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~ Zayden’s POV ~ “That f*****g b***h! Did you see that smug on her face, bro? How dare she to look down on us! I don’t know how, but you have to make her pay the price for locking me behind the bars. I still can’t believe that you gave her a blank cheque instead of showing her the right place. Why did you not threw her inside the prison?”, Tyler asked me whilst we sat inside the car. His so-called new girlfriend sat beside him and I only glared at her.  She must be the reason behind everything. Women are no good and all they can do is weep and mess with others hard work.  “I gave her the cheque to shut her mouth. I can’t let other people find out about your secret rendezvous in the prison, right  When will you get serious, huh? You do know that your mother is always worried for you, right? Stop wasting your time on such useless women. If your car broke down in the middle of the road then you could have called for another car, right? Why exactly did you take a cab?”, I told him while I glanced at him with a serious look on my face. I don’t know why exactly my brother enjoys wasting his time on such useless humans? Well, it can’t be helped as unlike me, he is just a human.  “Bro... she... she is the one who suggested that we should take a cab and that cabby... that cabby is responsible for everything. She is the one who tried to seduce me first. See, in the end, she took the cheque without saying anything back. Women like her are only behind our status and money. She is the one who is wrong here. If you didn’t stop me back there then I would have taught her a nice lesson”, Tyler stated with a pissed expression and I could sense that he is seriously mad at that woman. If this is something that my brother wants then I won’t hold him back instead, I will help him out. “You don’t have to worry about that woman. I will take care of her. I will teach her a lesson which she won’t forget till her last breath. You just focus on yourself and leave that annoying woman to me as for your latest girlfriend ask her to get out of the car. Her smell is seriously disgusting and I don’t want to you with her after this day. She is no good for you. Hang out with someone who has at least some brains. I know that it’s hard to find women with brains, but you can at least try, right?”, I told him whilst I glanced at the irritating woman who was smiling at me continuously and I can’t bear her presence anymore in my car.  The woman was quite shocked after hearing my words and she tried to pull Tyler’s sleeves to gain his attention, but he only clicked his tongue while looking at her.  “What? What’s your problem? Didn’t you hear what my brother said, huh? Get out of the car. Your smell is giving a headache to my brother and I don’t want him to get ill because of the likes of you. Get out before I throw you out myself and that too from the moving car”, Tyler warned the girl while removing her grasp from his shirt’s sleeves.  The woman looks quite devastated by Tyler’s words and she again tried to cool down his anger by leaning closer to him.  “Ty... Tyler... how can you leave me all of a sudden? Don’t you love me, huh? Just because your brother told you to leave me you listened to him without thinking twice. How can you do this with me? No... please don’t leave me like this... I promise that I will become a better version of myself, but don’t leave me. I am ready to do anything for you”, the woman exclaimed in a stuttered tone whilst tears started to fall on her cheeks. She was trying her best to convince Tyler not to leave her, but I know such types of girls and all their tricks. I took out my wallet from my pocket and then threw all the money on her face. “I will compensate well so, collect all this money and get out. Watching your pathetic drama is seriously giving me a headache now”, I said to her in a cold voice whilst she only trembled in fear.  After collecting the money she finally gets out of the car. I don’t understand exactly why does Tyler entertain such a type of woman?  “Sorry, bro. Next time, I will try to find a nice girlfriend with some brains and a nice body”, Tyler asserted whilst he rubbed the back of his neck with a smile on his face. Nah, I can’t get angry with him.  “I don’t believe those words as I am certain that you will always choose a woman with a nice body over a woman who will have some brains. I know you too well, baby brother. Mother is asking me to put some responsibilities on your shoulders, but I think that you are still too young to handle business”, I told him while I placed my hand on his shoulder with a smile on my face. Tyler looked quite annoyed and I know the exact reason for his vexed expression.  “Don’t start again, bro. You do know how much I hate it whenever you tell me to be responsible and why is the mother so obsessed to make me responsible? I don’t want to handle business. Why do I need to take care of anything when I have you by my side. You will never leave my side, right, brother?”, Tyler asked me and I only ruffled his hair gently.  “Do you even need to ask me about such things, huh? No matter what happens in the future, but your brother will always support you”, I said to him in a calm voice whilst he smiled at me.  Marco who was sitting on the front seat then showed me something on his mobile screen. “We have a problem. Should we head straight to the hotel, boss?”, Marco asked me and I only nodded my head while looking outside the car's window.  “Let’s drop Tyler first and then we can head to the hotel”, I responded to him whilst my eyes were still fixated outside.  I don’t know, but my mind is still wandering around that good for nothing woman. That woman called me a rude bastard, but she was no different from me.  Her words were stuck inside my head just like her alluring amber eyes.  “Brother are you still with us, huh? Why exactly are you spacing out all of a sudden? Did something happen or do you need my advice in something?”, Tyler asked me in a confused tone while he glanced at me with a puzzled expression on his face.  Oh, is he talking with me? The car stopped moving and it was parked in front of the mansion. Did I spaced out for too long and that too because of that rebellious woman? “No, I don’t need your advice in anything, Tyler. So, just go and look after your mother. You should sometimes spend your time with her also”, I exclaimed in a low voice whilst I looked straight into his eyes.  Tyler only nodded his head and after that, he got out of the car. I know that he enjoys to party and spending time with his mother is something which he usually avoids.  After he reached the entrance of the mansion, Marco told the chauffeur to drive the car straight to the hotel. I don’t understand why don’t people enjoy their lives? Why do they enjoy losing their life and too with my hands?  I only looked at my wristwatch to check the time as I don’t want to get late for this meeting. I am their leader and one way or the other they have to eventually follow me. With or without their wishes.  Why can’t people understand that it’s useless to fight with someone who has more power than them? Why do they have to show their brave faces even when they are standing on the losing side?  The car stopped in front of the lavish Hotel which was specially decorated to welcome me. Marco stepped out of the car first and after that, he opened the door for me. After getting out of the car, I headed straight towards the hotel while my men followed me. Marco was briefing me out about the meeting and the people who are attending today’s meeting. He told me that some of them are not only important guests, but they are also the Alphas of the other neighbouring packs. I then walked towards the meeting room where everyone was waiting for me. The moment I entered the room they stood up to greet me.  Well, they might be the Alpha’s of their packs, but Crescent Pack is the strongest pack and they don’t have any other choice, but to respect me.  Then suddenly my gaze met with the woman who standing beside one of the Alpha. She was smiling at me while she was trying her best to gain my attention.  “Darling, we should welcome Alpha Zayden. I never knew that Alpha Zayden will be so handsome. I think the rumours about your appearance doesn’t justify you enough. Oh, how rude of me. Let me introduce myself. I am Ellie. Luna of the Shadow Pack and this is my husband Alpha William. Where is your mate? Don’t tell me that you are still unable to find your mate? You do know that it’s important for the pack to have a Luna, right? If you are still unable to find her then why don’t you select a Luna by yourself? I mean not everyone is lucky to find their mates. I can even introduce you to my sister. She will be the perfect Luna for the Crescent Pack. She resembles me quite a lot. You know what I am trying to say, right?”, the annoying woman asserted in a low voice whilst she was still sticking with her husband.  Why is she behaving like a bloody matchmaker? Did I ask her about her opinion or help to find a Luna for my pack?  I need to control my anger or this room will turn into a complete mess.  I only clenched my fists tightly while I looked at her with a smirk on my face.  “Alpha William, why don’t you try to shut your Luna before I throw you out of this meeting room? I don’t think that I have asked for your help Luna Ellie so, why don’t you stop poking your nose in someone’s else business, huh? If I have to eventually chose someone then I don’t want anyone who will resemble you even a little bit. As for the luck part, I think that I am lucky enough that I don’t have an idiotic woman like you as my mate. If you are done with wasting my and others time can we head towards the sitting area? I don’t understand why exactly did you bring this woman with you today, Alpha William? You should have left her to take care of the pubs. I mean, she should have look after them in the first place as it’s her job to take care of her children. Next time don’t waste my or someone else time by bringing this woman to the meeting. Do you understand or should I make myself more clearly than this?”, I asserted to William in a cold voice whilst I looked straight into his eyes. The woman looked quite baffled after hearing my words.  She glanced here and there and after that, she left the room without looking back.  Why am I meeting such kind of woman lately?  “I am sorry for my wife’s words, Alpha Zayden. She sometimes talks without thinking. I will make sure that this incident won’t repeat. I hope that our packs are still on friendlier terms”, William asked me with a terrified look on his face and I only kept my hand on his shoulder to reassure him.  When suddenly, I heard a familiar voice from behind, “You have messed with the wrong person this time, douchebag.” Douchebag?  What the heck is going on and how dare a woman call me something like that in front of everyone! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  Author's Note  I would like to humbly request you all to please add this book to your library and also, please do comment  Thank you for reading :)
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