No Promises

2840 Words
"This could end really bad," said Kai habang nagmamaneho ito. "Or this could end really good." "I don't think siding with a vampire and if I may emphasize--a Sylvaine hybrid vampire--could end with something good." Tiningnan naman niya ang kasintahan at binigyan ito ng tipid na ngiti. They have been through a lot. There were missions that they would fight together or fight separately but at the end of the day, they still manage to find their way back to each other. They trust each other ngunit hindi mawawala ang pag-aalala lalo na sa linya ng trabaho nila. They could end up as food for the vampires if they are not careful enough. "I promise you it will, Kai," she said. Tumango naman ang lalaki sa gawi niya. Naiintindihan nito ang desperasyon niyang makausap ang isa sa mga Sylvaine. She already has the name of the vampire that killed her parents. It is possible that the Sylvaines know about him.Pinagdadasal niyang sana ay buhay pa ang bampira--kung nasaan man ito ngayon. After all, she swore that the death of her parents' murder would fall on her hands. The car stopped and she realized they have arrived at their destination. Nakita niya ang matayog na gate sa harapan nila. It was open kaya naman kitang-kita niyaa ng malaking bahay ilang metro ang layo mula sa entrance ng bahay. They don't even bother to lock their gates because no one would dare. Her and Kai were the ones stupid enough to go to the actual place where the strongest vampires live. Her mind shouts for her to run. But her body continued walking inside the gate and then finally, she found herself walking across the neatly trimmed lawn. Kai was walking behind her quietly. They needed to be quiet. Vampires have very sensitive hearing at kaunting ingay lang nila ay mabubuking na silang naroroon. Nagpatuloy sila sa paglalakad hanggang sa makarating sila sa harapan ng pinto. Sa sinabi ni Esme sa kanila, tatlong Sylvaine ang nakatira sa mansyon. Lorcan, Sebastian, and Eleanor Sylvaine. Kaya naman nagdala silang dalawa ni Kai ng mga sandata na magagamit nila laban sa mga bampira. Esme also lent them some dark objects that they could use if they are pushed in a corner. She was about to knock on the door when she saw that the door was already open. Nagkatinginan naman sila ni Kai bago bumalik ang tingin niya sa pinto. Hahawakan na sana niya ang seradura nang biglang bumukas ang pinto at nakita niya ang isang babae. What happened next was too fast for her to process. Nalaman na lang niyang nabawi na ng babae ang bari na hawak niya. The woman's arms locked her head but it was only shortlived when Kai shot the woman's arm. The bullets were spelled with azalea kaya naman napadaing ang babae sa sakit. She must be Eleanor Sylvaine, she thought. Napaatras ang babae sa sakit at agad naman silang pumasok ni Kai. Then the woman lifted her head and the hairs on her body rose the moment she saw what become of the woman's face. Her eyes became bloody red, her veins turned red and are protruding around her eyes, up to her forehead, and down to her cheeks. Lumalabas na rin ang mga pangil nito. Worse, the woman was looking at her. Ngunit mabilis na initsahan siya ni Kai ng armas at naitutok niya iyon sa babae. She managed to shoot the woman on her legs ngunit tila hindi na nito ininda ang sakit. Vampires are known for their speed kaya naman agad na nakarating ang babae sa harapan niya. "You got the wrong house to mess with," said the woman before she grabbed her hair and tilted her head to the side, exposing her neck. Hindi siya makawala kahit anong gawin niya. The woman was too strong. Naririnig din niyang tinatawag ni Kai ang pangalan niya. The woman was about to bury her fangs on her neck when she suddenly groaned in pain. Kai had shot her once again. "One more bullet on me and I swear to the devil I will decorate these walls with your bloody heads," shouted the woman. She seized her chance and told Eleanor Sylvaine what she came here for. "I bear some news about the creature who's trying to kill your brother," she said. Nakita naman niyang natigilan ang babae nang marinig ang sinabi niya. Nakatingin lang ito sa kanya. Maya-maya pa ay nagpakawala ito ng mahinang tawa. "You think I care?" Eleanor said. "If anything, I would also want my brother dead. He pisses me off so whatever that rogue vampire is trying to do, he has my full support." Npaamura siya sa kanyang isipan. Her eyes darted towards Kai who was standing behind Eleanor, gun pointed towards the vampire's back. She gave Kai a slight nod. "Drop your weapon, Kai," she said. Nakita naman niya ang pagdadalawang-isip ng lalaki ngunit tiningnan niya lang ito. Labag man sa kalooban ay ibinaba ni Kai ang hawak na sandata at saka niya tiningnan si Eleanor. Nakatingin lang ito sa kanya. A faint smile plastered on her lips. "I can't tell if you're brave or stupid. But anyway, I'm sure you'll taste just fine." "I drank tea with azalea," she said. "So you can't eat me. Now you will have to listen to what I have to say." Naningkit naman ang mga mata ng babae habang nakatingin sa kanya. "And you also have the guts to command me." "Listen, Eleanor. These rogue vampires are backed by rogue witches. And they are not only trying to kill your brother. They're going after you and your other brother." "I already know about that." "But do you know how they're going to do it?" This time, she knew she got the attention of Eleanor. Nakita niyang bumalik sa normal ang mukha nito at nakakunot ang noong nakatingin sa kanya. "What are you trying to say?" "The witches and the rogue vampires have been kidnapping wolves, taking their venoms. They wanted to create another creature. Something stronger than a hybrid. You hate your brother enough. Are you certain you want someone stronger and worse than him to roam this world? Even as your life will be spared by however means you plan, you will never be safe knowing that there is a creature that could actually kill you." Eleanor Sylvaine actually looked concerned the moment she said it. "That is the absurdest thing I have ever heard." "As much as I want to not believe it, it is the truth. Now either you will believe or you will see this to the end and it will be too late before you realize I was telling the truth." Nakatitig lang sa kanya si Eleanor. And looking at her, Nadia could tell shes considering what she said. "You have weapons used to weaken vampires. You're not anything supernatural." Then recognition crosses her face. "You're one of those bloody slayers." Eleanor narrowed her eyes at her and then at Kai. "You basically exist to kill vampires and you are here warning a family of vampires about this dangerous creature that would possibly wipe out my bloodline." Nagkatinginan naman silang dalawa ni Kai. "What is it that you want?" tanong ni Eleanor sa kanya. She looked at the woman before she said, "I am looking for a vampire who murdered my parents a long time ago. I hoped your brother would know anything about it." Eleanor let out a short laugh and then winced at the bullets still stuck in her flesh. "These azaleas are a menace," she said and took one bullet out of her arm. She groaned in pain before she sat on the chair and looked at Kai. "Don't just stand there. Take these bullets off my back!" Tumingin si Kai sa kanya and she just nodded. Kai went on and started to take a bullet out. "So what is it?" "We don't have time—" "Yes, we have time. My brothers are out and they're going to end this madness soon enough but first, you need to tell me more about what you know and what you planned on telling my brother." Maybe Eleanor would know something too. After all, she's a Sylvaine. One of the oldest vampires in the world. She recalled the day when Hera gave her the name of the vampire that murdered her parents many years ago. Wala siyang alam sa binanggit na pangalan ng babae. At maliban sa pangalan nito, there were no records whatsoever that could give her more information about the said vampire. "I have a name. That's all I have and I don't know any more details. I was hoping your brother could help me find this vampire and in exchange for my help with this murder conspiracy the rogue vampires planned for your family." Eleanor let out a sarcastic laugh. "You think Lorcan and Sebastian would want your help?" "He will once he realizes he is outnumbered as all the vampires in this city apparently is against him. With his foul attitude, it's no surprise and I think you and I could agree to that. Apart from you and your other brother, he has nothing." "And you think we would need your help?" She winced as Kai took out one bullet. "Careful, will you? It might not be enough to kill me but it stings like a bitch." "In case you don't know, there are rogue witches too. And the leader of the witch faction will only help if and only if the blood slayers are there to provide their assistance too." She crossed her arms and leveled Eleanor's intense glare. "Without the witches, how are you going to fare against your enemies?" Nagkatitigan sila ni Eleanor bago ito napamura nang makakuha ulit si Kai ng isang bala. "For the love of the devil, how bad are you at this?" She looked at Kai over her shoulder before she looked back at her. "What's the name of the vampire you're trying to find?" "His name is Kimber." Eleanor paused for a moment to think. But there was no recognition on her face. "I have never heard of that name before. But who knows? Maybe my brothers do." She winced again as Kai took the last of the bullets out. Sinamaan nito ng tingin si Kai bago ito tumingin sa kanya. "I am going to lead you to where he is. I am only helping you because I am selfish and as much as possible I don't want to die alongside my brothers. And if what you claim about having the help of the witches, make sure they're true." Eleanor stepped closer to her. "Or else it will not only be the rogues who are dying tonight." She's used to threats but she still shivered at the threat that Eleanor threw her way. Naunang naglakad ang babae at sumunod naman sila. May sarili itong sasakyan at sinundan lamang nila ito ni Kai. *** Nakarating sila sa isang bakanteng lote. Well, she couldn't really say it's vacant especially when there are hundreds of old cars lined up there. She received a message from Leila that the witches are already in their positions. Ngunit nang igala niya ang paningin sa paligid ay wala siyang makitang kahit ni isang anino ng mga bampira. Narinig niya ang mahinang mura ni Eleanor na nakatago sa isang sasakyan hindi kalayuan mula sa kanila. "Why can't I see anyone?" she asked. She did not bother to make her voice loud dahil alamniyang naririnig naman siya ng babae kahit nasa malayo siya. Eleanor just looked at her and gave her an angry shrug before she looked at the vacant space in the middle of the parked old cars. Kinuha niya ang kanyang cellphone nang makitang may mensahe doon si Leila. Agad naman niya itong binasa. We've been tricked. "Blasted hell," she mumbled at narinig iyon ni Eleanor. Wala pang isang segundo ay nakarating na ito sa tabi niya. "What's that supposed to mean?" tanong nito. Ipinakita naman niya ang cellphone niya at napamura din ang babae sa nabasa. "What trick? What is that b***h talking about?" "I believe it means we're in the wrong location. The rogue witches must have made our witches think they could be found here." Kai looked around. Eleanor groaned in annoyance. "I am supposed to be doing my beauty rest tonight and here I am, fighting alongside witches that obviously lack practice and some vampire slayers who would seize the chance to kill me the moment I turn my back," Eleanor groaned and made to turn around when Nadia grabbed her arm and made the vampire face her. Nakita niyang nagulat din ang babae sa nagawa niya at tila hindi rin nito inaasahan na nagawa niya iyon. But she has to say what she needs to say. "I gave you our word that we would help you. We are not going to kill you the moment you turn your back." "Oh really? Because I got the impression that you are quite aware of how killing a Slyvaine could also kill hundreds of thousands of vampires whom we sired. So doesn't that make the work convenient for you?" May punto ito. Ngunit hindi naman niya matanggap ang paratang ng babae sa kanya. "Okay, first of all, I wouldn't be stupid enough to kill a Sylvaine sister, earning the wrath of her two brothers, and lose my chance to find the man that killed my parents. Second of all, I don't kill my enemies when they have their backs turned. Third, if I kill all the Sylvaines now, that would mean death for all the other vampires you have sired and that would mean I will lose my job. So no, I will not kill you. Yet." Eleanor looked at her, considering what she said before she turned and walked. "We have to find them now," she said ngunit natigil naman ito agad sa paglalakad nang makitang nakatayo si Esmeralda sa harapan nito. Eleanor straightened and looked at Esme from head to toe. The latter didn't seem to care but she could see Leila behind Esme, glaring at Eleanor. "The rogue witches have tricked us. They made us think they're here." "Well, they made you think they're here. Aren't you the one who performed that locator spell?" This time, tumingin na si Esme kay Eleanor. "You are indeed a Sylvaine. Be thankful I am helping your family defeat someone who could be your formidable enemy. Dahil kung wala lang sana akong pakialam, I would have snapped your necks with a simple spell and then hand you over to your enemies on a silver platter. And yes, that's what a witch who lacks practice could do." Natahimik naman si Eleanor sa sinabi ni Esme at nakita niya itong napalunok. She could say that witches are indeed assigned to balance the supernatural world for a reason. "Well then, what should we do? Because we've been to a place I thought my brothers would be and now we're pointed here by your locator spell but there's nothing here." "It would take time for us to find them wherever they are--" Natigilan naman si Esme sa dapat nitong sabihin at napatingin kay Eleanor. "How could you say that that place we first went to is the place where your brothers are?" "Because they asked me to come and I didn't." Esme looked at them all before she said, "Perhaps they are there." "Nagpunta na tayo doon hindi ba? Did you see anything?" "Not if they're cloaked," singit ni Leila. Napatingin ang lahat sa babae. Kitang-kita niyang namamaga ang mga mata nito na halatang kagagaling lang sa iyak. Well, his boyfriend had just been killed by one of the Sylvaines and here she is, helping his murderers. "Cloaked? What do you mean cloaked?" asked Eleanor. "There's a spell that hides a person, a thing, or even a whole place if you're powerful enough to it won't be visible to the naked eye." "So how are we going to uncloak a cloaking spell?" Esme's face turned grim as he looked at them before she said, "The caster of the spell should be disturbed to break the concentration. This is how we break into the cloaking spell." "Just make the caster injured and we're going to uncloak it?" Eleanor said. Something tells her she wanted to do something more than just injure the witch who cast the spell. "Yes," said Esme at bago pa man makapaglakad si Eleanor ay hinawakan ni Esmeralda ang braso ng babae dahilan para mapatigil ito sa paglalakad. "There will be no dead witches tonight. The coven will be the one who will punish them as to how our ancestors see fit." Ngumisi lang si Eleanor sa gawi ni Esme before she said, "I can't make any promises but...I can try." She smiled wickedly before she walked straight to her car and sped off. She had a feeling it's going to be a long night.
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