Chapter 4

1167 Words
She always spoke about him when we have dinner and i can't wait to see him too. I stood out waiting for my mom sister to be done. They finally came out and we were ready to go. I locked the house cause we won't be staying here for awhile or a very long time. Vernice was carrying a small basket with cookies and she walked beside mom. I was behind thinking to myself, the girl from yesterday i had to tell her my feelings. I didn't just want to do naughty things to her i really liked her. I hoped she'd feel the same way for me. We passed the river spot were i met her twice again and I was really excited to see her there but she wasn't. Maybe it was to early to be there. "Jacq!" Vernice called. I was so far behind. " I'll be there just keep moving " i yelled back. We finally got to our new home. It was a small cottage designed with flowers, there was a small farm at the extreme. It looked just like home. Mom and vernice had already being welcomed and I had to run quickly before the door was closed. Seeing the girl from yesterday gave me a jump scare. Was she? It couldn't be? But.. she stared at me with surprise and shock and I knew we were both confused. "Come in come in" the man from inside called. Marley and i entered not having the slightest knowledge of what was going on. We were welcomed as we sat on the little dinning table with delicacies on it. I sat opposite to Marley all the while her head was down. Smiles were everywhere and I didn't dim it fit to smile too. The girl i caressed is now my step sister. My feelings were mute and my thoughts were everywhere. " This is my son simeon" the man,my step father introduced "he's the youngest and this is my daughter Marley, she's older". Marley raised her head and feigned a little smile. "I love them already" mother said, smiling even more. "I brought cookies " vernice chuckled" I'm vernice, sorry " she added. There was a little laugh in the air as she spoke presenting the cookies on the table. "This is my son,my first child jacq" mom introduced me. " Uhmm it's my pleasure " i said smiling. I returned my gaze to Marley who stood to serve the food. She got to me and started shaking all of a sudden. "Excuse" she ran out of the dinning after spilling the juice on my pants. "Marley,marley" her brother yelled "I'll go check up on...." "No don't worry, I'll do that"i said standing up and leaving the room. "Is she alright" my mom asked "Yes.. yes she's just anxious and all.. but please let's enjoy the food while they get along" my step father stated. I followed marley behind,i didn't think she noticed though. She got into her bathroom and threw up. I went behind and rubbed her back gently while she kept the water running till she was better. "Are you okay?" I asked knowing the aura was weird already. "Jacq"she called almost pitifully "i don't..i don't understand. How?" "Me too. I swear I was going to see you later today to tell you how I feel but now this" i said "You... you like me?" She asked and I could sense irritation in her words "Yes,ever since we met..." "That's not possible now jacq" she cried "we can't be in love with each other" "That means you don't like me too" "I do jacq but see... our parents are now together. We are siblings and this, this is a taboo " "And so?" "Jacq" "Marley i can't hide my feelings, it's not possible. I love you and I don't care if we're siblings or not " "Jacq this isn't..." I kissed her before she could continue her words. She didn't relent this time. Maybe it's because this could be our last time forever. I grabbed her breasts gently squeezing them while her lips were on mine. I raised her up gently and watched her eyes move with guilt and pleasure. She continued kissing me while I placed my fingers under her gown. She moaned continuously as i went deeper stroking her out. She pulled her lips from mine and gave a little cry as i kept stroking her. I continued doing so while she kept moaning and squeezing my shirt. She stopped and I brought her down from me. She looked at me and said "We have to stop. It's not right" "But" "Jacq please,no buts,we have to accept our fate now and, and let's stop this please " she said with tears in her eyes as she arranged her dress. I couldn't believe this, everything was against us being together. Now we had to convert our love for each other to a sibling love. I couldn't see Marley as my sister in any way. And she, she didn't want to do something outside her will. Us being together was now entirely a sin. My mom had finally married a human. Now the rest us were Werewolves aside our parents. How ironic. We went back to the dinning table knowing fully well what we just did. We continued our meal putting fake smiles here and there till it was over and we all went into our rooms. I was to share a room with Simeon my brother, vernice and Marley would stay together and mother we'd stay with the new love of her life. Later in the day i went out to get our things and we moved in finally. How in the world will i be able to hide my feelings for Marley? " What dress to wear, what dress to wear" That was the statement that woke me up. It was vernice. I turned around and looked at her blankly. Where was she going to. " Good morning sleepy head " she said in excitement "Good mor..." I half greeted " Aren't you preparing for the Werewolves - human communion party today" she asked cutting my greetings. The Werewolves human communion party was celebrated every year to acknowledge the fact that unlike most villages and communities, Werewolves and humans coexisted in pendelam without wars. Werewolves were often killed or stigmatized in other villages. It was also an opportunity to learn Werewolfery as it was being taught in the party. "I will prepare but the party doesn't start until noon" i said just to remind her of that "I know I know, but it's good to prepare early isn't it " she chuckled. She was full of smiles and I loved her for that "It is" "So what do you think about this lilac color gown huh, it fits the mood doesn't it or should I go with this dull yellow?" "No the lilac looks good for the event "
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