1534 Words

“Stop messing around” I threw a bag at Brian’s head as he laughed catching it, Dax had just left to head inside to an alpha’s meeting leaving me and Brian to assist the pack members we brought with us to unload the vehicles and get settled, luckily Luna Susan came out since Brian was not taking it seriously. She chuckled and watched us “are you two siblings by chance?” I looked at her as if she grew a second head. “Related to this creature, as if. I actually have all my chromosomes” I said causing Luna Susan to chuckle some more. Brian gave and exasperated look of being hurt from my words. “That hurts avy, we are practically family” he pouted and moved closer to Luna Susan. “See how she treats me after all the times I baby sat her”. I rolled my eyes, luckily our pack members were unlo

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