Chapter 12 - Hell

2227 Words

Chapter 12 - HellSomeone was touching him. Brandon felt it all over his skin, no he sensed it. Eyes. Hands. Something wet and slimy spread on his flesh. His breathing was so slow that he couldn't hear anything but the thrumming pain spreading out of his stomach into every inch of his body. His skin was too tight, it was melting. It was popping. His eyes itched. Nothing felt solid. The earth rolled. The thoughts that tried to take hold slipped and ran away from him like spoiled eggs. And the cold......he felt the cold like thrones beneath his clothes. Grating on every nerve like nails. Ripping. It stabbed all throughout him. Borrowing into his stomach and spine. But....there was also the wet feeling all over him. In the darkness his entire body seemed to torture him. But the worst pain

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