Where The River Flows Red-2

2208 Words
Placebo- Pure Morning      My heartbeat sped up. It's a familiar feeling one I haven't felt since the first night I had become part of the Bourne family. The scene, however, is much different from what I remember. I stand in the center of my room looking down at my bare feet dreading to look up and see the confines of my fairy tale existence drench in red. I shiver when a pair of Salvatore Ferragamo Tramezzas step in front of me. The brown leather is perfection. The medallion- toe is oxford's special edition line up. My mom had ordered them the night the pre-sale opened up so she could get a pair of them for my dad.       "Look at what you've done,"      I brought my gaze up to the sound of my father's voice. Our eyes met. His soft blue eyes are gone, glazed over with the paleness of a corpse's dead stare. The red is leaking out of his neck drenching his white-collar button up.      "Dad?"      "Go and never come back before you take them as well," he growled.     The scream bounced off the walls. Instinctively, I pulled my legs up trying to get the images out of my head. Silas rushed into the room turning the lights on. I can hear the ringing in his voice trying to tell me something. The red in my vision blurred everything as he came to my side trying to help me. It felt like hours when it could have been minutes or maybe seconds before the ringing faded and the red cleared out. By then my parents had joined my brother.      "Tobi, are you okay?" he asked worriedly. I looked up at my brother.      "It's been a long time since you've had a nightmare," dad said placing his hand over mine. I didn't mean to but I flinched away from him.      "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake any of you?" I tried clearing my throat. Silas laughed.      "You didn't, you should be up anyway. Orientation starts in a couple of hours,"      "Oh," I smiled, shaking the numb feeling in my body. "Yeah. I'll meet you guys downstairs then,"      They all walked out of my room. Dad briefly looked back at me skeptically. I had hurt him when I flinched away from him. The door was shut. I feel lightheaded as I got ready for my first day of school. Once I was settled, I had goals and I fulfilled the one that has made them proud to have brought me home. Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.      "Are you excited?" dad asked as I sat down for breakfast. I smiled at him.      "Yes, I am," I declared, taking a sip from my teacup. "I think that's why the nightmare hit so hard,"      "Young master Collum and miss Ebony have arrived," Ivanka informed us. Silas groaned from the other side of the table. He isn't very fond of Ebony.      "Did she get in too?" he asked looking at me.     "No, she's going to Cambridge," I smirked. He let out a sigh of relief. Since we aren't too sure what we'll be expecting, we both agreed to take the same classes this semester.      "Collum got in," he said smugly.      "Yeah, of course, he did. I mean, after all, he was the one who tutored you," I reminded him. He rolled his eyes with a smirk on his face.      "Shut up,"      "Tobania, tell this i***t to leave me alone," my parents laughed as Ebony ran over to my side.      "I don't see why she's here. Her school is a lot further than ours and the only i***t here is you. You didn't even make the cut," Collum said sitting next to my brother.      "Come now. Cambridge is just a good a school," my dad said.      "Yeah, just as good as any. Harvard Med isn't just any school," Collum boasted, placing a napkin on his lap.      "Harvard Med isn't just any school," Ebony mocked. The boys just rolled their eyes while my parents just laughed.      "As I recall, your father had to make a call," I said putting my teacup down. "I think it's convenient to be the son of an Alumni,"      "Ouch, try and see if Harvard Med has an elaborate method to treat that third-degree burn," Ebony teased. Collum rolled his eyes and thanked Matilda for his breakfast.      "Have a wonderful first day," my mom smiled at us all. They're used to our banter. She kissed Silas on the head and then came over to me wrapping her arms around me. "Stay safe,"      "Bye," I said looking at them both. They're the perfect pair.      "Will you two be home for dinner?" dad asked.      "We'll see," Silas said looking away. They still hadn't made up.     "Be safe. Have a good first day," he said taking mom's hand and pulling her along with him.      "I want a forever like that," Ebony sighed watching them walk away. My best friend, a hopeless romantic.      "I pity the man who ends up with the likes of you," Collum said.      "We should go. Ivanka is waiting for us outside," Silas said placing his napkin on his empty plate.      "I drove here. I just wanted to wish you luck on your first day. You're going to need it since you three have all of your classes together,"      "We didn't get into Literature together. We're taking the same class just at different times. I take it in the evening," I said as we walked out together.      "Well, call me when you're done," I nodded. She looked me over almost as if she were memorizing me for the last time before she rushed down to her car.      "I swear if I didn't know any better I'd say she was in love with you," Silas whispered in my ear.      "She's in love with Collum. I think we've all established he's the poor soul. They just haven't figured it out yet,"  He laughed.      School is no different from the academy. Well, that's not true. At least here, we don't have to wear uniforms. It feels like the first day at the academy all over again. Freshman year, it was the worst year of my high school career. I knew too much. I was known as "the know it all". By the time Silas and I graduated I was known as the school mentor. I was offered a summer school job that I would have fallen in love with had it not involved the school imbeciles. They didn't cut it during the school year and they barely scraped by in the summer.      "Welcome to your lesson in Physics," the professor began the lecture.      The way she moves caught my attention. It had this almost soldier-like manner with each step she takes. Precise. The way she speaks catches the attention of the listener. A strong voice to the sharp picturesque features of her face. She loves this job. The smile, the movement, the passion in her voice all of it adds to the lesson. I'm not the only one to notice either. My brother and his moronic friend can't take their eyes off of her. No one can. It's hypnotizing in a-way.      I am the only one looking around. The only one distracted enough to notice how alluring she is. Silas had chosen her class because it came with outstanding recommendations. The passing percentage is high. Now I understand why.      "Young lady in the back," I looked up at her after jotting down some notes. I looked around to see she was talking to me.      "Yes?" I answered. She smiled. She has the straightest teeth I had ever seen.      "What is your name?" everyone turned to look at me.      "Tobania Bourne,"      "Bourne?" she asked confused taking a clipboard from her desk.      "Yes, ma'am,"      "Edvard and Alyssa Bourne?" I shook my head.      "Cassmier and Bruce Bourne," she placed the clipboard down in the same exact spot she had lifted it from with insane accuracy.      "Interesting. I assume this is your brother. Silas?"  We both nodded.      "Is there a problem?" I asked. "I was paying attention. I can recite what you said if you wish?"     "That won't be necessary, love. I am one hundred percent sure you can," the smile is a bit devious if you ask me. "Please turn your textbooks to page two hundred and six,"      I looked around again and at the front of the class, my gaze clashed with a pair of bright green emeralds. The guy stared back at me for an instant. It didn't go unnoticed by our professor but she simply ignored the exchange. He turned to face her before skimming through his textbook and began to do as she instructed. I had never met anyone who had caught my attention as he had. I didn't get the full view of his face but what little I did see took my breath away. Those eyes. I had never seen that color in anyone's eyes. The green in his eyes is bright and almost crystal clear. Gems are what they are, really expensive gems.     "Our time for today is done. I will see you all Wednesday," the professor said as we put our things away. "Ms. Bourne, can you spare a minute?"      "Go ahead. I'll save you a seat," Silas said taking my book.      "I'll see you in a bit," I agreed, putting my book bag over my shoulder. The guy stayed as well. I walked down slowly as the remainder of the class exited.      "What clan are you from?" the guy asked once the door was closed. I looked between the two. Their eyes are basically the same. Except her's a bit darker than his.      "I'm sorry, what?" I asked.     "She doesn't know what you're talking about," the professor said. "How old are you my love?"      "I'm nineteen. Just turned nineteen a few weeks ago," I answered.      "It says here you're starting the engineering program. A bit young for that aren't we?"      "I graduated a couple of years early with my brother Silas. My academic scores were too high for the level of education my gifted program offered,"  She smiled at me.      "Silas, is he related to you by blood?" my heart skipped a beat. It happened every time someone asked me that. "Don't answer that love. It was wrong of me to ask. I'd like to ask you to forgive us. We thought you were someone else,"      "Something else," the guy whispered but I caught it.      "Right. Can I be excused now?" she nodded. I turned away and reached the door as fast as I could without being disrespectful.     "Do be careful here, Tobania Bourne. You may not know who you are yet, but there are those who may claim to figure you out. Godspeed girl,"          I looked back to make sure I had heard her right. They were gone. I pushed the door open and got out of there as fast as I could. I was panting by the time I reached Silas and Collum. That was strange right? That doesn't happen. I must have imagined it. The nightmare this morning must have thrown my mind out of whack.      "Are you alright?" Silas asked looking me over.     "You look like you've seen a ghost," Collum said placing his hand on mine.      "Yeah, I'm fine," I pulled away from him. "I just... I thought I was going to be late. That is not the first impression I want to make to any professor here,"      "Teacher's pet," Silas whispered playfully bumping my shoulder with his. I didn't see the professor or the guy for the rest of the day. Which in my book is key to remaining calm.     "Do you want me to wait for you?" Collum asked my brother.      After having lunch and doing homework together it was nearly time for them to go home. I hadn't made the waiting list for the morning Literature class. Silas had told me to take it next term but I wanted to take it now. He is and I don't want to get left behind so I signed up for the evening one. It's perfect. I'd still make it home in time for dinner with my family.      "You can go with him. I'll be fine. Just remind Ivanka my class ends at seven forty-five,"      "Are you sure? I think I should stay out here just this once. After what happened this morning I don't think I should leave you alone. Maybe I can talk to Professor Benette and convince him to let me stay with you,"      "Really Silas?" I laughed. He rolled his eyes.      "You can just say no and we're gone,"     "No. I'll be fine it's just a couple of hours. Besides, I get to sleep in tomorrow while you're in class,"      "Lucky," Collum yawned.      "Go. I'll text you as soon as the class is over,"      "Alright. Be careful," he caved. I nodded.      "Hey what did Professor Gallihad want this morning?" Callum asked. My stomach lurched. I had hoped they wouldn't ask.      "She thought I was a different student. A different Bourne,"      "That explains why she asked about mom and dad," Silas said and I nodded.      "I'll see you later," I said taking my bag. 
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