Chapter 10 Galilea's Secret

1242 Words

Before Aidan could step on the accelerator, I got out of the car and steadied myself before stumbling over to the roadside and hailing a taxi. He didn't come after me, and I didn't look back. I leaned against the seat, my eyelids feeling extremely heavy. The alcohol was making me drowsy. "That's strange. Why's that car following us?" As I got out of the car, I heard the driver mumbling something. I was so dizzy that I didn't really catch what he'd said. I stumbled into the hotel after paying him. The next day, I woke up with a splitting headache, still feeling rather legless. I was about to go back to sleep when everything that I'd said to Aidan the night before replayed in my mind. "Yes, I needed your help, but I only agreed to it because it was you..." "I thought that I could win

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