Chapter 13

1665 Words

Falyn Pov I wasn’t sure what to think, what to do. The moment I left the house I was headed here, and despite everything I was feeling, I wasn’t sure what to even say anymore. I could see Amelia and Delphine sitting there nicely on Delphine’s bed, staring at me with wide eyes as they took in everything I had told them. If I wasn’t as agitated as I was, I would have made some sort of comment about how they were sitting there next to each other without tearing each other’s heads off, but instead, they were mirroring each other right now, both of their mouths hanging open in surprise. “I…what?” Amelia stammered out, the first one to speak since I told them everything that had happened from the beginning. Delphine gave her a raised eyebrow of annoyance, shaking her head at her. “She said so

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