Chapter 8-1

2001 Words

The Berber guards take Teuns directly to his prisoner tent, and again they tie him tightly to the wooden pegs, but this time even more firmly than the previous night. Again, they tie him up with such cruel roughness that it seems they are holding him personally responsible for all the ill luck that had ever befallen their specific tribe. He feels as if his veins will burst so tightly they bind his ankles and wrists. When they leave, he can scarcely move. The rest of the morning, the Berbers are much too busy with their mourning over the death of Achib for them to even acknowledge Teuns’ existence. Even by afternoon, they do not come to his tent. And while lying in this one position on his back, Teuns considers his situation, and he thinks about it as a result of Achib’s death. He cannot

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