In The Dark-4

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Paramore- Let The Flames Begin     This office space is a lot bigger than the one in LA. The pay is better and the team is in serious need of some good media outlets. There is no shame in failure. Failing only means there is room for improvement. Why stay in perfection when you can keep working on who you are right? I want to take this opportunity to show not only myself but everyone I'm going to represent that there is success in failure.     "I know you're new here and that you're not a Cubs fan," Chief editor Justin Davis said while he showed me around.      "I can easily be persuaded," I said looking over all the merchandise I was given on my way in.      "Yeah, I see that," he laughed. "Tell me why you chose to come to us? Your golden boy is with the White Sox if my sources are correct. I heard the Dodgers made you a hell of an offer,"      "The Dodgers have all the glory they need. I don't have a golden boy. I'll have you know that I didn't even know what he really looked like until just recently. I want to build something for myself. Leave a mark so to speak. I wasn't going to get what I want with a team that already is perfect," he smiled like my words were music to his ears.      "I knew I picked the right person the moment I made that call. I was very surprised when I saw your application on my desk,"      "I was a little hurt to know that you didn't send me an offer," I admitted. "I almost didn't do it,"      "Ego," he said shaking his head. "I love it. I didn't think you'd be interested, to be honest. The preseason starts tomorrow. I'm going to need you to attend every game. Your flight tickets are already in order and your company car. I want reports on every game as played and then with your critical analysis. I want to make sure you can balance the business and the personal. So pack up rookie. You only have forty-eight hours before you start moving,"      "Thank you, Mr. Davis," I said extending my hand to him.      "Call me, Justin," he said taking it.     "As long as you call me Lee," he nodded.      "Lee, it is,"      His assistant came over to him and they began to chat away as I began to put my things away to get ready to get the hell out of here. My briefing had been extended by three hours a lot more than I had planned and  I'm starving. A few people I met today waved at me and I waved back as I made my way over to the elevator. There is a stack of highlights in my new unpacked loft calling my name. I reached for the garage button at the same time someone else reached for the close button. I looked up and rolled my eyes.      "Here I thought I had gotten rid of you," he said. I laughed.      "Me? I thought I had gotten rid of you but one can only hope," I said pressing the button.      "What are you doing here?" he asked looking me over. His eyes stayed on the new jersey I was given earlier.      "You're looking at the new junior editor for the Cubs," I said not meeting his gaze.      "Is this what betrayal feels like?" he asked. I looked at him and laughed because he's one hundred percent serious.      "I don't know. Is it?" he shook his head looking away.      "I thought we had something special, kid. I'm heartbroken,"      "I doubt that very much," I said. "What are you doing here?"      "I had an interview with Milan Gerard," I looked at him now my turn to glare.      "And you're calling me a traitor huh?"       "I heard you two have some kind of beef," he laughed.     "She asked you about me huh?" he smirked.      "Might have casually mentioned you?"      "Uh-huh," I said feeling smug.      "What's your story with her anyway?"      "It was a competition between us on who got the spot on the sports illustrated. It was between you and Corey Montgomery. He was her preferred player. I won obviously. She attended my victory party and burned a copy of the magazine in front of the editor,"      "No," he said laughing. "She's nuts,"      "She paid for it. She could do whatever she wanted with it,"      "Are you going to be at my game tomorrow?" he asked.      "I won't be there for you," I said making him laugh.      "Keep telling yourself that, princess. Where are you staying?"      "Wouldn't you like to know,"      "I would," he said when the elevator doors opened. I walked in the direction of my car and he followed. "Brought your little beetle huh. I should have known it was yours right off the bat,"      "You need a ride?" he smirked taking a key pod out and pressing it. A brand new sleek black Avalanche flashed its lights a few cars down. "You got a giant truck?"     "I'm not a little guy, princess. Your bug is very aware of that," I laughed. "I thought you were staying in LA,"      "I was," I said unlocking my car and popping the trunk open. "Until I realized there was nothing there for me to really hold onto,"      "It went that bad with your old man, huh?"      "Yeah, it turns out he's not my old man. I'm not like him," I said remembering everything I had found in that crazy file he had given me. He tilted my head up so I could look at him.      "That's not a bad thing, Aleethea," I love the way he says my name.      "I know that,"      "I would love to hear you say that you chose Chicago because of me," he said smugly. I laughed.      "You know what? I'm going to say it because you've made this a lot easier on me," he smiled that damn dazzling smile I want to keep seeing. "I moved here because I wanted to be closer to you,"      "I love it," he nodded. "Now tell me why you're really here,"      "Power," I said pulling out a copy of today's Chicago Tribune. There was a paragraph long article on the Cubs. No picture just a few sentences. The only other mention is in the stats.     "That's sad," he said taking it from me.      "By the time the season starts I'm going to own at least half this page. Maybe you should consider coming over to my side," his eyes sparkled like they did the night we met.      "Oh, my dear Aleethea. There is no way I'm going to let you outshine me," I laughed.      "Let's bet on it," I said. His smile widened.      "What are you offering?" he asked.      "When I win. You're going to get rid of that monster and get something with a little more class and elegance. I didn't get you here so you can be a snob," he laughed.     "Ouch," he said. "And if I win?"      "What do you want?" I asked shutting the trunk and turned to face him. I jumped back hitting my calves on the edge of my license plates when I saw how close he is to me. He leaned into me the warmth of his breath fanning across my face. He smells like heaven.      "I want you, but I'll settle for a real date. Dinner, movie, and a walk on the beach. No schedules, no interruptions. Just you and me," I cleared my throat putting my hands up to push him back.      "Alright, Casanova. You've got yourself a wager,"      "I can't believe you don't like my truck," he said letting me push him away from me.     "That has douche bag written all over it," I said opening my bug.      "This has princess written all over it," he said motioning my car. I shrugged.      "Well, I just found a kingdom I'm going to inherit so it's suitable," he laughed. I opened the door to my bug.     "I feel like this wager is unfair," he said when I climbed in. I started the car and began to lower the top.      "How so?"      "I think I can get a date out of you without it," I scoffed.      "Axel, just because I think you're charming doesn't mean you can score with me. We both know I am way out of your league. I'm not what you're used to. You're going to have to work for this. I know what I'm worth. It's you that has to prove what you're worth,"      "You don't think I'm valuable?" he asked growing serious.      "I know you're valuable. I want to know if you know that," I said getting in my bug. "Show me you love what you see in the mirror,"      "It's a date," he said with a smirk like it was no big deal.     "I don't do casual dates. This is who I am. Take it or forfeit,"      "Excuse me? I don't forfeit, princess," I backed out and stopped right in front of him.      "So we have a wager?" I asked.      "Hell yeah," he said extending his hand. I took his hand and firmly shook it. "I have one condition, Lee,"      "What's that?" I asked looking up at him.      "Don't let anyone near what's mine," he said leaning on my door. His face was right by my ear The soft blow of his exhale sent goosebumps all over my body. "You don't know this yet, Aleethea but you're mine,"      He stood up straight and for a second I lost track of where and when I was. I jumped when my car jerked back when I let go of the gas break. He climbed into his douche mobile with a satisfied smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes trying to play it off. I put my car into gear and got the hell out of there. 
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