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As days went by, Lucia hardly knew what to think about her sudden change of status. It seemed that others seemed to give some weight to the fact that she was now General Lestor's acknowledged lover, but Lucia could not imagine why. She was a prisoner of war, a slave, his personal servant. No more than that. Lestor had the right to do everything with her as he wished, so why were others making such a fuss about him sleeping with her? Ever since the commander had taken Lucia into his bed, the others started behaving strangely around her. They stopped speaking with her if they met her in the halls, and despite her innocence of their purpose, she actually was beginning to believe that some of them were started flirting with her in some fashion. She could hardly lend any credence to such thoughts, but as it continued, it was harder and harder to see any other motive. By their actions and certainly some of their innuendoes, she was made aware of the fact that they did not think Lestor would keep her long as his lover, and that they were willing to petition the commander to have Lucia warm their own beds once the General grew bored with her. She found their confidence depressing, their words frightening. And she had no doubt that her master would quickly tire of her. She was too inexperienced to offer much in the way of pleasure to the general, and Lestor was so very handsome and powerful. She could have any women he wanted to be his lover. She was just an oddity, someone to use, experience, and then move on to more intelligent and worldly people. What would become of her then? Would Lestor, once his own lust was sated, lend Lucia out to others, or perhaps even sell her? The dark thoughts dragged down her spirits, and she did her tasks with bent head and none of the light steps that were so part of her normal graceful movements. “Are you all right?” The question startled Lucia, and made her stumble on the hallway carpet. Talos caught her and Lucia righted herself, flushing furiously as she backed away, cursing her own clumsiness. She always felt so foolish and useless around Lestor's servant, the other, slightly older man seeming so efficient and important to their lord. Although Talos had been kinder since the broken leg, Lucia had learned early on, never to trust outward appearances. Surely Talos still despised her. She ducked her head, hiding her face. “I am fine, sir. Just lost in thought.” Talos gave a small snort. “Well, those thoughts look like no good place to be, judging by the droop of your whole form. Can I guess that people are harassing you about Lord Lestor?” Lucia jerked in astonishment, staring in wonder. “How did you know?” “I have both eyes and ears, and they have been anything but subtle,” Talos shook his head disparagingly. “I don’t think my lord has noticed yet though. He would be swift to curtail it, once he knew.” Lucia stared at him looking for any sign of malice or lies. Surely Talos knew that Lucia would be cast aside soon… So why he's implying that their Lord cared for her more than what she deserves? Talos eyed her, frowning slightly, then tilted his head as though considering something. “You think Lord Lestor will cast you out.” Lucia flinched. “It seems a reasonable assumption.” She could not meet the other older man’s eyes. Talos tsked, making Lucia look at him once more. “Both they, and you for that matter, have no understanding of Lord Lestor to even think such things. Do you think this is a common occurrence?” Lucia thought for a long moment, trying to see the trap that must be in the words. “Yes?’” she finally answered uncertainly. Talos rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. “Lord Lestor does not take lovers, ever. A quick romp for the night now and then…but a lover? Never. You are the first.” Lucia felt her jaw drop, and she could only stand there, staring blankly at Talos, unable to believe the idea that she held such a position in their master's heart.. Talos watched her for a moment, then reached out and tousled her hair, a softer smile gracing his lips. “He cares for you, Lucia. Don’t doubt that. Just be yourself and you will do fine. Don’t let others influence your relationship with him.” After saying those words, the other man strolled off down the hall, leaving Lucia staring after him, mouth still agape. Just be herself? What did that even mean? She had been punished for such a thing all her life, and now she was encouraged to do so? She shook her head in bewilderment. Things just got stranger and stranger. And Lucia, do not know what to think. She doesn't know what to believe... ________________________________________________
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