Chapter Five-1

2010 Words

Chapter FiveMarista was only half-asleep when she heard the door of her bedroom open and thought vaguely that it must be later than it seemed. Then somebody was beside her bed saying in a low voice, “Marista, wake up!” She opened her eyes and saw in the dim light that it was Anthony. “What is it?” she asked. “What is the matter?” “I have something to tell you.” She pushed herself further up the bed against her pillows to ask as she did so, “What is the time?” “It’s five o’clock.” She stared at him and asked, “Why are you up so early? It’s Sunday.” On Sunday when he did not go to the farm, Anthony always slept late sometimes, if he was tired, until nearly luncheontime. Then she realised that he was dressed and he answered, “I have not been to bed.” Marista made a movement with

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