Chapter 44

1631 Words

Falyn Pov I was not sure what to think, my mind spiraling as I stared down at Cain. When Arlo was here everything felt so right, so sure, so…content. But then he left and everything was simply just Cain. He was always here, and when Arlo was near me, Cain’s presence has been so small, barely there, just the brush of a smile and a tingle of electricity, nothing compared to Arlo. But then Arlo leaves and all of my feelings seem to…rush to Cain. It’s like they were pushed to the side, unable to be seen when Arlo was around me, but slowly sliding back faster and faster, making it impossible for me to deal with all of this. Then he just keeps…touching me. Innocent touches, innocent strokes of his hand against my arm, over my lower back, brushing my face from my cheek, so many innocent touches

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