Chapter 16 - His Pain

735 Words

Chapter 16 - His PainSo he dreamed. Brandon couldn't move. He couldn't hardly breathe. He felt a great agony pounding at the base of his head, but all of this seemed so far away. So Brandon dreamed in that far off place just between sleep, unconsciousness, and death. Because he knew he was dying. Even in this foggy state of consciousness his heart whispered to him what his mind couldn't say. He was a goner. How much longer would it take? How long before the release was final? Or how long before he woke up and was forced to live underneath their thumb all over again? He didn't know. So he dreamed. Strangely enough dreaming was far too comfortable to him. Brandon actually dreamed often, every few days one would creep up and overtake him. But for was always the same dream. Al

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