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CHaPTeR 07: TRaP [mAstEr, AccEpt this discipLE!]    "ALRIGHT, JUST what the f**k was that right now?!" The first to question what happened was Krull.    "What was that destructive power? Where did he disappear off to? What was the mechanism behind that attack just now? Was it some kind of an air-compressed bullet that sucked in the air and exploded the moment it touched the target?"    "..."   'Slow down a bit, will you?'    "Why is there no trace of him? Where is the ash? Why was there no sound? Was it psychic? Explain it right now!" The question and demands just kept piling up from his mouth as Mikhael frowned and cursed.    'Damned mortals and their curiosity.' He could feel ongoing headache as few pairs of eyes watched his every move. Certainly, what Mikhael pulled out just now was miraculous and theoretically impossible, but no way in hell was he going to explain how his weapons worked in front of his potential Pureblood target (Ethan). Though, the human had some interesting theories... A bullet that could compress air to kill, honestly Mikhael has been using that excuse all those years as well, so...    "Something like that... An armament is already a weapon that defies logic, so killing this way isn't impossible at all. Rather than say that it's air-compressing bullet, I just need to aim at a certain target and the gun would activate. The air around the target would compress itself starting from the target body, like a miniature black hole — then tear apart the target and kill without a trace. As the void devours the target as well, it doesn't create mess or anything." Actually, it is was nothing like that. Mikhael himself was a good spell-caster. He was confident that other than his master, there is no other spell-caster that can beat him when it comes to spells. But vampires shouldn't be able to use spells, so he had to somehow mask that identity. In truth, as long as there is mana in Mikhael's vicinity, he could use it to create a spell without needing to use a talisman. Spells need a container that is talisman or armament or even spell circle. But with Mikhael's abilities, simply manipulating mana around him should be enough. Therefore, he created those guns with intention to cover up his spells, as well as to use them to generate spells. Spells would leave traces of used mana behind, but those guns erase it as soon as the spell has been activated. One gun can wield mana. Another can wield dark mana. And together they become the supreme armament capable of slaying anything.    "Well, in theory, I just need to have my eyes on the target and everything should be fine."    "..." Is something like that... Even legal? Ethan furrowed his eyebrows before standing next to Mikhael. This weapon... Really seems illegal even for those in W.E.R.P. So although they agreed to its use earlier, it's hard to say that they'll really approve it in the end. Mikhael didn't have those worries. He only longingly stared at what he believed to be direction of the castle. The sooner he got there the sooner will he get to bed so he could avoid being questioned and hence avoid arousing further suspicion from —    "Really, what an interesting weapon," — until Ethan decided to speak. Just as he thought of avoiding attention from the most problematic person of all, Ethan had to soundlessly appear next to him and whisper those words in his ear so clearly that Mikhael almost had another heart attack there and then. Creepy blood sucker! Yes, vampires can get heart attacks — ironically enough. It's listed as top five dumb ways to die as a vampire — since they can't work without their hearts. Slowly turning his head towards Ethan, Mikhael gulped before contemplating to use the remaining blood he had in his body from his last meal and dash towards the castle with highest speed he could muster and escape from Ethan. Or even better. Run straight through the barrier! Sure, he still had a restrainer, but with how weakened the barrier has become — as told by Amelia who rubbed it in his nose trying to invoke pity from him — and his incredible regenerative powers of a half-blood, he could probably pull it out. The problem lies in Ethan chasing him for eternity and the fact that there would be no prey conveniently walking around Eden for miles whose blood he'll need to keep running. Let's face it: break through the powerful barrier and then get destroyed before instantly healing isn't something you can do without a huge price to pay. Even humans who just so coincidentally happen to fear vampires ain't gonna be running around the city full of them for fun. f**k, even Mikhael who was half-vampire has been running as far as he could from those blood-suckers, and that says a lot!    "R-really? It's nothing special from where I come from," — 'get a bloody clue you vampire, stop questioning me!' But Ethan wouldn't back away. He wasn't mistaken, he clearly felt the dead mana around that gun just now. For some reason, after the incident where he almost lost his life twenty years ago, Ethan became sensitive to this whole dead mana thing he couldn't see before. It was in bodies of every vampire, but none of them seemed to be aware of it. And... According to what Ethan knew, only one person could make armaments with dead mana. And that person was standing in front of him, acting like he didn't know him.    "Well, then, I'm kind of interested in seeing it in action once again, so would you be so kind to show me once more—"    "As if I would, what are you? An i***t!?" Mikhael finally let it slip through his lips before gulping as he came face to face with Ethan's stoic face.    "Cough, I mean — it has a cooldown period. I can't just use it carelessly."    "..." Ethan clicked his tongue before taking a deep breath. It was really taking a toll on his mentality trying to not beat Mikhael at the moment.    "Do you recognize this?" He pointed the silver cross attached to his tie.    "..." Mikhael avoided his gaze. Of course he f*****g recognized it! Not only did he recognize it, he also made few of those in the past!! There's a special group in Vatican dedicated to fighting vampires and protecting the Pope. Mikhael himself sneaked in and borrowed their identity go do evils on their turf during the Great War! So of course he f*****g recognized— Wait!    'Why is he asking me this, anyway?' Ethan pulled Mikhael's ear who for some reason couldn't find strength to move. Then, he whispered something silently so that only Mikhael can hear:    "It looks like it's been manufactured the similar way as your gun. What a coincidence, don't you think?" As he let those words sink, he pulled away from Mikhael before turning to the group.    "There seems to be a bit of problem here, but we shouldn't let it stop us. It might be that the information regarding your arrival has been leaked, so let's move more carefully. For now—"    "Take me as your pupil!" Before he could continue with his words, Rykee suddenly got on his knees and begged Mikhael.    "..."    "I'd rather not!" Look how all of his disciples ended up? Even Amelia is nothing good!    "Please, ever since that day when you saved my life, I swore to become strong enough to stand by your side!"    "..." Mikhael frowned.    "When did I even save you?" Mikhael always, no matter what identity he used, hid his true face well. Whether it was a mask or some other face, he made sure never to... Oh, he did use his real face when harassing Vatican. But they all thought that it was fake, so it didn't really matter. They couldn't find Mikhael no matter how well they searched for him, it's simply impossible to assume that he used his real face to raid Vatican. Which brings the next question, did he save this kid while raiding Vatican? He did mess with them a lot during the Great War... But no, he still used another mask twenty years ago. Shouldn't be then... Come to think about it, if Ethan were to ask around about him and find about the warrant Vatican put on his head...    'f**k! I'll be screwed!'    "No, no, no! You've got the wrong person! I certainly didn't save you!" He couldn't let Ethan suspect him any further. One should know — Mikhael's been harassing them for whole 427 years! He can't act like an innocent newling if Ethan finds out about that!    "Impossible!" Rykee didn't know about Mikhael's fears as he insisted, "Although you... Don't look as majestic as back then, I'm absolutely certain that if was you who saved me back then, master!"    "..."    'What do you mean by those words? I don't look good now, is that what you want to say?' But then again, Mikhael right now dressed like an emo with terrible fashion taste. Just take a look at his shirt, OK!?    "You really got the wrong person! Trust me, I don't save people, I—" before he could continue, he caught Ethan's contemplating gaze. No matter how much he tried to deny it, it appeared as if Ethan already decided to trust in Rykee's words.    "No! You said the same words back then, about me not looking at my enemies properly! You also told me to grow stronger and I did!"    "..." So, he's busted because of some random words spoken in spurt of the moment?    "I really don't remember, so please stand up already. I also don't take disciples!"    "But..."    "How about this, if you can defeat the last disciple I took, I'll accept you." It seems like it's impossible to hide this matter any longer.    "Yes, master! Who is it? I'll prove to you that I'm the only one worthy enough to be your disciple! Youngest or oldest, I'll defeat them all!"    "..." Mikhael glanced at Amelia.    'Hear what he's saying? He's going to beat you, my oldest disciple! You better be careful.'    "..." Amelia was also speechless as he glanced between Mikhael and Rykee. How come she got shot while laying down? She doesn't want to get involved with those brats! Rykee noticed their little exchange and began to sweat. It's not what he thinks it is, right?    "Master, I..."    "Alright, you should've heard that some six years ago, the Pope of Vatican rebelled, ruined their grand formation and stole something really important of theirs, right?"    "Yeah, I did. But what about if?"    "That Pope, was precisely my youngest and weakest disciple."    "..." Rykee felt like coughing blood. This guy was simply messing with him, right?    "By the way, Vatican mobilized all of their powerhouses and even twelve Immortal Humans to catch him, but they couldn't even find a trace of him."    "Master..." With somewhat quivering voice, Rykee stood up. Perhaps he should cry instead?    "Oh, right. He should've already left for the space, so good luck trying to find him. In any case, even if you can't defeat him, you can boast that you did a better job than Vatican's Apostles. It's perfect for work resume!" If Mikhael's disciples aren't good in running away, why should he even bother training them? As for the Pope that ran away... Anyway, it's the second time Mikhael turned Vatican's Pope against them. He only thought it would be fun and the guy was kinda pitiful — since he was raised to be sacrificed instead of the real Pope, so Mikhael kindly snatched the one and only Holy Scripture of Vatican and equipped his disciple with it, before sending him off to wreck havoc. As for space part... Well, since his disciple safely escaped from Earth, it's unlikely that he'll be caught ever again. Mikhael did teach him everything he knew about mana and spells. And all Popes must be most talented spell-casters of the century. In summary, it was the blackest of all black histories Vatican ever faced, and probably Mikhael's greatest achievement. Even Ethan gave Mikhael an odd glance. He finally remembered why he found his face to be so familiar. Back then... He seems to have investigated Vatican and saw few weird murals depicting Mikhael's harassment of the church.    "..." He rubbed the bridge of his nose as he realized another important thing about Mikhael.    'Four hundred years, not to mention...' If his guess was right, this fellow was even more dangerous than he originally thought.    'But he's so weak right now.' Indeed, Mikhael truly was too weak. Someone like him shouldn't be so helpless in front of Ethan. But the more he looked at this little vampire, the more confused Ethan became.    "Flame, you—" just as he was about to ask Mikhael, a gunshot could be heard with a bullet heading in their direction. Before it could get to them, Ethan simply lifted his hand and caught it with two fingers. With Ethan being a Pureblood — it was simple thing to catch a bullet heading in his direction without getting harmed. As the air seemed to come still around him, he turned around and threw the bullet back in direction of came from. And then he dusted off his shoulders like it was no big deal. Although the strength he used to throw it didn't seem much, the bullet still flew with speed few times of the original, where even Mikhael couldn't catch up with it. Not even an instant later, a scream was heard in that direction. It all takes some time to explain, but the time from the bullet being fired, then caught and thrown back into that person didn't last more than a second.    "Trash shouldn't interfere when I'm talking."    "..."    'What happened to the whole deal with you loving vampires and respecting them now?'    "What is wrong?" He noticed Mikhael's odd gaze.    "Aren't you like a... Kind Pureblood with endless love and ouch, ouch, ouch—" Ethan didn't even let him finish that question before he pulled on his ears.    "I'm. Not. A. Benevolent. Person!" For some reason, there seemed to be endless stream of grievances as he spat out those words.    "Okay, okay, you're not! But spare me!" Yet, those words only seemed to enrage Ethan even more as he pulled on Mikhael's other ear.    "Clearly understand this. Whatever good rumors you've heard about me, they are all lies spoken because someone thought that it would be fun to pretend to be me and went around saving vampires!"    "Okay, okay, you're evil. You're the evilest!" — 'So let go of my ears already!'    "If there happens to be another of those rumors in the future, I'll show you properly whether I'm good or evil!"    "..."    'Why is he picking on me? What do I have to do with... Oh. Didn't I do those things in the past? But how does he know? Yesterday should have been out first meeting, right?' Yes, it was probably his imagination. Ethan must really hate hearing about this matter, which is why he acted this way...    "Alright, Flame," Ethan finally let go of him. Since Mikhael hid his identity and ignored him, it should be because he's angry with him. Thinking about it, Ethan did hide his identity back then — so it should be normal for Mikhael to get angry. From what he picked up, this little vampire holds some serious centuries-old grudge against him — even though Ethan doesn't really know why. To find out that your lover is someone you've been cursing for centuries... En, even Ethan would be angry.    'So, I'll just let him do as he wants for now. Since it's fine — I found him again.' He glanced in another direction and frowned, sensing a bunch of people heading their way.    "Seems like the news of our hunter friends spread fast, which should take a bit more of our time." He then looked at Mikhael. If it's him, then there will be no need to search for someone else to fix the barrier.    "Therefore, forget about the ceremony and all, there's no need to deal with it for now — let's just head for my mansion. Gentlemen from W.E.R.P. and personnel from Hunters HQ, I might need to trouble you for a while until we finish dealing with those guys." Mikhael eyed him suspiciously. He began to doubt that Ethan knew about his identity. For once, he called him by his name, then asked about that armament, so it's not odd that he assumed about Mikhael being a spell-caster. As for his identity as a Half-blood... That one should be safe for now? Mikhael can always come up with some weird stuff. If it's dead mana and Ethan can really see it, it should be easier to bluff through it. As long as Mikhael doesn't play with ordinary mana meant for humans to use, that is.    "Fine, it is kinda problematic to get ambushed by those ants, anyway," Amelia spoke as she prepared her weapons, "I don't like getting interrupted when I listen to music."    'Go and die already, won't you!?' Mikhael threw her a dirty glare.    "If there's no proof of those bloodsuckers attacking us, then there won't be any reason for me to write those reports. I'm in," Krull added as he unsheathed his sword. Leave no one alive, if they can't be found — then he can lie and say that they were never attacked in the first place!    'Just go and disappear with them yourself!' Why was Mikhael getting dragged in this deal?    "Yay, let the fun begin!" Malena chirped in as she took out her rocket launcher, "We'll protect the rear, head straight for it and leave it to us."    'You go straight for it, leave me out of this! I just want to sleep!'    "The way he pulled out the gun, that graceful act of respecting his gun while tracing down the hydrangea pattern, that casual air around him when he pulled the trigger and endless trust he had in his gun that it will reach its target..." Mikhael shivered with every word Rykee said.    "The skillful, already practiced to perfection way of returning gun to the holster and that super-awesome way of walking away without turning back to check his target... It's official, please take me in as your student, Master! I'll follow you anywhere!" Rykee added before kneeling down again and bowing to Mikhael who only plucked his nose. As for defeating last disciple and whatnot, that can be ignored. With enough pestering, Mikhael will have no other choice but to accept him.    'Who are you calling you master, you punk? First order, go and die as well!'    "Well then—" Ethan turned to grab Mikhael, but stopped in his track when he noticed the later plucking his nose in boredom.    "Excuse moi, je n' parle Anglais," Mikhael fluently expressed his unwillingness to cooperate with them.    "..." Once again, he pulled Mikhael's ears, holding back from beating him.    "You don't speak English, huh?"    "..."    "I'll pound every single drop of knowledge in English as of this moment, but I'm not particularly a good person, so I can't guarantee your safety during the lesson!"    "Uh..."    "But don't worry. You just need to stay alive. You don't have to worry about anything!"    'Like hell I don't! You're plotting something evil! You really are, your tone gives you away!'    "I've been told that I'm a good teacher."    'Probably told so by someone desperate trying to keep their life intact!'    "So let's have some fun, Flame," he added licking his lips and Mikhael shivered.    "There's nothing fun about you, you're obviously plotting something evil! You evil-doer! Blood-sucker! Satan's spawn!"    "So you can speak English, after all," his entire persona changed in that moment as he warmly smiled at Mikhael — if that cunning look on his face could even be considered as warm. Mikhael's lips only froze in a straight line. Fucking. Blood. Suckeeeeeeer! The fact that a vampire himself considered those words as an insult spoke a lot about Mikhael's grievances at the moment. He really shouldn't have saved that girl back then. What did saving people ever do for him? Amelia tricked him and sold him off in front of Ethan, Rykee ruined his plans for staying low-key and that girl had him sent straight to Eden!    "Now let's go, so properly fight until we get home, or else—"    "You don't really expect me to fight against that horde of vampires?" Mikhael refused, pointing to hundreds of vampires surrounding them at the moment. Though he didn't fear those guys since he had two cheats by his side: a Pureblood and an Immortal Seat — but what if he somehow got left alone and injured? Although he won't die, he couldn't regenerate as fast as back then. Not to mention, it f*****g hurts! Moreover, this many ordinary vampires wouldn't dare to go after a Pureblood for no reason — vampires were unreasonable creatures and gave in to their blood instincts way too much, but they feared the hierarchy of their kin too f*****g much! So why? They had someone of equal standing backing them up? Or something that can deal with a Pureblood! And either of those two theories are too much for Mikhael to face on his own.    "This will be a bit troublesome," power depleted to that of a newly-turned, no food, unknown battlefield and unknown enemy! Basically, he's just as good as dead.    "Look—" Ethan wanted to say something, but in the end gave up. He was still under impression that Mikhael was acting weak just to spite him.    "He's stating the truth, in this case," Amelia spoke up for Mikhael.    "This guy is a vampire after all, he cannot run on air alone. His powers rely on the blood he drank and if I'm not wrong, it's been a while since he last fed."    "..." This bunch of piggish teammates — only Mikhael was unfortunately enough to get them. It's like buy one, get one for free!    'Yeah. Thank for exposing my weakness in front of him, do you really think it will make him back down?'    "That's true. You shouldn't expect too much just because of how he dealt with that hemomancer," Krull began, "Just like all spell-casters have limit when it comes to their abilities, vampires use blood gained from humans and cannot make it regenerate within their bodies." Krull was interested in Mikhael from the very beginning. So he carefully listened to every word Amelia said about this guy, especially when she said that he knew "someone" to restore the barrier.    "To deal with this many people while holding an armament, I'm afraid it might burn him alive before those guys get to him." So, they had to protect Mikhael, the weakest of the group. The Barrier of Eden is something covering the entire city and even some space around it. Even the best spell-caster at the peak of his power would be extremely exhausted and troubled when dealing with those complicated inscription patterns — so no matter how good that spell-caster is, he won't be able to do it easily on his own. Unless... he had a Pureblood by his side. If he had the Pureblood's blood to prevent that from happening— He turned to Amelia.    "So that's what you wanted. In the first place, you agreed to this deal because you wanted to obtain the blood of our Pureblood, right? You wanted to use his power."    "..."    "There's never been a spell-caster this guy knew, right? It's probably some spell-caster from Hunter's HQ. As for this guy... Is he a spy or something?"    "Why am I getting dragged in this conspiracy theory out of nowhere. I really just want to run outside where there are no conflicts and schemes," Mikhael grunted and Ethan snorted.    "I'm amazed, that's a good theory you have there," she replied as others stared at them in confusion while Mikhael's face began to twitch.    'Please, just please — stop giving me more troubles! I want to live!'    "What are you taking about? Use my power for what?" Ethan had no idea what went through Krull's head. He was too busy thinking about Mikhael and countless how's and why's regarding his past.    "But that's not really true. Certainly, it would be for the best if this Pureblood could be used that way, but you're getting the wrong idea. We never counted on his help other than keeping this one—" she pointed at Mikhael, "" Well, she really just wanted to keep Mikhael safe, at least.    "From what I know, although they hate each other, blood of vampires is the best material for talismans used by spell-casters. The higher rank of a vampire, the better."    "..." Well, in theory, yes. Mikhael especially liked Ethan's blood. His blood was the best for crafting black talismans, though he has no idea why. Mikhael always had to illegally get his blood one way or another. Purebloods did give away their blood in the past, as rewards for great contributions. And Mikhael did his best to snatch as much of them as possible.    "But you see... There are more types of blood whose power is equal to that of a Pureblood. Such as a Half-blood or even an Immortal Human." It was at that point that hundreds of vampires surrounding them came into their vision and Mikhael sighed.    "I understand the part about Immortal Human, but what about a Half-blood?"    "We have one, don't worry about it. In the first place, it's not guaranteed that this guy will give us his blood on a whim. Purebloods are special, no one in their sane minds would use their blood when trading." Ethan kept silent. It was a first for him to hear about a Half-blood in Hunters HQ. But... He glanced at Mikhael.    "..."    'I did, though.' There aren't valuable things in Mikhael's dictionary. Only needed, more needed, and something that might be needed in the future At that time, Mikhael needed something so he traded blood for it. He also got paid with Pureblood's blood in the past. But that's from the time when 'that group' still existed...    "So, it's my blood that will be used in the entire deal, not his. And Mikhael isn't a spy. There's nothing we Hunters need from you guys, anyway."    "Oh?" Ethan frowned as he eyed Mikhael. Well...    "No need. Just use mine." ...if it's for this guy, he doesn't mind bleeding a bit. It also didn't sit well with him to have Mikhael drink another person's blood.
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