“Damn it!” Cain huffed. “We have to get to the settlement immediately. The inhabitants there may have what we need to save her,” Dastan urged. “That’s most likely our best course of action,” Julius supported. Dain glanced into the distance and noticed a figure protruding from behind a tree. “Hey! Who’s there?” he yelled. The shadowy figure stepped away from the tree, walking toward them. “Damn it, Dain, don’t call the damn thing over here. It might be hostile!” Siena scorned. “Mother, watch your language,” Nolan replied. Siena glared at Nolan, crossing her arms with the deadliest of snarky stares. “Yes, ma’am,” Nolan replied, hushing immediately. The shadowy figure stepped closer. Cain’s eyes widened as he reached for his weapon. “It’s a damn bear!” he exclaimed. “Wait, General! I