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WARNING: This chapter contains s****l content. Please read at your own discretion. Titan rose from his kneeling position and reached his hand out to Fidella. Pulling back his bed sheet, Fidella’s eyebrows knitted together in confusion. “We need to stage the room so it looks like the punishment was severe, otherwise those two fuckers in charge will think of something worse to inflict,” Titan explained, while staging a scuffle in his room. Fidella smiled at the nickname he had invented for the Heatons. It suited them very well. Also, it was an attempt to relieve the tension, and the levity was appreciated. More importantly, like her, Titan wasn’t born a slave, so he could see how cruel the Heatons were, which was refreshing compared to the previous conversations she had had with Conri. When the room appeared suitably chaotic, Titan cut his palm using his claws and smeared blood on the bedsheets. Blushing from shyness, she turned her back feigning ignorance. Although Titan felt the awkwardness of falsifying such a personal and intimate event, for her protection, he had to discuss the next step of the guise together. “Fidella, I need to explain somethings to you. At various points tonight the guards will come and check on us, and it is very important that they believe you became a pleasure slave tonight. We will both sleep in this bed and I’ll use the cover to imply that we need privacy. Luckily, the guards are too scared to come into my cell, so they won’t check too closely. I’ll be awake through the night to keep you safe, OK?” Titan explained gently. “Did Conri and Iselda share a bed?” Fidella asked. “They would have done, but like us, it would have been an illusion. If a pleasure slave is found to not complete her task, then the best punishment she can hope for is wolf bane lashes, and the worst is too cruel to verbalise,” Titan explained. Fidella felt foolish for feeling jealous, but she was also a wolf and her animalistic side was hard to suppress when it came to her mate. She jutted over into the bed, shuffling to the side nearest the wall. She lay still as Titan sided next to her as softly as he could and moved the cover high up over their heads. He remained on his side, with his hand propping up his head, so that from the outside it would look as if he were above her. “Tomorrow we will spread the rumour to the Heatons that the punishment was acted upon. Hopefully, you will continue to be paired up with the gladiators you can trust, so you will be safe. You must start to act crushed, no more losing control over your wolf, even if it is for a moral act,” Titan admonished. “I meant what I said, we will lure them into thinking they are in control, but when they are focussed on something else we will strike, and avenge our families,” As Titan looked at his Luna’s face he knew she believed every word he said, she would deliver the vengeance he needed. “Alpha Conri doesn’t share your views?” Titan delved respectively. “He was reluctant at the start to see how this wasn’t the natural order. He was thankful for the imitation of opportunities that were presented to him, but since learning about the mate bond and seeing how easily the Dominus can take what belongs to him, he has become less forgiving. He wasn’t born free like us, it is hard to imagine what you have never seen,” Fidella defended him. Fidella had drifted to sleep a few hours ago and hadn’t been disturbed since. Many times in the night when he could hear the grate move on the cell door, or the cheers and laughter from the bars in the ceiling, he would growl to unnerve them. True to his word, he was vigilant all night, and tried not to wake and scare the Luna. Beneath the covers, Fidella stretched as the daylight shone through the metal grill into the cage. The iron dead bolt scraped across the door before a guard slammed it open, and crashed it into the wall. “The master wants you both!” Ordered the guard, gesturing for Titan to place his wrists in the manacles. Titan obliged the guard with a smirk on his face. To anyone else it would seem that he was arrogant, but Fidella knew he found humour in the idea that the humans felt they were safe if he was wearing them. He could break through them as if it were delicate fabric, if he had a mind to. They weren’t safe. Fidella and Titan were taken to the veranda where the Heatons were eating their breakfast. Remembering the last time she was there, Fidella shuddered at the recalled embarrassment. Titan noticed his Luna’s discomfort, and was determined to relieve it. “Fabulous! Now we get to see Dominus and Domina fuckers eating, while we miss our breakfast,” Titan groaned via the mind link, and with his sarcasm all the heavy humiliation drifted away. In fact, Fidella struggled to hide her giggle. Both Titan and Fidella knelt on the floor waiting to be spoken to. Eventually, Dominus Heaton turned to face the she-wolf. He spread his legs at an obscene angle so that his toga was taut and rode up his thighs, exposing himself to her as he studied her reaction. Fidella kept her eyes on the floor, and the Domina’s eyes inflicted the promise of pain with an unforgiving rage that was brimming in an ill-confined tear. “Titan, did you appreciate my gift to you last night?” “Yes Dominus.” “Would you like this gift again in the future?” “Yes Dominus.” “Make sure I see you training today, or all you will be given in the future are my punishments,” Master Heaton concluded. Menacingly, he turned his attention to Fidella, still exhibiting his manhood, while he pulled his chair closer to her. “Look at me!” He snarled at Fidella, who immediately raised her eyes to his, and in doing so felt her cheek sting as his palm thwacked across her face, her skin pricked with redness. He grabbed her hair and positioned her face to look at his flaccid p***s. She could hear the rumble of a growl in Titan’s chest and she quickly mind linked him not to react. She prayed that this situation was already at the worst it would get. “You must be an incredible ride if you managed to f**k some human into that beast,” The Dominus spoke softly, but the aggression could be detected like a snake before it strikes. A tear spilled over her eye line, and to her horror she realised he enjoyed it as his erection began to form. “Did it hurt last night?” He leered. “Yes Dominus,” She replied. “Did you scream?” “No Dominus,” She lied, disgusted that she was being embroiled into his fantasy. “You will soon, when I tell you to,” The master smirked. “Yes Dominus,” She responded, gasping in her sob. “You’re a w***e now, your bondage bangle will go on your ankle,” The master instructed, palming his rigid appendage. “Come wife, give your husband something worthy to bury himself in,” he commanded, leading her to their chamber. Fidella was stunned by what had happened. She had been spared last night, but felt sullied this morning, torn between self-loathing and rage. She was powerless to stop Dominus Heaton, and his act made her feel like a w***e. Just like he had wanted. “You were strong to bare that, Luna Fidella. The shame is that fuckers, not yours. Don’t give him the power to change your opinion of yourself,” Titan urged through the mind link. “You should act crushed Luna, but never be crushed. Your strength is what we all depend on,” Titan reaffirmed. Fidella embraced the ferocity she had been holding in. As far as she was concerned, the Heatons had just declared war, and they deserved all that was coming to them. Titan and Cadogan had once seen a catapult used. He could only liken his fury with that sight. The stone of his anger had been primed since the moment he had been captured, constantly waiting patiently to create the maximum damage. After being made to kowtow to his enemy, and watching the distress on his Luna’s face while that animal humiliated her, he could feel the torsion of his temper become painfully tight, it was begging for release. He wanted to create a blood bath that would decorate their fine breakfast table with their innards, as he crushed their dominance and immorality. He thought when he could see that destruction, he might finally feel the release of his rage. In the meantime, he decided there was something he could do that would launch the catapult sooner, and that was to speak to Alpha Conri. He had decided to become their Alpha, and he had to drop the fantasy that freedom was a mythological ideal, freedom was the only path to Fidella’s safety now.
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