2023 Words

CHAPTER NINE Rosanna awoke to the sound of curtains being drawn by a vigorous hand that could only belong to one person. “Edie, is that you?” she murmured, pushing back the heavily embroidered silk bedclothes and struggling to sit up against the ruffled pillows. “Yes, my Lady, it’s me in person,” the little red-headed maid replied. “Lord Melton sent for me late last night and said I was to take up my duties again immediately. I was that pleased. “Cor, my Lady, I was glad to get out of that stable room, I can tell you. Phew, the smell of them horses gets into your skin, doesn’t it? I’ve made John Barker duck himself under the pump before he comes into the cottage for his evening meal.” Rosanna smiled at the young girl’s chatter. She had missed her so much. She gazed round her new bed

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