Chapter- Six

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Chapter- Six There should be a particular word to describe her life, because words like unfortunate and ill-fated doesn’t come close to how f****d up her fortune can be when it came down to it, because escaping from one scary werewolf into the paws of another creepy and disturbed one just doesn’t happen to every human out there. She had ran, she had run for her life from the beast that probably still sniffed after her in the forest, trying very hard to ignore the fact that she had just kicked a werewolf in the stomach. She only stopped once she was in the relative safety of pack grounds, where she hoped the wolves could finally grow some d***s and sense if a strange Alpha werewolf were to step in to their god damn territory. She had overheard Alpha Vikram shout out orders as the kids had reached to the Alpha much faster than Astrid did, and later Astrid was called over to recount her own version of what happened, how she managed to do that without swearing at every werewolf to ever exist or cutting her still bleeding shoulder of is still a testament to just how f****d up her life was. But as usual Alpha Vikram didn’t seem convinced by a human’s and a couple of kids’ words despite the fact the woman could freaking hear it if Astrid or the baby wolves were lying, but nevertheless she had ordered a couple of her betas to go scout out the area and call in the rest of the children still in the forest. Alpha Vikram had looked a little strained when she looked at Astrid, as if wondering just why she was in the middle of all this s**t every single time something happened. It’s a good thing the old Alpha hadn’t actually vocalized the question because Astrid had no idea and this moment would be the exact proof of that. She had thought that was it, the adrenaline had worn of, the wolves were sent out, even the Alpha emptied the room until it was just the couple of slaves that were called in, and that’s when the asshole currently in front of her had showed up, the same asshole that had seized her up all those weeks ago at the auction, the same asshole who she knew was out there to get her but had forgotten due to the absurdity of things lately. “The rest of you can leave, You stay” he says pointing at her and letting the rest of the slaves in the room empty out of the room, as if Astrid hadn’t read his intentions clearly the first time she saw his perverted grin. The rest of the gang, Jonah’s dad, the head of household included leaves without a single glance towards her, not daring to speak a word against a werewolf master no matter if they knew his intentions with her or not. She didn’t blame them, this was somehow normal, maybe not to everyone but to the older ones, the ones who has been sold a couple times they knew how things worked and just what speaking up for someone will entail on themselves. Astrid was tired, she was bleeding because her bandages were ripped open, the room she was in was cold as hell because the wolves always turned town the heating inside their houses to keep themselves warm, and now she had to deal with this douchebag. She wasn’t scared entirely, she’s faced down similar predators a few times in her past, but all those time she had the option of running away, of making a scene so the other wolves would gather around and shame the guy on top of her for daring to touch a human, she had the option of simply kicking certain werewolves in the balls because some of them were so scared of their Alphas’ wrath at being caught with a human that they never reported her, but this time she didn’t have those, she needed to stay. “Sir?” she calls out just as he closes the door behind her and starts walking closer. He wasn’t actually a ‘sir’, she thinks his name is Paul or Peter or something, he was younger than the usual creeps, mated and married just recently, but he didn’t have any children but the look in his eyes is the same as all the werewolves who came before him with the same intentions towards thousands of human slaves everywhere. “You smell of blood, it’s intoxicating” he murmurs and she fights the urge to roll her eyes because while human blood might be a disgracefully pollutant, it somehow also doubled as aphrodisiac, hypocrisy at its f*****g best. “I always liked things like you, young, a little bit roughed, used- not the usual kind of pretty- In your species that’s a little overrated, but you- you’ll have a little fight in you, I can tell-It’s always the fight that makes things exciting” he goes on, he is taking each step slowly, looking over her carefully, while her blood is now starting to stain another perfectly good shirt and would no doubt drip onto the floor soon if she doesn’t take care of it. “Tell me have you been touched?” he asks next inching closer, voice a whisper in what she presumes must be his own way of setting the mood, it just punctuates just how f*****g creepy the guy is for Astrid, “Have you?” ‘Yes, by god, which is what you need’ She almost says the words out loud, but bites her tongue at the last second; she needs to play this smart, running her mouth did not come under being ‘smart’ most of the time, she is going to assume this is one of those times. “I asked you a question, human!” he demands. “No” she says at last. “I find that hard to believe” he smirks as he inches closer and closer, Astrid wants to roll her eyes again at the look in his eyes, the last thing she would want to do is present herself as the pure and untouched virgin to please his depraved tendencies, she just didn’t have it in her to lie consistently or care about him in general at the moment. “I thought you were one of those loud types, your last master sure had a lot to say about you- You see I have my own methods with misbehaving slaves, and I must say I was looking forwards to beating that rudeness out of you. Teach you what real obedience is” He remarks his eyes easily fleeting towards her restrained wrists with the trackers still sitting firmly on top, obviously referring the result of her ‘loudness’. He drones on again, all about how he was the reason she was even brought by the pack, and how she owed him as her other option was no doubt the brothels, all things she knew very well but yet it didn’t mean it didn’t annoy her, and having to keep her mouth shut was not helping her dissipate the frustration she had towards the werewolf in front of her. “- You are awfully quiet now though. Look at me when I am speaking to you, and answer me when I ask you a question” he orders another second later, eyes boring into her head just as her shoulder stings again, “- Are you scared, is that what it is?” he laughs in her face. “Nope, I am thinking of a way to say f**k off without effecting your werewolf sensibilities” and that’s how all pretense of being ‘smart’ is thrown out the window, because biting her tongue a second time is apparently too much. The Wolf advances on her before she can even mull the words over. She isn’t even able to take the words back or even try and apologize because there is hand on her throat tightening in seconds, claws dangerously close to her nerves as the hold tightens. “You! You dare to-” he doesn’t complete the words, because his eyes widen and he eventually chokes off for some reason, the grip on her neck loosening just as quick as he backs off from her. “What the f**k?- You w***e!” he shouts next, eyes glazing beta blue. “What?” her voice is hoarse because she is trying to breathe before she speaks, but at least her vocal cords work. “Who?- How dare you w***e yourself out?- disgrace the good of my Pack and Alpha-?- f*****g-” he rages. His hands raises again to her neck but yet for some reason he doesn’t touch her, just stands there with his blue eyes and fangs glimmering at her angrily, but Astrid is confused because he doesn’t look like he is angry at her about her earlier comments anymore. Thankfully she doesn’t have to ponder upon it further and the creep doesn’t shove his claws into her neck because the door to the room is once again shoved open forcefully, she almost thinks it’s Alpha Vikram, but when she bothers to look it’s a someone else she doesn’t know quite so well. “PEDRO!” The lady yells, and the anger changes to shock in mere seconds as the man turns around. The look on the newcomer’s face promises wrath, the lady’s own eyes are burning blue too, but yet there are tears in there, glimmering. Pedro is runs to the lady’s side. Astrid doesn’t need much time to figure out who the lady is. “Gloria- Amore!” Pedro is now calling out to what Astrid guesses is his wife. “The Alpha is calling for you, she wants you to scout the forest with the rest of the betas” the lady says with a straight face to the asshole before turning to Astrid, Astrid thinks she is in even worse trouble. “Tell someone to clean up this mess and clean yourself- This is the Alpha’s study, no human scum in here. Understand?” she says the words with disdain and Astrid suspects she’ll already be in the next auction if the lady has anything to say about it, not because the lady had anything against her but because she couldn’t risk people finding about her mate’s side business, but despite all that, Astrid has half the urge to thank the lady. So she silently nods in return. The lady leaves just as quickly as she came, Pedro still begging and calling to her. Pedro takes a long glace back at Astrid’s before the door shuts behind them, still a mix of shocked confusion and anger, but Astrid meets his eyes with fury and smiles because she can’t show weakness, not yet. As soon as the wolves disappear behind the door Astrid slouches, loses the fake façade and sighs out in pain, the blood was already starting to drip down now. Pedro won’t stop, she knows that now, she had more or less challenged him without meaning too, his wife was the potential leverage she could use on him, but his wife won’t be there always to keep the sick asshole on his leash, so either she is getting sold or Pedro is going to come back wanting to finish this off, and none of those conclusions are really preferred at the moment. “This better be worth it” she tells herself when she feels her chest starting to restrict again, the panic and ‘what ifs’ jumping out at the worst moment ever. “Please, God- Please let it be worth it” and that’s a plea, echoed with the splatter of her own blood. **************** The Scientific Departments of The Royal House was a proud bunch of werewolves; they were part of the highest authority when it came to any scientific or technological inventions and advancements in the whole of the country. Sure there were universities, research centers, larger labs and associations spread across the country, but they lived and worked within the Royal grounds and were the temporary members of the Royal Alasdair pack, they had privileges and perks most of their associates abroad could only dream about, they advised the king and his court and got the very front seat and authorization to any scientific event to occur in the country. They were a proud bunch because they knew they were the best of the best, because they knew there were millions of werewolves who would die to sit in the chairs they currently sat on, they were the transformers of the world as they believed, have been for decades since the Great wars when the humans’ inventions and researches were turned over and the wolves tagged their own name on top of it. So there wasn’t much they had to complain about, or legally be able to complain at all, but yet the Royal family- specifically the Alpha heirs was a topic the Scientific Department usually didn’t talk about. So it’s bit of a surprise when one of the Alpha heirs shows up out of nowhere, and not the good one. Now, The previously mentioned prideful werewolves of the Department consisted of Men and Woman of Science, they didn’t believe in the prophecies or predictions by the delusional idiots who had a degree in nothing but bullshit, but yet they never really dared to question the power and strength of the Alpha heirs either- for obvious reasons, so most of them remained respectful and adhered to the wishes and request of the Royal family as any rational being who cared for their lives. But seeing one of the Alpha heirs, specifically Prince Eddrian Alasdair had the Department on edge, as in they were afraid to take one wrong breath or move an inch as the Alpha Prince stared down at them. Each hoping and praying to god about all the sacrifices they were willing to make if the hour passed without bloodshed. It’s not that they were unused to seeing the Alpha Twins- it was one of those things they didn’t necessarily complain about- since they lived within the Royal grounds they were one of the rare werewolves in the world who did constantly get to see the usually reclusive Alpha twins who were kept out of most medias’ eyes, hell Prince Augustus had come down just recently to check out their progress as all future rulers ought to, sure it had ended with the prince taking a couple vials of a potent untested drug that was very much illegal to be handed over, but they were the Princes, there was nothing they could do against his highness. But Prince Eddrian, that was a rarity because Prince Eddrian barely liked to be in his human form or even show his face, the last time the Prince had come into the department he had been a young boy, maybe eight or nine with his father, the prince had been fascinated by the properties of heavily concentrated sulfuric acid, the young prince showcased his enthusiasm by ordering his guards to bring out a prisoner in his life sentence, and had proceeded to make the man drink it in front of a room full of spectators, watching with simple and pure calm as the man withered, cried and burned before eventually healing and repeating the cycle again until the beaker was empty, it was a large beaker. No one had dared to stop the prince, which was all there was to say about prince Eddrian really. But after years the Prince was standing in front of them, recently shifted into his human form with the wetness of his hair and the unnatural clothes that he no doubt borrowed from someone else, but no one dared mistake him for anyone else. Anyone who was within the Scientific Department all those years ago was seconds away from going to a shock induced by fear, and anyone who wasn’t, well the stories traveled well enough. “Trackers on Human Slave, How do you remove them?” The prince articulates precisely as soon as he is in the room. They were the Chemistry department, the Electric and Technological advancement team was three blocks down, but no one dared to say one word to the prince and the room flourished in a furry of typing and searching for answers. The Prince despite all the rumors is a patient man; he simply walks around the room, eyes roaming on everyone until one of the scientists gather enough courage to speak out. “Y-Your Grace, it- uh-It depends on its usage and Type sir” one of the newer ones chokes out. “I am not aware of the exact usage” Once again the prince is surprisingly calm, “It tightens when force is applied, sends strong electric shock wave on pressure and there are scents of Water Hemlock, It’s poisonous for humans I assume” The Prince explains. “Oh-It’s one of the heavy graded ones, It-It injects instant kill poison into the veins when past perimeters, they are password coded for the ones in Prisons, and DNA coded for slaves still in service” the same newbie says, braving the world with his words. “It’s- It’s almost impossible to remove without authentication” the kids says next, adding the word ‘almost’ as an afterthought. “Your Grace, I am sure our team will be more than capable of removing one with our advancements if we could see the- uh- human?” another guy offers up eagerly. “No” Is all that the Princes say, but it has the scientist sinking into his chair and silently begging for his life nevertheless. “You have a day, make a universal code that works for all trackers within the city with my genome- I’ll be back tomorrow, you can take samples then” The Prince says chilling every person in the room. He leaves as soon as he came, leaving the Chemistry department in utter chaos for the next twenty four hours to follow….
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