Eliana wish ?

218 Words
Eliana had always been fascinated by the power of wishes, and she spent countless hours exploring the magical forests and enchanted meadows of Lumina, searching for ways to bring happiness to those around her. She would whisper her wishes to the wind, and they would soar through the sky like colorful butterflies, spreading joy and wonder wherever they went. One day, a powerful sorcerer from a distant kingdom heard of Eliana's remarkable gift and decided to put it to the test. He appeared before her in a cloud of swirling mist, his eyes filled with greed and malice. Little girl, he sneered, I have a wish that only you can grant. I desire riches beyond my wildest dreams, and I will stop at nothing to achieve them. Eliana's heart sank at the sorcerer's words, but she knew that she could not refuse his request. With a heavy heart, she closed her eyes and whispered his wish to the wind, watching as it flew away into the sky like a shooting star. Weeks passed, and the sorcerer's wish was granted. He amassed a fortune beyond imagination, but it brought him no joy, only emptiness and regret. He realized too late that true happiness could not be bought or stolen; it had to be earned through kindness, compassion, and love.
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