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Calvin Harris ft. Frank Ocean & Migos- Slide  Rite:  She was sitting in the music room on the floor with a set of giant stereo headphones over her ears that glow like something off Tron Legacy. Her body was swaying a little as she worked on whatever she was working on. Baby Colin is one of the weirdest girls I have ever met in my life. She hardly talks to anyone. Yet everyone knows who she is. All our school events are better because of her. Sure she's a little weird but there is an unmistakable talent everyone sees.  "Baby!" Colton shouted. When she didn't turn around to look at him he went over to her an shoved her with the tip of his shoe.  "Dude, what the f**k?" she shouted smacking his calf. Colton just laughed pushing the headphones off her head.  "I've been calling you for like twenty minutes," he exaggerated. "You didn't have to kick me," she complained as she started putting things away.  "What are you working on?" I asked going over to the two of them.  Ever since I can remember, Colton and Baby have always been together. I thought it was love for a long time. It is. Just not the kind of love that everyone wants to find. They're like brother and sister. A close unbreakable friendship. "Mr. Lang said he wants me to play at the Halloween dance this year so I'm setting up for that," she said briefly glancing at me.  "What do you have so far?" Colton asked taking two laptops from her while she put her mixer in a black box. She handed him her bag so he could put them in it. I took it from him and held it open so he wouldn't drop them.  "Monster mash and thriller. I was working on this is Halloween," she said looking up at me.  It had been a couple of weeks since I had given her my number and she still hasn't text me. I wonder if she's even thought about or if she's saved it in her phone. I had never given my number to a girl who has made me wait this long to get back to me. I've never had to bring it up before.  "You should do the Halloween theme song," she nodded with a smile liking my idea.  "That's a good idea,"  "I have the original album if you can't find it online," I felt Colton stare at the back of my head like I had lost my mind. He's really protective over Baby mostly because people tend to pick on her. At least, that's what I hope it is.  "Yeah, that would be cool maybe I can take a few songs from it apart," she nodded as we got to the parking lot.  "Cool, you have my number. You can pick it up or I can drop it off," she nodded heading over to her little black beetle convertible. I think I snuck that in casually.  "She has your number?" Colton asked stopping me from walking to my car.  "Yeah, I gave it to her a few weeks ago," I said looking up at him meeting his challenge.  "On a chocolate bar?" he asked scratching his right eyebrow. He does that when he's frustrated.  "Yeah," I nodded.  "Look, Rite. I'm not telling you to stay away from her because that choice is hers. Just because we're friends, it doesn't mean I won't beat the living s**t out of you if you hurt her. You get me? She's not something for you to play with," the look in his eyes made me smile. He's one hundred percent serious about this. The protective older brother.  "Yeah, man. I get you," I chuckled.  "Cool, I'm serious though. Also, if she kind of tells you to back off it's cause she's not ready to take it further not cause you're black," I smacked him making him laugh. "f**k you," I said shaking my head.  "For real though. She has a hard time talking to people. She watched her mom die dude. That s**t f****d her up. If she's not ready and you try to push it. I will f**k you up,"  "Alright, I get it," I nodded.  She honked at him as she pulled up in front of us. They had come to school together today. He usually came in his car a lot later than she did and she usually went home right after school was over. As of late, they've been showing up together and she'd wait for him in the music room.  "Hey, Rite," I turned around to see my brother running towards me.  "What are you still doing here?" I asked surprised.  "Basketball practice," he said out of breath when he reached me.  "You don't play basketball," I said shaking my head. He really doesn't play anything. He likes to stay in his room playing video games and reading about weird s**t all day.  "Mom, made me try out,"  "And?"  "I f*****g suck, bro. I ain't never played that s**t before. I tried tho. Who was you with?"  "Colton and Baby,"  "Bro," he said looking me over. "Why you call her that? She ain't cho baby,"  "That's her name you dumbass. Her name is Baby Colin," his left eye scrunched up as he made a distasteful scowl with his lips.  "Her parent's dead ass named her baby?"  "Dead ass," I laughed taking his duffle bag from him. He looks like he's barely holding himself up. I have to give him credit for trying at something he wasn't good at. I'm proud of him.  "Damn. I thought naming me Jamal was f****d up," I laughed pushing him towards my car. I unlocked it and climbed in.  "We're going to stop at the music store right quick. You cool?"  "Yeah," he nodded. "Watchu need from the music store? That new Drake album out already?"  "That's been out," I said pointing at the glove compartment of my car. He pulled it open and grabbed the CD.  "When?" he said taking the CD out of the case and putting it in the CD player.  "A while ago," I began to back out when a black minivan blocked my exit. I hit the breaks before I hit it. Out of all the empty places, it could have stopped the ass hole decided to stop behind me. A group of goths barged out of the main building. The van's back sliding door opened and heavy metal music blared out from inside. I locked the doors before they reached my car. One of the bigger ones slammed his hands on the hood of my car before he pointed at me. Son of a b***h has tried to mess with me since we were kids. Racist trash.  "Yo, what the f**k," Jamal shouted going for his seatbelt. I stopped him.  "Don't. These crackers are crazy," I said watching the guy walk around my car.  "f*****g n****r," he said stopping in front of my window before spitting on the glass. "Go back to your jungle monkey,"  "Dude," Jamal said shaking his head.  "Jason,"  We all turned to look at the main building to see the Dean walking out with Ms. Kelley. The only south American teacher at this school. These f***s always f**k with her because she's colored. They make fun of her British accent. Luckily for her, the dean is one of us and is helping her deal with these punk ass white boys.  "f**k you, you f*****g monkey," the man in the van behind me shouted. "You best leave my boy alone,"  "Get off the premises before I call the police sir," Dean Johnson said calmly. He's beyond furious. The goths all climbed into the minivan and the man sped off without saying another word. "You good, Rite?"  "Yes, sir," I said lowering Jamal's window.  "Go on then. I'll see you two tomorrow. Good job today, Jamal. We'll work on your-" he paused. "I'll work with you if you want to play, yeah?"  "Yeah," Jamal said a little embarrassed. He didn't look up.  "Get out of here you two," the dean chuckled as he walked Ms. Kelley to her car.  "I suck at everything," Jamal said as I drove towards the music store.  I hate those f*****g white supremacist mother fuckers. I've had to deal with them since we moved here when I started fifth grade. This is the first time Jamal has to deal with them. Now that he's a freshman. I worry about how he's going to deal with it when I go off to college. They're not the type to drop something or leave anyone they think should be here alone.  "Nah, your good at school bro," I said giving him a playful shove with my elbow. "Leave the sports s**t to people like me who are too stupid to get into college the hard way," "Yeah, but mom-"  "I'll talk to her. You don't have to play if you don't want to,"  "I kinda do," he shrugged. "I don't want to spend all my time at him all of high school. Your snap chat be lit,"  "You want to play basketball then?" he nodded. "I help you,"  "b***h you a baseball player. Watchu gonna teach me about basketball?"  "Shut the hell up. Punk ass hoe. I chose baseball cause it was my favorite but I played ball too,"  "Yeah?" I nodded parking in front of the music store.  "Yeah, we can start by getting your ass to work out,"  "You never told me watchu coming here for," he said following me into the store.  "I promised Baby that I'd lend her my Halloween soundtrack,"  "What the f**k is a Halloween soundtrack?"  "The movie Halloween with Michael Myers,"  "Niggah, you don't have one of those," he said giving me a look I want to smack off his face.  "I know. That's why we're here,"  "Aye," he smiled playfully. "You're trying to get into the little white girls pants. Biiiiiitch,"  "It's not like that," I laughed.  "Dang, you like her," he said looking around with me.  "I'm not denying or confirming that,"  "It's coo. She's hot. Super smart. She's an aid in my algebra one class. I heard she kills on the turntables,"  "She does. That's what she wants the Halloween album for,"  "Dang, Kite. You haven't even held hands with her and your ass is sprung already," I smacked him looking over the names on the CDs.  "Shut up," I said shaking my head.  "Here with yo lost in love ass," he said tossing a CD at me. I caught to see it was the one I was looking for. He pointed behind him to show me others. I took a few others I thought she might like.  I got him his own Drake Album so he wouldn't try to sneak mine out of my car. My phone began to ring when he jumped into the car with a handful of Twizzlers. It's an unknown number.  "Hello?"  "Hey, it's Colin," she said making me smile. "Are you busy?"  "Nah, I was just getting my brother some candy," I said. "What's up?"  "You should come over. Bring the CD with you. You can bring your brother too. Jamal right?"  "Yeah," I nodded looking over at my i***t brother who is basically inhaling his Twizzlers.  "Cool. I'll see you in a bit. Do you know where I live?"  "Yeah, you and Colt are neighbors right?"  "We live together now. But yeah. Next door to the right,"  "Alright then,"  "See you in a bit," she said and hung up.  "If you want me to play nice I'm going to want to go some chips and other stuff," Jamal said shoving the rest of the Twizzlers in his mouth.  "Fine but you have to help me open the Cds," I said getting in.  "Deal," he laughed as he started ripping the plastic wrappers off the CD cases. 
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