even met you! I'm even few times older than your poor ass!" "Eh, what? Amelia, did you know this?" "Un, what, I thought he was a Higher Noble or something, and he always speaks nonsense. I never bothered to find out?" She avoided Mikhael's earnest gaze. Ethan: "..." This is a bit too obvious, no? "...Mon Cheri, for how long have we been married now?" "A decade, I'd say." "Dating?" "..." She thought for a while. "One week?" "..." "..." "You deserved it." Mikhael didn't forget to rub salt to his wounds. He also knew that Amelia and Dominique broke up as often as they came together. Their weird love that can't hold just a single person in their hearts, but also unable to let the said person go — was too hardcore for him to even try and accept, much less comprehend! "Be serious, it's been few centuries now!" "So-so, I forgot." "..." "Anyway, you never thought about digging some information from me during this time?" "..." Why didn't Mikhael also try that as well, again? "Why would I, do you dare to hide anything from me?" "No, no, no, no, no! God gracious, no, I'd never!" "Never took you as pious believer, heh." Mikhael butted in, and then clearly saw how Amelia felt relieved that he didn't press with his former question. He furrowed his eyebrows, a bad feeling welled inside his heart. "You shut up! Go and sulk in a corner!" Only Dominique didn't seem to notice anything out of order. "..." "..." 'Sure enough, this brother of mine is a thorough i***t!' "But you never thought about stalk— following me or something?" He corrected himself. 'Though, it seems like Dominique isn't aware that she knew of his identity?' Ethan couldn't tell. When it comes to Dominique, he's either an real i***t or his acting was so good that he could keep cheating everyone for three thousand years! If not for that event from five years ago, Ethan would never have doubted his idiocy. 'I wonder, does Constantine know? Those two have been playing around for so long that it's difficult to distinguish truth from false.' "Are you saying I need to? Are you meeting up with some b***h or scum when you leave me alone?" "Mon Cheri, how can you be so heartless to still doubt me?" "You better be speaking the truth or else I won't mind breaking your limbs and keep you in little jars, piece by piece for the rest of eternity. I have many new torturing toys I've yet to try!" Her eyes narrowed dangerously and he gulped before coming to her and sprouting all kind of honeyed words. Mikhael could only sigh and curse his bad luck. Back in the days when he sought a good fun and wandered the streets of Paris in twentieth century, he came across Dominique — someone he would describe as a perfect lover! The moment Mikhael saw him, he instantly gave him full marks. Rainy night in Paris, Mikhael waiting for it to pass when he chanced upon this guy. Elegant suit, long and silky golden hair, gentle face as he held out his umbrella to Mikhael. With street lamps flickering around them, that was the most perfect encounter Mikhael had in his entire life. So naturally — not being a saint or whatnot, Mikhael dragged him into a hotel room that night and did what one visiting Paris would do when they meet a handsome guy. His skills in bed were also among the top ten Mikhael has tested, so he only had the best opinion when it came to this guy. This Half-blood had a really wild past with Hunters and vampires, but he would still go every year on a short vacation to mess with this guy unless he found another temporary partner. He also didn't have to worry about his skills in bed deteriorating over time, with the other guy being immortal and all. However, no matter how good-looking and gentle this guy was — he was extremely famous fiend of Paris! And Vienna! And Moscow! And any other capital in the world!! The amount of women and men he seduced was so great that their name list won't fit even one thousand books! Since vampires were in hiding back then, he would stay in France for a period of time, then go to Italy and forth, successfully creating countless legends in the world about famous Casanova. Mikhael only thought that he was a Higher Noble at most, since he never really bothered to find out his origins. Not to mention that tracking this Casanova's origins all over the world would've been too f*****g difficult that even tracking Half-bloods seemed easier! And logically speaking — a Pureblood certainly wouldn't be as lascivious as this guy — or so Mikhael believed! He even once revealed to this guy that he was a Hunter and heck— he even had Dominique help him out few times while hunting down some ferocious Nobles! No matter what, Dominique's information network was one of the best Mikhael ever saw. Though Mikhael has no idea how he manages it while sleeping with five to ten people a day! There simply exists no vampire and even Noble that this guy can't find! If he had Dominique while he was still a pirate, he won't have had to go and seduce enemy Marshal for information and wait thirteen years to catch his prey! A Pureblood wouldn't be so broad-minded when it comes down to hunting their own kind — so Mikhael lowered his guard even more. He was grateful that this guy didn't treat him like a stranger after finding out about his job, and believed that he found a real friend. His heart is in shambles now that he knows the truth. 'Sure enough, I should've just let this skittish mosquito die of poisoning back then!' Which eventually led to his marriage with Amelia... It was at the beginning of twenty first century that Mikhael got paired with her to hunt for a clan of vampires that kidnapped and killed humans, turning few of them for their amusement before forcing them to slaughter each other. Since Dominique was in vicinity, he offered to use his connections and help them out. Amelia was skeptical about this blond vampire, especially after finding out what he was. As a weak Immortal Human running away from vampires for almost a century, she held enormous grudge against their kind! At that time, she was still just a prey to them and it was only after Mikhael found her by accident at one Banquet of Night and trained her to become a Hunter that her gloomy personality began to change. She was on that mission just to simply support and observe Mikhael in action when this guy joined them, so there's no need to mention the amount of arguments and fights Mikhael had to interrupt between the two. A novice Hunter on a dangerous mission and two vampires — needless to say, she was often targeted by their enemies and as skillful as Mikhael was, with her stubborn personality that sought death with every step she took; he failed to protect her once as she got snatched by the enemy. It didn't last long, and they eventually found their hideout. At that time, Mikhael went to kill higher-ups while Dominique went to save her and to a cranky girl at that moment completely covered in wounds and her own blood, getting saved by a handsome vampire who gently smiled and scooped her instead of sinking his fangs in her neck was the best way to become infatuated! It was even worse than Korean drama! When Mikhael found out about her little crush, he could only praise his insights to send this guy to save her back then. Dominique didn't bother with her at the beginning since she was still a weak human, but getting laid hers and there was a good way to kill some time. However, she later got stronger — like really, really stronger — and couldn't stand his bullshit before one thing led to another; they tangled in the sheets for a long time, argued and parted for few years again and again, then came back together again and again, pitted each other again and again, kissed again and again... Until they finally got together for real! ...again and again. In the end, it went on for three whole centuries. Mikhael — being the nice friend he was — only watched on the sidelines with popcorn and encouraged them to get together; casually staged a romantic plot here and there and in the end even went as far as to kidnap the real Pope from Vatican to give them a grand wedding. BUT!!! 'Those two ingrates forgot all about my hard work and often grouped to bully me, what a waste of good three centuries of my life!' He clenched his teeth. One turned out to be a Pureblood while the other left him to suffer in this city and even revealed his identity to his enemy! Damn! Fucking piggish teammates!! As expected, in this world there is no such thing as eternal friendships, only eternal benefits! 'Wenches! Ungrateful bastards! Bloodsuckers! Hm, no, Amelia isn't a vampire...' 'Soul-suckers!' As if finally realizing that the boy was also present, Ethan turned his way. "Mikhael," while Mikhael cursed the two in his head, the voice of a man who stood on top of the list of his most hateful enemies spoke, making his skin crawl. "How come you're wandering on the streets? Why aren't waiting in the room where I left you?" "..." 'If I say I got spirited away, would you believe me?' "I... I was bored and felt like I needed to move my old bones that had long gotten rusty, I was not thinking of escaping at all!" He defended, but once he realized what he said, he wanted to ram his head on the wall. 'f**k! It's Dominique's fault! I picked up a brain pit disease from him!' "..." Ethan could only slip a helpless smile before switching his attention to the other two, unable to stop worrying about this silly vampire. Although Ethan didn't expose his clumsy lie, Mikhael felt that his silence was far more dangerous than any words he could've possibly said. "So in the end, the blood partner my little brother chose was Khael, this is a rather pleasant surprise," Dominique smiled and Ethan only nodded. "Not as much as the fact that the second brother knew my Khael, got married and even had a child," Ethan gripped Mikhael's waist making him jump in fright. Because he couldn't see Ethan's face, he failed to perceive that it looked a bit unnatural when he said those words. 'Oi, you bastard! Only my close friends can call me that, you two evil-doers have no right to call me in such intimate way!!' 'And what was with that "my Khael"? Who's yours!? I need to clean my ears at least ten times now!' He also failed to notice the way both Dominique and Amelia tensed at those words. "Are you cursing me right now?" Just as he was about to utter words of complaints, Ethan's grip on his waist tightened as he threw him a threatening glare, making Mikhael shiver and lower his head in defeat. 'Holy s**t, this guy is so scary! Can he even read minds?' "Yes, I'm glad my good friend married into our family now," Dominique still replied, regaining his composure, "I did not waste those three centuries—" At that moment Amelia stepped on his feet, revealing the brilliance of their ability to understand each other without a word as he immediately corrected himself. "Three decades of being acquaintanced that almost seem like three centuries instead!" Mikhael: "..." 'What the hell is with that toddler's level of lying?' Ethan: "..." 'Well, isn't this interesting...' Even Amelia was silent. 'I'm sorry, Mikhael. You can only curse your own bad luck for having such a piggish teammate.' "I should've just left you to die of poisoning back then," he sighed in defeat. The moment this guy said "three centuries" Ethan's grip tightened to the point where Mikhael feared that his waist would get crushed. It's better to just come out now and confess everything. "I wouldn't have really died, I'm a Pureblood. I was just testing you back then," Dominique spoke like he didn't just betray him that even Mikhael had to praise the thickness of his skin. "Don't worry, I know a good witch who can concoct few strong poisons that would endanger even your life — so when I have some free time... Hehe, I sure do hope that you still love to eat pasta," Mikhael seriously began to ponder on what kind of poison he should use. 'Now I'm really done for!' Ethan won't let him escape and with his evil twisted mind, he'll surely make Mikhael suffer! If only he could become invisible so that he could somehow escape Ethan's clutches or make him disgusted... Eh, wait! Mikhael glanced at Dominique before smiling widely. The later who was just threatened with having his favorite food poisoned could only shudder in fear after seeing that wretched smile of his — certain that Mikhael found a way to deal with him! 'Is it too late to beg for forgiveness now and smuggle him out of Eden?' "Yes, certainly while we rolled under the sheets back then, time really did seem to have stopped for a while!" At that moment, Mikhael said something that surprised everyone. 'Yup, it's too late.' "It is indeed as they say, when you're having fun and are with person you dearly love, time seems to stop for all eternity. Ai, now that I think of it, it's almost like three millenniums for me." Mikhael's train of thoughts was simple. Although vampires as immoral bloodsuckers didn't mind sharing, to someone of a noble lineage like Ethan —it must be a huge humiliation for his partner to have unclean past with someone like Dominique and still say it to his face! To marry into nobility, his partner must be of decent lineage — just the fuss vampires made because of it in those days said a lot! It's best if they are pure, but it's no big deal if they aren't — there's really no use in crying after spilled milk. However! If the partner you chose used to be your older brother's friend with benefits, even someone as great as Ethan will feel disgusted with him! Realizing that point, Mikhael began to gloat with happiness. Yes! He'll finally be free! 'Huh, how come I didn't think of this before? My good Dominique, you truly were my good friend until the very end! I was not mistaken for not having poisoned you back then!' Since Ethan stood a bit further behind Mikhael, the cheerful man didn't see his expression — however he could imagine that it was quite ugly. However, the duo in front of them could clearly see the how dark his expression actually was and the dangerous glint in his eyes that promised some suffering. As a couple who's often been jealous and possessive over each other, the two were very, very familiar with that gaze. In a tacit understanding, they just nodded to each other before running away without a single word. In any case, Mikhael's the one that dug his own grave, why should they bother to fill it back with dirt? In a mere second, using his vampire speed and her skills as an Immortal Seat, the two jumped out of a nearby window, landing on the bustling street. "Say, Mon Cheri, we haven't had a date in quite some time, now?" He asked, completely throwing behind what just happened. "You seem to be right, my husband. What a joyous occasion that there is a festival at the moment, perfectly aligning with our plans?" Who was Mikhael? It seemed like a distant memory? Maybe she'll visit his grave sometime in the future. "You are correct, Mon Cheri. Stars sure do favor us tonight. How about we find a beautiful dress befitting of your celestial aura for tomorrow?" "Do you even have money to pay for it!?" "..." Fuck! He doesn't! "Rather then donning you with beautiful dress, I prefer taking it off you." "..." Shit! Although she knew that she shouldn't, she really can't help but fall for those charming words! Passers-by who weren't there to witness their previous argument only admired their open show of affection, unaware of the duo's identity. By the time Mikhael noticed that something was wrong, it was already too late. No, it's perhaps better to say that by the time Mikhael noticed something was wrong, he was already thrown on a nearby bed beneath a very dangerous-looking Ethan. "Mikhael," he began and once again his words brought chills to Mikhael, "I was trying to be a nice guy. I really was." Mikhael wanted to protest, but as Ethan held him down, Mikhael felt his bulging excitement against his butt. "You are a nice guy, you really are!" Nonetheless, he still knew how do adapt to the situation. "So please forgive this little one's senseless bragging, alright?" "I said that I was trying to be a nice guy, not that I actually am!" "..." How come he never noticed how sharp this guy's tongue was before? "It's alright, it's never too late to start to repent! Being a nice guy is wonderful, you almost never feel anger and don't have to worry about dying young!" Ethan's hands gripped Mikaela hips before pulling up the juvenile's waist even closer to his own body as if he wanted to completely melt together with this person, to become one and never let go. "Are you cursing me to die of anger? Very well, you sure have broadened my horizons." Though his words said one thing, his body was honest regarding his desire for the little vampire. "How can that be possible! You are someone with divine luck, one look is enough to see that you're a merciful guy who will live for a very long, long time!" How come he managed to provoke this villain? He just wanted to have some sleep with a peaceful mind! Mikhael didn't dare to try and turn around and see what kind of expression Ethan was making at the moment. The other party already clearly showed with his body that he wanted to do him even though Mikhael just provoked him, and he was afraid that he'd succumb to his looks! Mikhael really liked handsome faces — that Ethan shot straight to the number one on his list of people to do when they first met already speaks a lot for itself! It's only after seeing his personality that Mikhael's impression of him dropped. Even so, he was a man! With someone like Ethan openly showing that he wants to do him, how can Mikhael possibly turn a blind eye to it!? 'f**k, this domineering position, I really like it!' Mikhael liked forceful and rough s*x. He also liked to be dominated in bed. He especially loved if the partner had extraordinary face and body. Ethan lovered his head next to Mikhael's ears and gently grazed his earlobe. "Oh, but I already said that I'm a bad and merciless guy, so according to your words; I'm someone with dog-s**t luck who's bound to die soon?" It instantly sent chills through Mikhael's spine. Whether it's from arousal or fear, he couldn't tell. 'f**k! That voice is too lethal!' And he was complete sucker for husky voice. "No, no, no! Through the history, it's always villains who lived longer and better than the good guys, even though history books say otherwise!" That "bad guy" Ethan whispered in his ear completely stimulated his imagination, breaking his determination little by little. "So what are you saying now, I'm a nasty villain? Since you want a villain, let me show you how I bully other people!" Ethan moved away as he turned Mikhael around. "..." Mikhael really wanted to cry, but no tears came out. 'I praise you, you complain! I curse you, you bully me! Just how am I supposed to live now!?' "I already let you mentality prepare today, so it's about time I consummated out "bond", Flame. I could only look at you for entire week, but not eat you up — it was really unfair on me." Since Mikhael wore a single-piece robe, it only took Ethan a single instant to strip him completely naked. Actually, vampires could manipulate their blood to create clothes if they want to, though Ethan doesn't know why this little fellow took them from void instead. "No, no, Your Highness, my Lord! This little one is very fragile, so I'm afraid I won't be able to stand pain and may faint!" He frantically shook his head. If it was someone else, Mikhael wouldn't mind if it's rough — but this was Ethan whose dignity Mikhael just provoked! If Mikhael failed to resist today, he knew that there'd be no going back! Not because of Ethan, but because he himself wouldn't be willing to go — especially if Ethan was good in bed! And all vampires are good in bed, f**k! "Don't worry, my blood is really of high quality. I assure you that even if you feel like you're about to die, I'll be able to heal you to your peak condition in seconds," Ethan squinted his eyes while Mikhael's entire back became drenched in sweat in seconds. This madman is serious! 'Dear God, Buddha, Allah, Ra, Odin, Zeus or whatever is up there, please send your blessings to this pitiful soul and help me get away from here! I swear I'll become pious believer if I can escape, I'll even visit your churches and temples every week!' "I, ouch, I think I'm in pain! I feel so tired and my head hurts, I think it's some dangerous virus. Maybe it's contagious!" "..." Ethan only have him unimpressed look. 'Really stupid.' "It's still fine, this Lord knows some healthy exercises for two people that are absolutely guaranteed to remove all viruses and plagues." The seemingly pure smile on his face yet cold eyes as he spoke those words simply didn't match each other! Mikhael doesn't remember when he shivered so much in his entire life. 'Ah, what visit to the temples? I'll build them myself!!!' Ethan flipped him once again and Mikhael groaned when his face hit the cold mattress, becoming hard down there. As the older man pulled younger one's hips upwards with one hand, the other moved to undo his own tie. An unconscious smile formed on his face as his eyes clouded with lust. Although he said this and that, Ethan really couldn't bring himself to be a ruffian with this fellow. Who told him to fall in love with him all those years ago? Moreover, even if he had some doubts, he clearly remembered Mikhael's body, so he was certain that he got the right guy. As for why Mikhael forgot all about him... He had time to investigate about it later. Mikhael slowly turned his head around, sneaking a glance at Ethan. If Mikhael had some weakness, then it's his extreme submission in bed! It didn't bother him before he got in to the last point, but once he got naked in bed with a man, he was simply unable to resist at all! He himself doesn't understand how this weird kink of his came to be — he was obviously unscrupulous ruffian out of bed, ah! "..." Although Mikhael guessed what kind of a body hid beneath those formal clothes Ethan wore, he still couldn't help but gulp when he actually saw it with his eyes. 'f**k the injustice of this world! I trained for so long and even though I do laze most of the time, my vampire body should give me a perfect package! Yet why is that I only have a skinny body and barely noticeable six packs while this jerk who only sits and signs papers all day get to have perfect eight packs? Those broad shoulders, that waist, those muscles, the V-line... Goddamn! This is a scam!' Actually Mikhael knew. While he still used to be a human, mana tempered his body to the point where things like abs that broke such perfection would never be obtained in this lifetime. His thin hands are nothing but weak, though. Muscle fibers bundled again and again before becoming compresses to the point where they appear like they would never grow thicker in his body, then got washed over with mana again and again... And then he became a vampire and they got even more powerful. It's simply an empty dream to expect them to get larger now and form actual muscles. "Yes, that is the look I want on your face," Ethan mused as he got in between Mikhael's legs. f*****g him while he had the look of defiance on his face would be far more interesting than fear. As his leaned down to let their lips clash together, his hands already begun to play with him down there. Ethan didn't even need to demanded an entrance as Mikhael willingly parted his lips, letting the other man's tongue slip in his mouth, exploring, entangling and dominating over his. He could only close his eyes and let himself be enveloped with Ethan's masculine scent, unable to hold back the precum that stained the silk underneath him. Unwilling to stop even for an instant, Ethan kissed him to make up for the time he held back. The scorching flame Mikhael's hands left as they held onto him, the body willingly offering itself for him to take, the taste of Mikhael's lips and captivating moans were the same as back them, almost giving Ethan the illusion that he had never even lost this person two decades ago. Like the years he couldn't see nor touch Mikhael only amounted for an instant. As he traced his hands over the familiar texture of Mikhael's skin, the memories of countless corpses he saw and touched fearing that they are Mikhael disappeared from his mind, making the sour taste in his lips fade away. He had once let go of this person. This time he won't let go even if all he had left of him was but ash! "I don't have a lube..." Ethan paused. He was prepared at his castle, but now... Should he take him back? "No need. Just do it with fingers. I can stand a bit of pain." Mikhael gnashed his teeth. He was clean down there, and even if it teared or got swollen, he could heal in in instant. Being a vampire was convenient in many ways. "..." He forgot. This guy was... En, he was an unofficial M. Since he said so, Ethan only licked his own finger before moving to prepare him. Saliva of vampires could numb skin and make it softer. It would be too bothersome to pierce if with their fangs when feeding all the time. It would actually take some strength to make it break so that they can reach blood if not for their saliva. It could also heal open wounds quickly, so it's another reason why vampires... Right, why they were considered as best partners to roll in the sheets. As Mikhael's body got played by this man like a violin string manipulated by skillful musician, he could faintly see a shadow of someone else overlapping with Ethan, but he didn't know who it was. In the end, the image became mixed with reality, like something he lost long time ago finally found its way to him, but the pleasure washing over him immediately made him lose that thought. "Despite all those protests before, you're so eager? How naughty of you," Mikhael merely grunted in pleasure. He won't refuse to enjoy the good s*x — so he didn't shy away from those words. Yet contrary to all reason, he suddenly felt like crying. It was a completely senseless and needless urge, but tears still formed at the rim of his eyes no matter how stubbornly he refused to let them fall. "What's this, I won't really eat you up, so you don't have to cry," Ethan frowned as he saw the teary eyes, unable to fathom why was the little guy crying now. Was it a heavy blow to his ego to be mocked for his eagerness? Mikhael refused to answer. "It's fine, I won't hate you even if you're shameless. It's good to be willful and proactive at your age." He helplessly looked at him, unaware what kind of lethality this expression had on Mikhael under him. "..." Perhaps it would've been better if Ethan didn't say anything at all, since his words only made Mikhael more annoyed. Yet, his tears overflowed even more no matter how stable he was mentally. "I'm not that weak willed! And exactly who's the shameless one here!?" "..." Looking at Mikhael stubbornly insisting while crying a river under him, Ethan could only acknowledge those words, regardless if he believed them or not. Even if he didn't, he must say that he did! What if Mikhael doesn't stop crying at all? Even if he wanted to do him, his heart would ache to continue! Vampires are really the best partners in bed. As long as they had drank blood of the other party, they could clearly feel their moods when doing something as intimate as s*x. So, although Mikhael cried, Ethan could clearly see that he was quite stable on the inside. "Yes, you're right," so he smiled with doting eyes, continuing to tease Mikhael's body, "I'm the shameless one, so you can play the part of the innocent lady that was forced by an evil ruffian." "..." His tears instantly stopped as Mikhael bit down on Ethan's wrist that was right next to his head. Submission or whatnot, he can still bite! It's a vampire nature to bite even when they retract their fangs! Ethan only chuckled. Kissing was fine, but listening to Mikhael's voice was even better. Anyway, he had the entire night to kiss later. "So... do you think I can also make you feel like three millenniums passed in a single night, Flame?" Mikhael slowly moved his mouth from Ethan's skin — this man who had a calm expression on his face as he teased him and loosened him at the same time, while also reminding him of his own lies — he truly had nothing left to say. "Well, you used to be a human who was only a Hunter that got turned by his prey mere twenty years ago. I guess that asking you to experience three thousand years in one night might be too much of me now, won't you agree?" Fuck! He actually remembered it! They were attacked and hunted by a horde of vampires and he had time to remember a tiny little detail Amelia lied about in order to keep his identity secret? "It's fine, we can simply spend the next three thousand nights making up for that time, anyway." "Uh, no problem! One night should be enough— ah!" Ethan moved lower before elongating his fangs. As if he's done it before, he bit the inside of Mikhael's thigh, drawing out blood — but not letting a single drop go to waste. Three thousand years of life? No problem, Mikhael could already see himself recessing into mountains to live for the next three thousand years as a monk! His fists clenched as he grasped the silk sheet under him. It's impossible to explain the feeling when blood in your body rushed to a certain part while vampires fed on it. Together with toxins they leave on your skin, it's not really wrong to say that they were like shot of cocaine, throwing you over cloud nine in an instant. Due to Mikhael digging his own grave earlier, it's needless to say that he suffered for a very, very long time on that day. With Ethan being completely devoted to enacting his revenge, Mikhael had to suffer and not even whenever morning came was he spared. It was just two rounds, but... This man's one round lasted an entire night while Mikhael's endurance was much lower! And second lasted from morning until dawn! By the time Ethan was satisfied and let go of him, the night fell for the second time. And Mikhael whose body and brain got thoroughly stirred into a soft mush couldn't even sleep for five minutes before he was informed that he must attend the Banquet of Night. At that time, the Half-blood vampire only obtained a strong sense of danger whenever the cursed number of three thousands got mentioned in front of him again.
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