1887 Words
General Lestor's stormed into his chambers, only just remembering not to slam the door behind him, because Lucia was obediently following him. But it didn’t stop him from pacing restlessly, trying to work off the annoyance that Silas had engendered within him. Lucia closed the door softly behind her, almost cringing against it as she watched her master’s show of temper. It only made Lestor more annoyed, and he had to prevent himself from snapping at the girl. He could not understand where this sudden awareness of his little servant had come from. Lucia nervously pushed herself away from the door, and inched her way across the room, obviously trying to put as much distance as possible between herself and her irate master. Lestor turned slightly, his eyes watching that full rounded ass sway—and he could not prevent the low moan that escaped from his throat. Lucia froze, turn and look at her master in disbelief, unable to mistake that sound. Surely her master was not… Lestor found himself moving slowly forward, his eyes staring directly at Lucia with so much intensity she couldn’t move. Her eyes wide with terror, but Lucia knew better than to try to escape. Her frantic thoughts were scattered, most of them being fear of an act she had never participated in. Because she had never thought her beautiful master would even think of touching someone like her… Lestor stopped, his torso almost touching Lucia’s, and this close, he could see the tremors that shook the small woman’s body, the sweat from the heat was beginning to dampen her dress. When Lestor saw Lucia's curvaceous body as it hug her slightly damp dress the lust in Lestor's mind burst out, and started demanding he take Lucia now, make her his, mark her. The more rational side saw the incomprehension that marked Lucia’s expression, because he's aware that the girl was untouched, but still... The knowledge alone made Lestor's shaft grew more hard, twitching with need. Lucia, turned sideways, could not help but see it, even it's still encased within his breeches, her face paled, her trembling increasing. That's so big. Don't tell me he really wanted me?! Lestor fought for his voice, for his body was rapidly becoming primal with need. He had to make sure things were right before he let go. That he could claim Lucia and she's okay with it. “There is oil in the top drawer by my bed. Bring it to me.” Blue eyes looked up at him briefly, worry in their depths, before the she moved to obey, conditioned to do whatever her master might require of her—even this. Lestor watched her every move, his nostrils flaring with excitement. Lucia returned with the oil, her hands shaking so much she could scarcely hold it out to him. Lestor put a hand beneath Lucia’s chin. And looked at her straight into the eyes. “You know what I want of you?” Lucia blushed vividly, but nodded. “I have never—my lord. I will disappoint you.” Lestor paused, his expression softened at the worried admission. “Let me be the judge of that. I will try to be gentle.” Lucia nodded, swallowing hard, but trying to be submissive enough to lessen Lestor's primal instincts that were rising rapidly to the fore. She never thought she would be in this situation before, that another person would find her attractive enough to even want to do such a thing. She supposed she should feel grateful, but all she could do was tremble with nervous dread. Because she knew for a fact that her master was so large—in all respects. Lestor hands gripped her slender waist, turning her effortlessly so that her back faced her master. Lucia felt him fumble, then her dress were hastily pulled down, heard the sound of the oil stopper being removed and then Lucia froze, dreading what act would come next. “Relax.” The gruff command released Lucia from her frozen stance, feeling exposed and vulnerable as cool air touched her naked body. Lucia could not help but jump when an oiled finger suddenly touched her down there, but another rumble made her submissive again, though she could not stop the fine tremors that made her skin twitch. The finger traced gently enough, then pressed against her, gaining access in slow degrees. Lucia tried not to tense. She had seen the act often enough. It was part of all servants’ duties to service any higher-ranking men or women. It had only been Lucia’s coloring that had saved her from experiencing this before now. That her master saw fit to touch her, to want this—it was almost more than she could comprehend. It made her feel more normal. In some way. Still, fear of the unknown would not leave her, and her trembling grew worse as the finger delved deeply, forcing a surprised little whine out of her at the odd sensation of something being within her very body. Lestor's other hand touched her bare stomach, stroking her skin with soothing motions that made Lucia close her eyes in wonder. She was being touched, and not with hatred or contempt, but with desire. It was more than she could truly understand. The finger thrust deeper, then withdrew, returning with another. Lucia drew in a sharp breath at the resulting burn, trying to stay relaxed. She knew it would only hurt more if she tightened upon the intruders. The fingers delved deeply, then began to scissor, stretching her in a manner that made Lucia arch her back in a vain effort to escape the odd feeling. “So tight,” Lestor whispered. “You are going to grip my shaft like a glove, little one. I can hardly wait to be inside you…” The anticipation in his tone made Lucia shiver. Lucia shifted uneasily, one foot pawing the ground almost unconsciously, as a third finger entered, stretching her more painfully this time. She whimpered, fingers flexing open and closed as she tried to restrain her instinct to run, to escape domination. “Ssh…” Lestor's voice was surprisingly gentle, even though his primal side was rapidly gaining force. Lucia had imagined this act to be without care, without any finer emotions at all. But this seemed…more, somehow. She jumped at the feeling of yet more cool oil being worked into her body, then the fingers disappeared, and Lucia tensed. She heard the slide of Lestor's clothes, then he came closer his body sliding up over hers, strong arms lifting her. Lucia squeak from the sudden change, her body bowed, and arms gently encircled her from behind. There could be no escape now; she could not move in the slightest without collapsing. Then she felt the hot, wet probing of that massive shaft, then Lestor slowly thrust in her, the head gently sliding within Lucia. Lucia cried out, flinching, her upper body turning, hands trying to push Lestor off, his fear overcoming her submissive nature. Powerful arms came around her, hugging hsr back against a taut stomach and hard muscled chest. “Ssh, little one. Give it time. Your body will adjust.” Lucia was shaking so hard she could scarcely speak. She could not imagine this getting better, not with more to come. Much more bigger to enter … A large hand slid across her chest, pausing to rub over a n****e. Lucia gasped, pushing back against him, unable to believe that such a simple touch could produce such a plethora of sensations. When long fingers plucked and pinched the nub, she could not prevent herself from uttering a sharp cry of pleasure, her eyes wide with wonder. It was as though the nerves were enjoined to other places in her body, and to her amazement and embarrassment, fluids started flowing from their joined lower halves. She's getting wet. And she's starting to feel good. Oh.. From everything she had seen in the past, s*x was about domination and pain, not pleasure. How then was she experiencing this? She almost forgot the pain until Lestor flexed his body once more, and the thick shaft surged a few inches deeper. Lucia whimpered. She could scarcely remember what to do, so focused had become on her body and what it was she's feeling. “I don’t think it will fit, my lord. Please…” her voice wavered on the edge of tears. “Believe me, it will, Lucia. Try to relax. You just make it harder upon yourself by tensing so.” Lucia tried to obey, quivering in every thrust, but her reward was the thickness sliding ever deeper into her body, and that only made her tense again. So Lestor started cooing a soothing rumble, and his hands smoothed over Lucia’s torso, finding all the sensitive areas and playing there mercilessly. Lucia soon forget the pain, sink into the touch, and then cry out as she was pierced more deeply. Pleasure, pain, and back again. She hardly knew what to think or feel, only that this was so much more than what she had thought s*x was about. Lestor could have simply taken her hard and fast; it was his right as lord. But instead he was being gentle, something Lucia had not believed a man of his station was capable of. Certainly in his own people he had not seem to care, though in their defense, h She had seen so little of others. Perhaps what she had witnessed was not the norm? It seemed forever until Lestor was finally in to the hilt, Lucia could not believe the feeling of fullness. How was her body even capable of taking so much? “You feel so good, so tight and hot. I can hardly move.” Lestor's voice was breathless and deep, his grip on her torso tightened with his thoughts. “I am the first to pierce you, am I not?” Lucia shivered and nodded, unable to speak in the face of what she was experiencing. “I will be the first to mark you within, to drench you in my seed.” Lestor's voice held such arrogance, such fierce desire, that Lucia could only bow her head in silence, unable to answer. The weight of Henwsàk should have been stifling, frightening, yet Roa felt almost comforted, safe. The older man surrounded him, enfolded him, dominated him in every aspect, and yet Roa felt a degree of trust that made no sense whatsoever. This was just s*x. No more than that, yet her mind seemed to be taking it differently, and Lucia feared that, more than Lestor himself. She must not get pulled into emotions that had no hope of being reciprocated. Feelings like that held no place in Lucia’s life and never would. She had to remember who she was, what she was. A nobody. Why the commander would soil himself by using her in such a manner was a mystery to Lucia, but dhe would submit, as she should. It was not for her to try to rationalize the mind of a superior man. She does not have the right to. Lucia needs to remember. Because forgetting will only lead her more in pain than before... ________________________________________________
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