
Alpha Prince's Tribrid Mate

another world

A Tribrid attends her first day at school and meets her mate almost immediately. She participates in his packs trials for permission to remain on their territory while she attends school. It isn't long before she and her mate become closer, unknown to them, the closer they get, the more danger her mate and his pack are in. With attacks becoming more frequent, and their focus so clearly on the Tribrid, steps are taken by both of them, to protect each other. What will our Tribrid do after her mate ends up in a coma? How will she react to the news these rouge attacks bring her?

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Chapter 1
Hi, my name is Belle. I live in a world full of supernatural creatures, like vampires and werewolves. Some of us hide in the shadows while others hide in plain sight. My father has homeschooled me my entire life, until today, anyway. My father is a vampire and my mother was a Lycan-witch. She died giving birth to me. Dad says my power was just too strong for her body to handle. Anyway, all these mean, I am a vampire-Lycan-witch. Those few that know of my existence call me the Tribrid. I'm the only one of my kind, and this is my story.   'BELLE! BELLE GET UP! OI b***h! GET UP FAT ASS! WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!' Luna yells in my head, waking me up. I groan. 'Luna, CHILL! We can just wolf to the edge of the school in the forest anyway. I refuse to take the bus.' I say back and she yips and prances around like a puppy in the back of my mind. I rolled my eyes at her. Studying with my father for the past 17, almost 18 years, I've visited werewolf territories as a human and a few vampire covens as a vampire. I found the border of the werewolf territory I was going to be in now and crossed it. I followed the scent of wolves to school in wolf form after I had picked up a bag with a pair of blue lace bra and underwear, a blue lace top, black ripped skinny jeans and a black leather jacket. I also had my black Nikes packed. I shifted back to my human form and started getting dressed. Pulling on my Nikes, I stood up, fixed my necklace and hid my scent so that all the wolves here thought I was human. They wouldn't know what to make of my scent without knowing about me, but it was safer this way. For all of them. I made my way past all of the werewolves on the oval like I wasn't trespassing. I walked up to the biggest guy I could find, whose eyes were glazed over, and in the sweetest, most innocent voice they had probably ever heard, I asked, "Could you please give me directions to the principal's office?" "You new here, huh?" The guy smiled and I nodded. "Follow me." He smiled and motioned for me to follow him.   Kai P.O.V. When I walked into class, I went straight to my seat in the back and started scrolling through f******k. I looked up from my phone when I heard the most angelic voice I had ever heard in my life. f**k! She's coming this way! 'Kai, man. Chill the f**k out! You're making me nervous.' James, my wolf said through our mindlink. Taking a few deep breaths, I started to wonder how a human could affect me as she had just done. I mean she's gorgeous, I'll give her that, but a human shouldn't be able to affect me at all. 'Kai, that's the girl that came out of the woods at the back of school this morning.' Chase, my beta, informed me through the pack mindlink. 'Thanks, Chase.' I replied. 'Listen up everyone.' I started, using the pack mindlink to include everyone who was at school. 'The new human girl that started today is to be left alone. If I see anyone harassing her in any way, the consequences will be extreme. Understood?' 'YES, ALPHA.' Everyone replied immediately. I closed the link and used the rest of the lesson to take in how breathtakingly beautiful this human girl was. I also wanted to know why I felt such a need to protect her. My Mum always said that only your mate could make you want to protect them without even having met them. But then she also said that when you touch them, even if it's light, you feel sparks radiate through your body from where your mate touches you. Your mate's scent is also supposed to be intoxicating and irresistible. But to me she just smells human, so she can't be my mate. Can she? 'We need to talk to her, Kai. It's the only way to know for sure who or what she is.' James chimed in. 'I agree. We'll talk to her after class.' I replied and I could feel James nod in agreement.   Belle P.O.V. Today is my first day at a school with humans. Suffice it to say, I'm nervous as all f**k. Once the bell rang, I quickly made my way to my first class. Everyone was already seated when I walked towards the teacher. "Hi, my name's Belle. I'm new?" I said quietly. "Ah, yes. Ms Ryder?" She asked and I nodded with a small smile. "Welcome. Please take your seat next to Mr King." She said, pointing to an empty seat near the back. Nodding, I said, "Thank you." before I made my way to the empty seat next to the most gorgeous-looking guy I had ever seen. The minute I got close to him, I felt this pull towards him. The only explanation for that was... 'The mate bond?' I mind-linked my Lycan, Luna. 'I feel it too. Why can't we smell him though?' Luna's mind linked me back. 'I don't know. Maybe he's the heir to the werewolf kingdom? It's the only logical reason. The royal werewolves are the only werewolves who can hide their scent apart from us, but we're lycans.' I reasoned. 'You won't release our scent, will you?' Luna asked, more like stated. 'No. We need to stay hidden as much as possible. We can't just release our scent on a maybe. Remember what Dad told us? If a trespasser is caught, they have to defeat an ordinary pack member, then a warrior, a gamma and the Beta.' I said sadly. The whole reason for coming to a human school is so I didn't have to hide anymore. 'And the future Alpha, if they're of age.' Luna added, and I sighed. As the class finished, I could feel Luna getting restless. 'You want to go for a run later?' I asked her as I walked out of class. 'Yes, please! Thank you, Chica, I love you!' Luna yipped as she pranced around my head. I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction. "I love you too, Luna," I said quietly and out loud. "Who's Luna?" Someone asked from behind me. "Wouldn't you like to know?" I teased, grabbing my books and closing my locker. "What's your name?" He asked as I turned around to face him. "Belle Ryder," I answered. "And you?" "Kai." He said, smiling at me. Goddess, his smile could make me melt like ice cream on a hot summer's day. "How many others are there in the school?" I asked, looking around. "I don't follow," Kai said, confused. "When I walked into this school, I could smell werewolves. So, how many are there in the school?" I repeated. Kai looked so confused. "My family owns the school, so it's full of werewolves. A-are you a werewolf?" He asked, still confused. "In a way I am. Yes." I replied as we started walking to our next class. "What do you mean, 'in a way'?" Kai asked curiously. "I can't tell you yet, but I know about the trials. Just give me a time and place. I have to stay hidden for now, but can you release your scent so I can find you if I need to." "Yeah, sure." Kai nodded. He took in a deep breath and let his scent go. My senses went into overdrive and Luna started screaming in my head. 'MATE! MATE! MATE!' I stood on my toes and leaned in to whisper in Kai's ear. "Mate," I whispered sweetly. As I said it, Kai froze. Happy with how I affected him with a single word, I walked to class smiling. A couple of metres away from my classroom, 3 girls cornered me. "I don't know who you think you are, but I'm warning you now. Stay the f**k away from Kai." One of the girls whispered harshly. "He's MY boyfriend." "Does he know he's your "boyfriend"?" I laughed, making air quotes. "Look little wolf, you really shouldn't threaten people like me. You never know what you're dealing with," I warned. "You mean who I'm dealing with. A little bitch." She spat. "Let. Me. Go," I said in the quietest Alpha tone I could muster. The girls whined and unwillingly bowed, letting me go. The rest of the day was spent introducing myself to my classes and reading Kai King's thoughts. I felt really bad that I couldn't tell him what I was. I mean even him knowing I am a Lycan instead of a normal werewolf would put him and his pack in danger. And I didn't want that. 'We have to tell him, Belle. We need him.' Luna whimpered. 'If you don't tell him, I will take control and you won't like what I did after.' Luna warned before blocking our link. 'Someone is moody.' I thought to myself.   After I explained to Kai that he couldn't know what kind of wolf I was, I told him I would release my scent upwind from his packhouse, but far enough away that only he would be able to pick it up. He didn't know where to do the trials, so I decided for the both of us. I told him his entire pack was welcome, since I didn't know if he would be willing to leave half of his pack defenceless. He suggested that I just come to the pack house, but I politely declined. We settled on him, waiting for my scent after a howl just inside his pack's space as the sun set behind the trees.

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