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The next day, the pair of travelling wolves left the comfort of the taberna, and headed by foot towards the Heatons’ House. It would take them until dusk to arrive. They had shared a room, but Ewan had insisted on sleeping on the floor and Fidella had had the best night’s sleep that she could remember since she was a child. Ewan had woken up sporadically through the night to check on Fidella. He was shocked that he felt so protective of her in such a short space of time. He had no carnal attraction towards her, even though she was outstandingly beautiful. Rather, it was as if his own wolf, Brodie, felt duty bound to care for her. Perhaps it was because he was of Beta stock and he recognised an Alpha worth following, more likely that he recognised that, despite her status, she was a kind girl who had had a really lonely, heavy burden to carry. Either way, he was committed to helping her as much as he could from that point on. “When you enter the house, tell the Dominus and Domina that you are seventeen, hopefully it will prevent you from becoming a pleasure slave until next year. You also have a terrible habit of keeping eye contact. When you are presented, only look at the floor,” Ewan continued to cram as much advice as possible into his monologue as they approached the gate. Fidella could hear her heart beating, increasingly thumping fast like a wasp’s wings as it hovers. By the time they had reached the golden gates with the Heaton House plaque prominent on the wall, Fidella had focussed on making herself as small as possible. Lowering her chin so that it was glued to her sternum, she tucked her elbows into her ribcage, which in turn made her shoulders appear narrower. She must have succeeded in her mission as Ewan made a gruff grunt of approval. The wooden doors were decorated with gold leaf detail, but Ewan didn’t knock, he simply twisted the handle and pulled her behind him by her wrist. They walked through the courtyard, although the only thing Fidella could appreciate was the geometric patterns on the floor that seemed to be made of mosaic and set with a glittery, golden grout. Eventually, they came to a stop and appeared to be in an atrium with a fire pit blazing in the centre of the living area. Sitting in two chaise lounges were the new Dominus and Domina. The Heatons. Despite the fact that Ewan had pushed Fidella to her knees rather loudly, neither the master nor mistress acknowledged their new property. It appeared as if Ewan and Fidella had just walked into an argument, and the whole atmosphere was uncomfortable. Ewan acted as if this was a normal thing and the Domina finally spoke. “This is the best you could do Ewan? She doesn’t seem very exceptional,” Approaching Fidella at a deliberate slow pace, she circled her with a critical countenance, like a vulture deciding if a carcass was worthy of its interest, before she pinched Fidella’s chin, lifting her head. “Look at me!” Domina Heaton commanded. Fidella cautiously raised her eyes to her owner’s face, but made sure to stare at her mouth. “Her eyes are very unique, and she has the good sense not to look directly at me with them. What is her name Ewan?” She asked him, never taking her stare off the new acquirement before her.   “Her name is Fidella, she is seventeen,” Ewan immediately responded. “I didn’t ask,” Was the sharp response before a cruel laugh burst from her. “Fidella is the perfect name for a dog. We shall keep her,” The Domina concluded. Fidella returned her gaze to the floor, but clenched her jaw in the anger that she felt. Ewan grabbed her elbow and took her to the culina. It was empty inside but the pots and bowls were lined up ready for their next use. Ewan pulled out a draw and retrieved a clear bangle, almost like glass but thicker. Grabbing her left wrist, he carefully clicked one end of the bangle into the clasp. Mesmerised, she held it close to her face. Was this bracelet a gift? Why did she have to wear it? She gave it a little tug to try to pass it over her hand, but Ewan quickly held her steady, and put it back up her arm. He gave a little grimace before his explanation. “It’s a bondage bangle. Inside the clasp is a tracking device for the dogs. If you try to run, the dogs will lead the legions straight to you and you will be caught. There is also liquid silver in the clasp to suppress your wolf, but also, if you are a threat or annoy the Dominus or Domina, they will release the silver into the bangle. This will cause needles to enter your skin and then the silver will be pumped into your body until you die. When you look at it, remember that the Heatons now control everything about you, including your death,” Ewan looked ashamed, even though he had no choice.                After staring disgustedly at the bangle, Fidella raised her eyes to look at Ewan. When he had bought her from the slaver and shared their secrets she had thought they had connected in some way, the blank unfeeling expression on his face now made her realise how naïve she had been. Picking up the bundle of clothes Ewan had handed her, she could see the same dress that had been given three times over, a pale blue halter neck with a longer trailing back and a skirt that finished at the knee. “These are the clothes of the house slaves. Next year your position might change to a pleasure slave,” Fidella could only nod in acknowledgement, whilst being led down the stairs to the slave quarters. Ewan led her to a door before knocking and leaving her there with no farewell, or even a reassuring comment.                Pushing the door open, she realised that she was alone in the room, but the unmade bed next to the empty one indicated she would have company in there. She was unsure if this was a good thing or not. Opening the rudimentary chest next to her bed, she found some sheets and placed them on her thin mattress, starting first with the pillowcases. She could feel the burn of a lump in her throat, but she was determined to ignore the misery she felt. Engrossed in getting the task done as quickly as possible, and fighting off the tears that were waging war behind her eyes, Fidella jumped when the door opened and a stunning blond she-wolf entered the room with a beaming smile directed at her. Instantly grabbing the remaining sheets, she began to help Fidella make the bed. “Hi, I’m Iselda. I guess we will live together for a while,” She said cheerfully. Fidella returned her own introduction and thanked Iselda for her help. Iselda wore a skirt which barely covered her bum, and swooped around her front at the same length. From the side, the top of her thighs were completely exposed, with a thin chain used to tie the two flimsy pieces of material together. A simple band of the same coloured material was wrapped around her generous chest, the material was slightly translucent, enough for the minimum amount of imagination to be required for what was underneath, and the rest of her skin was bare for all to see. Fidella noticed that Iselda didn’t wear the bangle like she did, and wondered if she was trusted not to run away. Given enough time, could Fidella also earn that level of trust? As if Iselda heard the unspoken question, she lifted her ankle off the floor. “Everyone has to wear a bangle, but pleasure slaves have to wear them round their ankles, so it doesn’t get in the way,” Iselda explained. “In the way of what?” Fidella asked. A deep pink blush filled Iselda’s cheek at an alarming rate and her reaction answered the question, triggering the same tinge in Fidella’s pale skin. They both laughed coyly, quickly changing the subject and explaining the arrangements for the next day. Waiting for sleep to capture her, she thought about the events of the day. It was clear that Heaton House was dangerous and she would have to be even more careful hiding her secret while she was there. The sudden change in Ewan’s personality was as frightening as it was disappointing, but she realised that he had his own reasons for hiding his true nature and she had to respect that. Iselda seemed to be genuinely happy to share her space with her and that was one positive she could hold on to. With only a few hours of sleep on offer, Fidella lay on the bed and let the world drift away. 
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