Scar Tissue-3

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Red Hot Chilli Peppers- Scar Tissue     Once home, I went up to my room. I smiled brightly to myself. I love this place it had been my haven to the outside world. A place where life was so much better. The soft gray walls are barely visible with all the vampires, zombies, and dragon posters. My coffin-shaped king size bed made me laugh as I sat at the end of it.     "You always seem a little more at ease in your monster room," my mom commented.     She looked around my room before placing the golden key among my many academic trophies and medals. She cherished those things and had put them up to remind me that the ass holes at school meant nothing compared to what I have done in the outside world.     "I love this room. I missed it," I agreed.     "Your massive jeep is something. You might as well of gotten a f*****g hearse," she glared at me.     "I thought about it, but dad convinced me otherwise," the mention of my dad made her smile falter. I tapped the open space next to me. "Tell me what's really going on, mom,"     "We're getting a divorce," she shrugged and the statement struck home right in my chest as well as flipping the nerves in my belly. It isn't a surprise, I had expected this. I just really wanted to be wrong for once.     "I figured," she looked at me with tears in her eyes. "Mom, how long has this been going on?"     "He started seeing Harriet Kyle about two years after you left and decided you weren't coming back. Honestly, though I think we had issues even before that and were too afraid of what it meant if we addressed them. Especially with you coming home almost in tears all the time,"      "I'm sorry about that mom. I didn't know. I always thought... You guys always looked so happy together. I thought that when you did fight it was my fault. I felt like such a loser. That I didn't deserve to have parents like you. I thought you guys would be better off without me here,"  She let out a sob and she wrapped her arms around me.     "Baby you are the only thing that had held us together. You were always very extraordinary. Despite the fact that you were-" we don't address the word bullied in this house. "You fought and I was so proud of you when you finally did leave. I loved that you found out who you are and made so much of yourself," I wiped away her tears. "Most of the hussies that hurt you stayed here and have done nothing with their lives,"     "I know mom none of them matter. I'm not that chubby little girl anymore. I came here for you,"     "We both know that isn't true, baby girl. I saw it in your eyes when you walked over to me today and when you walked onto that stage. The anger and pain are still there. You may help people get over their issues, but it doesn't mean you have gotten over yours. Stuff like that shapes our futures and when you came home covered in blue punch during your prom, I knew I had to let you go out and figure stuff out on your own,"     "We don't need to reflect on that s**t mom. I don't want to look back at it and neither should you," I brushed her off. She smiled and kissed the top of my head.     "Get some rest, but first can I ask you a favor?:" I nodded. "Take the trash out, please. Your father forgot to do it this morning and the garbage man gets here early,"     "Alright," I agreed, following her out.     Trash duty already. I grabbed the trash from the kitchen and bathrooms and headed out. I placed them into the bin and began to haul it out. As I brought it to the curve I saw a guy standing next to my jeep. The shiny black color of it made me smile. He was admiring it. He should. It's gorgeous.     "Careful he's new," I said and he turned to look at me.     "I like it, monster girl. You've always had good taste," he said.     No one, but them had ever called me that. The guy who was nice to the crying girl locked in the maintenance room, but not nice enough to be a friend. The guy had loved his reputation and being seen with the school's fat cow wasn't good for his image. It didn't stop me from crushing on him though. The other one was his ass hole, twin brother. We can hold off on talking about that prick.     "Grayson Maxion, admiring my car. Now I know I've seen it all," I scoffed.     He came closer giving me a better look at him. I thought the fucker was cute when we were kids, but damn this is bloody ridiculous. The six-foot-something, muscle built, sexy man in basketball shorts, and a hoodie smirked back at me lazily like being that hot while covered in sweat is no biggie.     "You remember me huh?' he asked, that voice of his still gives me chills and somehow it's gotten a little deeper, darker, sexier.     "You and your brother are the only ones that have ever called me monster girl," I shrugged, looking around making sure that no scary broad was going to jump out and scratch at me for talking to him. It happened a lot, my instincts just needed to make sure nothing sketchy happened.     "Waiting for someone?" he asked also looking around.     "No," I said looking away. I need to bail, like right now before he multiplies.     "You look amazing. I almost didn't recognize you on stage, key holder," he chuckled.     "Thanks," I said turning around trying to get back inside. I smacked straight into something hard. I looked up to see the f*****g c**k that made my life a living hell my entire life. It happened. There's another one.     "Holy s**t. No neck Kat, is that you?" I shoved him, my eyes stinging from the sound of his voice. The knot in my throat already so thick I could barely breathe. How was his voice so much like Gray's yet so distinctive and beautiful.     "Maxion," I practically growled, backing away from him.     "Damn Kat I'm going to have to find a new name for you. You're smoking hot. What happened to the cute chunky cheeks?" he laughed, reaching for my face.     "Don't touch me, ass hole. I'll break your fingers,"     "Wouldn't be the first time you put me in the hospital, sweet stuff fun times huh?" he smirked.     "Leave her alone Roy. Stop being a d**k," Grayson sighed.     "I'm just messing with you, pretty girl. I'm sorry about that. Welcome home. Congrats on your success. I wasn't there, but I heard you made quite the impression. You have always been the sarcasm queen,"     "I'm going inside," I announced. "Nice to see you two are as close as ever,"     "See? Sarcasm queen," he laughed. "I'll see you at work pretty girl,"     "Work?" I asked, stopping dead in my tracks.     "Yeah, sweet stuff. I'm your boss. Principle Maxion,"      "f**k," I groaned, turning to look at him again. "No wonder I was accepted so easily. You son of a b***h,"      "You're overqualified, Kathryn. Even I know that " he smiled. I sighed without being able to say a single word.     "It's Audrey now. Don't call me Katheryn,"      I spun on my heels and walked inside slamming the door behind me. My mom didn't say a word as I ran up to my room. I hadn't had this feeling in a long time. As a matter of fact, the last time I had this was with my first and only boyfriend.      The time before that, Royce Maxion was the one who made me feel this way. It was at our high school graduation I was giving the valedictorian speech when he had Valerie Deckard come up behind me and drop a frog in my robe. When I was trying to wiggle it out my foot caught on the microphone's cord and I fell into a massive puddle of mud.     Everyone laughed at me. Including that ass hole. The f****d up part about this is that he's the boy next door. The one that always made me miserable. Royce Maxion is the boy I wanted to strangle with all my might and he's also the boy I had been in love with since we were little kids. 
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