Chapter 6-1

1997 Words

Chapter 6“How's that?” Zofia asked. Monique's hazel-gray eyes held real fear in them. Zofia was certain she'd never seen her look so frightened all three years she'd known her. Grasping Zofia's arm, Monique said low, “This is going to sound crazy.” “Come on, Mon. It's me.” How many times had Monique felt free to tell Zofia of her most personal problems, especially those concerning Kenny, or men in general? “You're going to laugh—” “I won't. Promise.” Laughter burst behind them. Two men swaggered out of Ziggie's Lounge laughing boisterously. One of them was the mailman wearing gray shorts and a safari hat and a mail bag over his shoulder. “Let's keep moving,” Monique said, urging Zofia away from anyone within hearing distance. They advanced down the cracked sidewalk. Finally safe fr

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