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NATALIE. I notice considerable changes in Janet. Since she attended the party, she must have known that she's not James' destined mate and she must be feeling so hurt about that. Well, she needs to stop throwing herself at a man who doesn't have an interest in her. But then there's something that puzzles me, is she going to take out her frustrations on me? Does she think I'm the reason the Alpha didn't pick her? She knows that these things come naturally, doesn't she? Then why did she decline my greetings? Then, all of a sudden she becomes withdrawn and she doesn't want anything to do with me. I have tried approaching her and initiating a conversation but she shoves me away, calling me all sorts of bad names including an ugly rogue. I don't give up on her because our friendship spans many years, and I approach her once more “Don't you ever get closer to me you ugly scoundrel!” she scoffs at me and sizes me from head to toe. “I never want to be associated with an ugly and disgusting rogue like you. Have you looked at yourself in a mirror? You are ugly, you reek of s**t!” What the hell? Her words stir a raw wound in my heart, making me to smell at my dress and when I discover that I'm smelling just like a normal teenager, I shoot daggers at her. “Why do you hate me this much Janet? I thought we were good friends? What really changed?” I ask her, trying to get a reason as to why she's so indifferent towards me. ”And you have a mouth to speak you dimwit?” she scoffs, spitting at my face. “I hope my saliva will clear that ugly scar on your face once and for all! Anyway, since you've demanded for an explanation, I'll give you one!” She continues spitting venom like the snake that she is. “While in the Two Hills Pack, we used to be omegas and of the same level but right now, I'm an Omega and you're a miserable rogue who depends on strangers for food and survival. Agrrr! You disgust me!” she utters then turns to leave. Gosh, why is she this heartless and vulgar? Nooo! This is not the Janet I used to know! Something must have triggered her sudden change of attitude towards me! But what is it? Sadly, this is not the last time I encounter her today and every time she accosts me, she's rude and ruthless even without being provoked. Since I don't want to cause trouble by defending myself and maybe wounding her badly, I've been trying to always ignore her and keep my calm. After all, it doesn't hurt to be the bigger person. The mother of all showdowns happens on a Wednesdaymorning. I'm the first to arrive in class because I need to prepare for an assessment test. As I go through my maths books slowly, I notice someone standing in front of me and when I raise my head it's Janet, looking down at me. Gosh, not her, not again. “How can I help you?" I ask her, closing my books. “I told you. By leaving. You will do me a great favour if you left this pack. I hate you Natalie. I hate you." She says, a sneer registering on her face. “Well, if you can't stand me, it's you who should leave, not me...." I respond. We continue hurling insults at each other and we only stop when other classmates troop in. The tests begin soon after and I forget about our altercation, instead focusing my whole attention on the exams. In the afternoon I'm keen to leave early to avoid her, and after school, Anne who has been busy hunting informs me that Alpha James has demanded to meet everyone who didn't attend the party, including the rogues. Since I'm not in the mood to attend, I leave and take a walk within the Pack, but not before informing her about the altercation between Janet and I at school. She advises me to keep my distance since defending myself might cause some bodily harm to her, given my anger and temper that are so hard to control. Besides, she tells me, trouble may arouse unwanted attention and lead to expulsion from the pack. I just nod and walk away since that's what I've decided to be doing in the first place. I wander far and wide, still deep in thoughts when I hear someone calling for my attention. I don't know how far I've wandered and I'm shocked to realise that I'm in the Pack's training grounds. “Hey young lady, how are you?” he approaches me as I stand transfixed on the spot. Maybe I have crossed into a no go zone. “Who are you and what do you want from me?” I ask, trying to arouse my wolf. She doesn't respond at all and all I can do is to wait for the guy to state his mission and maybe leave. Surprisingly, I don't feel intimidated by his size. He's tall and handsome and he reeks of pure command. “My name is Josh Mathews and I'm evergreen Pack's Beta. I have instructions from Alpha James to inform you that your attention is needed in his presence." He explains. “Well, go and tell your Mighty Alpha that I'm not interested and I'm not accompanying you to meet him!” I say with finality then turn to leave. “Then you leave me no choice but to hand cuff you and drag you to the Pack House by force!” he says with finality, grabbing me from behind and commanding his companions to put cuffs on my hands. Goodness gracious! Am I going to appear before the Alpha in hand cuffs like a common and dangerous criminal....wow! I anticipate that it'll be a pleasant meeting! The pack house is a magnificent building, done with no expenses spared. However, I have little time to absorb the details because I'm shoved into the Alpha's office where he's seated, busy tapping at the keyboard of his desktop. When he senses my presence he looks up and smiles and then stands up. The beta and his guards are dismissed and they walk away. His scent reminds me of George's scent which I smelt a few years ago before he approached me and rejected me cruelly. It's so intoxicating, so inebriating, yet I can't bring myself to mention the word mate, lest I get another painful disappointment. “Mate!” he utters, making me to remain mum since my expectations are to be painfully rejected! My mind goes back to that day George rejected me and upon playing that whole scenario in my mind including how I I ran away only to end up in the claws of a killer beast, I feel like collapsing. “Did I say something wrong? Won't you accept me as your mate?” James asks, approaching me and surprising, I don't flinch nor push him away. Instead, I remain transfixed on the spot, a million thoughts running through my mind! I don't reply therefore he places an arm around my waist and leads me to the couch and makes me sit on it, then sits beside me, observing me keenly. I hope I won't scare him away with my ugly scar! Oh, thank goddess I'm not destined to be rejected by my mates forever! “Will you have tea or coffee?" His words wake me up from my reverie. “Tea please, thanks." I reply, and suddenly my stomach is full of butterflies.
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