The Mated Side

1649 Words

She’s called back from her thoughts feeling Ben’s warm breath beside her neck. He’s trying for her attention, for her to lean back so he can hold her too, she can scent that at least and smiles at the thought of getting better at this. “Sorry,” she questions even though it’s not quite even that. “We’re ordering Mexican. Just wondering what you’d like. Frank is suggesting one thing while Pedro is pretty certain you want a C4,” Ben says, quirking an eyebrow up in suspicion. “Yes, Pedro’s right. It’s loaded with jalapeños: nachos. C4; real delicacy,” she promises. “Isn't that the truth?” Frank teased. “Fair warning man. Do not let her kiss you after. I let Roxi kiss my cheek after and that burned a hole right through it. Figuratively speaking of course.” “Ah, don't be a baby,” Pedro

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